《星海遊俠6神聖力量》成就有哪些?成就獎杯一覽 - 遊戲狂











Encounter with the Unknown——與未知相遇

Defeated the colossus of the Mhedume Ruins——擊敗默多姆遺址的巨像

The Iatrimancer——醫生

Recruited Nina to join your party——招募Nina加入你的團隊

Some Kind of Welcome——某種歡迎

Entered the village of Eda after a roughwelcome——被歡迎著進入Eda村

Great Sage Midas——偉大的聖人邁達斯

   Recruited Midas to join your party——招募Midas加入你的團隊

Helgar's Disease Revisited——Helgar's病再訪

Met Theo in the town of Cotto——在庫托鎮遇到提奧

Onward to the Royal City——前往皇城

Found Dillwhip——找到了Dillwhip

What a Rout——多麽失敗

Surprisingly endured a crushing defeat inBaldaar——在巴達爾出人意料地慘敗

The Immutable Past——不變的過去

Arrived at the Ancient Coil——到達古線圈

Disaster Blaster——災難爆炸機

Reunited with friends——與朋友團聚

A Rather Personal Battle——一場私人戰鬥

Laeticia said “yes” ——萊西亞說 “是的”

On the Eve of Action——在行動前夕

Tomorrow is the day to launch a majoroperation——明天是重大行動的日子

Married to the Fight——與戰鬥結婚

Burst into the wedding and carried out therescue——闖入婚禮現場進行婚禮

The Story Goes On——故事還在繼續

Allowed Emperor Bohld'or to escape——允許波爾多皇帝逃跑

Traverse the Stars——穿越星空

Depart from Aster at last——最後離開阿斯特

Hello and Goodbye——你好,再見

Arrived in Parrapoeiam——抵達Parrapoeiam

Pangalactic Rot——銀河系衰敗

Peered into the darkness of the PangalacticFederation——凝視著泛銀河系的黑暗

Where the Curtain Rises and Falls——帷幕升起和落下的地方

Basked in the light of hope——沐浴在希望之光中

The Last Landing Spot——最後一個著陸點

Saved the cosmos from peril——將宇宙從危險中拯救出來

Character Ending 01

Raymond and Albaird thereafter

Character Ending 02

Raymond and Nina thereafter

Character Ending 03

Raymond and Midas thereafter

Character Ending 04

Raymond and Elena thereafter

Character Ending 05

Raymond and Marielle thereafter

Character Ending 06

Raymond and Malkya thereafter

Character Ending 07

Raymond and J.J. thereafter

Character Ending 08

Laeticia and Albaird thereafter

Character Ending 09

Laeticia and Nina thereafter

Character Ending 10

Laeticia and Midas thereafter

Character Ending 11

Laeticia and Elena thereafter

Character Ending 12

Laeticia and Marielle thereafter

Character Ending 13

Laeticia and Theo thereafter

Character Ending 14

Laeticia and Malkya thereafter

Newly Unemployed——新失業人員

Clear at least 90% of all quests——清除至少90%的任務

Battle-worn Warrior——戰袍戰士

Complete at least 90% of the Bestiary——完成至少90%的動物寓言

Full of Surprises——充滿驚喜

Launched 0 Surprise Attacks——發起了0次突然襲擊

Pile Up Those Bones——把那些骨頭堆起來

Defeated over 3,000 foes——擊敗3000名敵人

Quicker than the Eye——比誰眼睛快

Performed 200 Blindsides——執行了200個盲擊

Stepping Forward——向前邁進

Walked over 0 km——步行超過0公里

The Magic of Flight——飛行的魔力

Flew over 0 km——飛行超過0公里

Mighty Arsenal——強大的兵工廠

Obtain at least 90% of all weapons——獲得至少90%的武器

Treasure Detector——尋寶探測器

Opened all treasure chests in the universe——打開了宇宙中所有的寶箱

Bounty of Bunnies——兔子的賞金

Found every mini-bunny——找到所有的小兔子

My First Masterpiece——我的第一部傑作

Used Item Creation for the first time——首次使用項目創建

The Start of Something Big——一件大事的開始

Won a game of Es'owa for the first time——第一次贏了一場比賽

Battle God at the Table——餐桌上的戰神

Acquired the rank of Battle God——獲得戰神軍銜

A True Finale——真正的結局

Watched every ending——觀看每一個結局

Queen of the Depths——深海女王

Defeated the mighty Ethereal Queen——擊敗了強大的空靈女王

The Lone Angel——孤獨的天使

Defeated the all-powerful Gabriel Celeste——擊敗了全能的加布裡埃爾·塞萊斯特

Universal Master——宇宙大師

Beat the game at Universe Level——在大師級別通關

Master of Chaos——混沌大師

Beat the game at Chaos Level——在混亂級別通關

The Spirit of All Creation——一切創造的精神

Make at least 90% of all items in ItemCreation——在ItemCreation中創建至少90%的項目

Character Ending 15

Raymond and Laeticia, and beyond——

Character Ending 16

Laeticia and Raymond, and beyond————

Divine Force——神聖的力量

Conquered the entire Star Ocean——征服整個星辰大海






星海遊俠6:神聖力量 (Star Ocean: The Divine Force)

類別: 動作
平台: PC, PS4, PS5, XboxONE, XboxSeriesX
開發: tri-Ace
發行: 史克威爾艾尼克斯
上市: 2022年10月28日

“立體的移動與探索 視線可及之處皆為冒險範圍” 本作擁有有史以來最大的地圖,玩家可以借由飛上空中,在三度空間中移動。例如在岩壁或城鎮的屋頂間來回飛翔探索,或是跳下懸崖後無縫地進入戰鬥,無論是冒險還是戰鬥,都將帶來前所未有的自由體驗。 “擁有系列作中最快、最強動作系統的STAR OCEAN” 無拘無束的遊戲體驗也將強化戰鬥。角色能夠在超高速移動後突擊、使用從敵人面前瞬間消失的動作,還可以運用一擊必殺的技能一網打盡大量敵人。玩家在天地間自由翱翔的同時還可享受爽快且富有挑戰性的戰鬥體驗。

