《黎明死線》人類背景故事中英文介紹 - 遊戲狂






《黎明死線》中人類背景故事大家都了解嗎?這裡給大家帶來了玩家 “Alex和James丶” 翻譯的《黎明死線》人類背景故事中英文介紹,一起來了解下吧。



Growing up the son of a wealthy CEO was always going to put pressure on Jake Park. When his brother graduated with honors from Yale the pressure on Jake intensified. Jake just wasn't the academic type, but his father never really understood his refusal to embrace the expensive education he lavished up on him. Eventually, Jake rebelled by dropping out of school entirely.

Now, Jake lives off the grid on the edge of the woods. It's been years since he spoke to his father but his mother checks in once in a while. It was her who eventually called the police.

The coPS said he got lost in the woods and a search party looked for days, but gave up as bad weather rolled in. Despite passionate pleas from his mother, they never resumed the search and Jake went down in history as another casualty of the woods.




From the day that her parents gave Claudette her first science kit, she loved experiments. Her single minded pursuit lead to an early scholarship at a great College. It was a huge decision to leave Montreal, but the chance was too good to pass up.

Her introverted nature means that chat rooms and forums are now her best source of social interaction. Her new favourite activity is to answer botany questions for others under her new moniker of Science Girl.

One evening, during a long bus ride back from the city, Claudette took a stroll that would change her life. It only took a minute for her to get completely disorientated in the thick woods. She never found her way back.Her forum only started to wonder where she was a week after she stopped posting.



一天夜裡,在乘坐一趟回程的長途客車期間。C散了會兒步---這樣改變了她的一生。不過幾分鐘,C 便在濃密的森林中徹底迷路。她再也沒找回返回的路了。她的論壇也僅僅是在她停止投稿一周後才想知道她的動向。


PerhaPS it was her mother that had instilled the fierce streak in her or maybe it was her father that left them when she was a baby.

Meg excelled at schoolwork but she was off the rails. Fortunately, an athletics coach encouraged her to channel her misspent energy on the track.

She motivated herself into becoming a high school star and earned a scholarship to college. When her mother fell ill, Meg decided to give up her chance at college to care for the woman who had raised her.

One summer's day, on a long run deep in the woods, Meg vanished. Search as they did, they never found her body






Dwight was geeky and scrawny through high school. He always wanted to be one of the cool kids, but somehow never had the charisma. He tried out for the football team but was cut, the basketball team didn't even take a look and his grades were distinctly below average. One weekend, on a team building









黎明死線 (Dead by Daylight)

類別: 動作
平台: PC, PS4, PS5, XboxONE, XboxSeriesX, Switch, 蘋果, 安卓, Stadia
開發: Behaviour Interactive
發行: Behaviour Interactive
上市: 2016-06-14

《黎明死線 (Dead by Daylight)》是一款多人(4對1)恐怖遊戲,由一名玩家扮殘暴殺手,其餘的四名玩家則扮演逃生者。逃生者試圖從殺手的魔爪下逃亡,避免被他捉住、折磨及殺死。