更多 星海遊俠6:神聖力量 攻略|新聞

星海6神聖力量近日已經正式確定了具體的上線時間,將在10月份各大平台發售,隨著發售日的公布,成就給曝光了,共有五十多個獎杯,一起來看下這篇星海6神聖力量成就獎杯一覽吧。 https://gamemad.com/guide/202891 成就獎杯一覽 https://img2.gamemad.com/2022/09/17/29jzPJR8.jpg https://img2.gamemad.com/2022/09/17/uW8XuyWw.jpg https://img2.gamemad.com/2022/09/17/5zWDQgVQ.jpg https://img2.gamemad.com/2022/09/17/6eT8XGBG.jpg https://img2.gamemad.com/2022/09/17/kWrajvrf.jpg https://img2.gamemad.com/2022/09/17/uVXunHRC.jpg https://img2.gamemad.com/2022/09/17/A6dDagu6.jpg   全成就一覽(後面是機翻,大家可以做個參考): Encounter with the Unknown——與未知相遇 Defeated the colossus of the Mhedume Ruins——擊敗默多姆遺址的巨像 The Iatrimancer——醫生 Recruited Nina to join your party——招募Nina加入你的團隊 Some Kind of Welcome——某種歡迎 Entered the village of Eda after a roughwelcome——被歡迎著進入Eda村 Great Sage Midas——偉大的聖人邁達斯    Recruited Midas to join your party——招募Midas加入你的團隊 Helgar's Disease Revisited——Helgar's病再訪 Met Theo in the town of Cotto——在庫托鎮遇到提奧 Onward to the Royal City——前往皇城 Found Dillwhip——找到了Dillwhip What a Rout——多麽失敗 Surprisingly endured a crushing defeat inBaldaar——在巴達爾出人意料地慘敗 The Immutable Past——不變的過去 Arrived at the Ancient Coil——到達古線圈 Disaster Blaster——災難爆炸機 Reunited with friends——與朋友團聚 A Rather Personal Battle——一場私人戰鬥 Laeticia said “yes” ——萊西亞說 “是的” On the Eve of Action——在行動前夕 Tomorrow is the day to launch a majoroperation——明天是重大行動的日子 Married to the Fight——與戰鬥結婚 Burst into the wedding and carried out therescue——闖入婚禮現場進行婚禮 The Story Goes On——故事還在繼續 Allowed Emperor Bohld'or to escape——允許波爾多皇帝逃跑 Traverse the Stars——穿越星空 Depart from Aster at last——最後離開阿斯特 Hello and Goodbye——你好,再見 Arrived in Parrapoeiam——抵達Parrapoeiam Pangalactic Rot——銀河系衰敗 Peered into the darkness of the PangalacticFederation——凝視著泛銀河系的黑暗 Where the Curtain Rises and Falls——帷幕升起和落下的地方 Basked in the light of hope——沐浴在希望之光中 The Last Landing Spot——最後一個著陸點 Saved the cosmos from peril——將宇宙從危險中拯救出來 Character Ending 01 Raymond and Albaird thereafter Character Ending 02 Raymond and Nina thereafter Character Ending 03 Raymond and Midas thereafter Character Ending 04 Raymond and Elena thereafter Character Ending 05 Raymond and Marielle thereafter Character Ending 06 Raymond and Malkya thereafter Character Ending 07 Raymond and J.J. thereafter Character Ending 08 Laeticia and Albaird thereafter Character Ending 09 Laeticia and Nina thereafter Character Ending 10 Laeticia and Midas thereafter Character Ending 11 Laeticia and Elena thereafter Character Ending 12 Laeticia and Marielle thereafter Character Ending 13 Laeticia and Theo thereafter Character Ending 14 Laeticia and Malkya thereafter Newly Unemployed——新失業人員 Clear at least 90% of all quests——清除至少90%的任務 Battle-worn Warrior——戰袍戰士 Complete at least 90% of the Bestiary——完成至少90%的動物寓言 Full of Surprises——充滿驚喜 Launched 0 Surprise Attacks——發起了0次突然襲擊 Pile Up Those Bones——把那些骨頭堆起來 Defeated over 3,000 foes——擊敗3000名敵人 Quicker than the Eye——比誰眼睛快 Performed 200 Blindsides——執行了200個盲擊 Stepping Forward——向前邁進 Walked over 0 km——步行超過0公里 The Magic of Flight——飛行的魔力 Flew over 0 km——飛行超過0公里 Mighty Arsenal——強大的兵工廠 Obtain at least 90% of all weapons——獲得至少90%的武器 Treasure Detector——尋寶探測器 Opened all treasure chests in the universe——打開了宇宙中所有的寶箱 Bounty of Bunnies——兔子的賞金 Found every mini-bunny——找到所有的小兔子 My First Masterpiece——我的第一部傑作 Used Item Creation for the first time——首次使用項目創建 The Start of Something Big——一件大事的開始 Won a game of Es'owa for the first time——第一次贏了一場比賽 Battle God at the Table——餐桌上的戰神 Acquired the rank of Battle God——獲得戰神軍銜 A True Finale——真正的結局 Watched every ending——觀看每一個結局 Queen of the Depths——深海女王 Defeated the mighty Ethereal Queen——擊敗了強大的空靈女王 The Lone Angel——孤獨的天使 Defeated the all-powerful Gabriel Celeste——擊敗了全能的加布裡埃爾·塞萊斯特 Universal Master——宇宙大師 Beat the game at Universe Level——在大師級別通關 Master of Chaos——混沌大師 Beat the game at Chaos Level——在混亂級別通關 The Spirit of All Creation——一切創造的精神 Make at least 90% of all items in ItemCreation——在ItemCreation中創建至少90%的項目 Character Ending 15 Raymond and Laeticia, and beyond—— Character Ending 16 Laeticia and Raymond, and beyond———— Divine Force——神聖的力量 Conquered the entire Star Ocean——征服整個星辰大海 關於星海6神聖力量成就獎杯為大家分享完畢,目前曝光的只有英文版本,感興趣的玩家可以先大概的了解下,希望對大家遊戲有幫助。 來源:遊俠網