更多 黎明死線 攻略|新聞

《黎明死線》中人類背景故事大家都了解嗎?這裡給大家帶來了玩家 “Alex和James丶” 翻譯的《黎明死線》人類背景故事中英文介紹,一起來了解下吧。 https://gamemad.com/guide/139833 https://img1.gamemad.com/2021/11/12/wTnUYkDT.jpg Growing up the son of a wealthy CEO was always going to put pressure on Jake Park. When his brother graduated with honors from Yale the pressure on Jake intensified. Jake just wasn't the academic type, but his father never really understood his refusal to embrace the expensive education he lavished up on him. Eventually, Jake rebelled by dropping out of school entirely. Now, Jake lives off the grid on the edge of the woods. It's been years since he spoke to his father but his mother checks in once in a while. It was her who eventually called the police. The coPS said he got lost in the woods and a search party looked for days, but gave up as bad weather rolled in. Despite passionate pleas from his mother, they never resumed the search and Jake went down in history as another casualty of the woods. 作為一個富有的ceo的兒子,成長總是給JP壓力.當他的哥哥以優異的成績從耶魯畢業時,壓力增大了。JP就不是學習的料,但他的父親從未真正理解JP對他所給予的奢侈的教育條件的抗拒。最終,JP以徹底退學的方式作了反抗。 現在,JP生活在森林的邊緣。自打JP母親偶爾記錄下來的那次開始,JP已經很多年沒有和父親聯繫了。也正是他母親最終報了警。警察稱JP在森林裡迷失了方向,搜查隊前去尋找了幾天最後也因為森林裡變化無常的天氣的作罷。不顧JP母親強烈的請求,他們再也沒有繼續搜查,JP也在歷史中消失,成為森林中又一個犧牲品。 https://img1.gamemad.com/2021/11/12/KExqZ8mM.jpg From the day that her parents gave Claudette her first science kit, she loved experiments. Her single minded pursuit lead to an early scholarship at a great College. It was a huge decision to leave Montreal, but the chance was too good to pass up. Her introverted nature means that chat rooms and forums are now her best source of social interaction. Her new favourite activity is to answer botany questions for others under her new moniker of Science Girl. One evening, during a long bus ride back from the city, Claudette took a stroll that would change her life. It only took a minute for her to get completely disorientated in the thick woods. She never found her way back.Her forum only started to wonder where she was a week after she stopped posting. 自打父母給了C她的第一個科學工具箱,C便愛上了實驗。她執拗的追求為她帶來了一個優秀大學的獎學金。離開蒙特利爾是一個重大的決定-----放棄如此好的機會。 內向的性格意味著對她來說,聊天室和論壇是她最好的社交來源。C現在最喜歡的就是以她的新綽號---科學女孩---來為其他人回答植物學問題。 一天夜裡,在乘坐一趟回程的長途客車期間。C散了會兒步---這樣改變了她的一生。不過幾分鐘,C 便在濃密的森林中徹底迷路。她再也沒找回返回的路了。她的論壇也僅僅是在她停止投稿一周後才想知道她的動向。 https://img1.gamemad.com/2021/11/12/5kx7DYrZ.jpg PerhaPS it was her mother that had instilled the fierce streak in her or maybe it was her father that left them when she was a baby. Meg excelled at schoolwork but she was off the rails. Fortunately, an athletics coach encouraged her to channel her misspent energy on the track. She motivated herself into becoming a high school star and earned a scholarship to college. When her mother fell ill, Meg decided to give up her chance at college to care for the woman who had raised her. One summer's day, on a long run deep in the woods, Meg vanished. Search as they did, they never found her body 或許是她母親向她灌輸了好動的品格,也或許是她父親在她年幼時賦予的。 M很擅長課業,但卻脫了軌。幸運的是,一個體育教練鼓勵她把精力傾注於跑道之上。 她勉勵自己成為一個高中明星,並在大學得到了獎學金。當她的母親病倒時,M決定放棄在大學中的良機----為了照顧撫養她長大的女人。 夏天的某日,在一次深林中的長跑時,M消失了。儘管人們前往尋找,終無所獲。 https://img1.gamemad.com/2021/11/12/Z56NXWqC.jpg Dwight was geeky and scrawny through high school. He always wanted to be one of the cool kids, but somehow never had the charisma. He tried out for the football team but was cut, the basketball team didn't even take a look and his grades were distinctly below average. One weekend, on a team building D在高中時就是一個對雷腦著迷的屌絲。他總是想成為炫酷孩子中的一員,但無論如何卻總是沒有魅力。他試著參加籃球隊卻被拒絕,籃球隊甚至沒有看他一眼,他的成績也低於平均水平。 在一個周末,參加與那份毫無錢途工作的團隊活動時,D的老板在胡扯他家中壞事之前把他們引進了深林。在第二天孤獨醒來之前,D記得自己喝了第一口酒。 夜間,其他人已經拋棄了D。再一次,鄰裡間的笑柄---D--竭力從森林中走出去。 這是最後關於D的消息了。 來源:遊俠網