《以撒的結合:胎衣》隱藏道具分享攻略 - 遊戲狂































350 - Nulcear symbol, poisons the room as you enter

351 - Earthquake bean, Space bar

365 - Lost Fly, heads for a wall and skims it dealing damage

367 - Bomb. Apparently sticks to enemies and flies release upon explosion (Thanks to TheSwiftTiger)

371 - I think it was giving me The Tower effect on getting hit?

378 - Chance to make poop bomb on firing tears (Thanks to TheSwiftTiger)

385 - Bumbo, familiar, eats coins, gets bigger as it eats. Starts shoots once it makes it's first transform

390 - Seraphim, familiar, just fires tears I guess?

398 - Mushroom, shoots a blue tear (based on luck?) that shrinks an enemy if it hits

403 - Spidermod, familiar, crashes without a fix atm.

415 - Crown of something, lets you shoot diamond tears. Getting hit removes the effect and the crown goes grey

416 - Some kind of passive item, not really sure.

419 - Gold teleporter thing. Brought me to a room with enemies and upon using it over and over would keep bringing me to the same room until the enemies were killed? space bar item

420 - Salt dropper, you leave a trail of salt(i guess it's salt) and when you form a circle, it creates a pentagram and anything in it gets damaged. not sure about dmg level and it looks like the trail fades, so the faster you are the bigger the circle you can make?

426 - Obsessed Fan, familiar, on a 3 second delay, follows your movement, same way Multidimentional Baby does.

429 - GREED HEAD - you shoot fxxxing coins. tested giving myself 10, 50 and 99 coins, dmg did not appear to go up.

430 - Papafly, familiar Same as Obsessed Fan in movement (3 second delay, follows your movements) but when near an enemy fires tears

435 - Lil Loki!! Familiar with Loki's Horn tear effect (4 way cross shot)

436 - Milk familiar. When hit makes a milk puddle. No idea what the puddle does.

439 - Some kind of box that drops a random trinket when you use it.

441 - Mega Satan Brim, active, shoots a giant mega satan brim for what seems to be 15-20 seconds, and makes it very hard to move.






以撒的結合:重生 (The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth)

類別: 射擊
平台: PC, PS4, PS5, Switch
開發: Nicalis, Inc.,Edmund McMillen
發行: Nicalis, Inc.
上市: 2014年11月5日

《以撒的結合:重生(The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth)》是一款動作角色扮演遊戲。該作以全新高效的遊戲引擎打造,畫面幀數可達到60fps,全新的手工繪製的像素風格的遊戲畫面,高度拋光的視覺效果,再加上全新的配樂和音訊設計,這款新作帶給玩家的體驗將直接提升多個檔次。遊戲對原作進行了完全重製,內容翻倍,支持雙玩家本地合作過關,遊戲流程時間超過400小時。

更多 以撒的結合:重生 攻略|新聞

今天小編要為大家帶來的是《以撒的結合:胎衣》隱藏道具分享攻略,一起來看看都有哪些隱藏道具吧! https://gamemad.com/guide/264598   中文版 350應該是進房間時全房中毒 351是主動一種豆子可能是全房震動造成傷害 365是類似於黃色的小蟲子跟隨子彈發射發射方向經過怪物造成傷害 367粘住怪物飛行直到爆炸(這不是出過了麽) 371受傷給予塔羅牌tower效果? 378有機率使屎炸彈轉化為火炸彈 385小飛象?吃錢並長大,在第一次變形時開始發射子彈,類似貓球與肉哥 390六翼天使只是子彈變為著火? 398蘑菇,射出藍色眼淚基於性欲值,使命中敵人變小 403蜘蛛mod,迷 415皇冠之淚,擊中移除效果然後皇冠變灰 416一些負面道具不確定 419金傳送帶到敵人的房間無限使用保持我在同一個房間知道敵人被殺 420鹽論外,畫圈可以使圈內敵人受到傷害,不知道是否圈越大傷害越大 426著迷的粉絲3秒跟蹤延遲,效果類似於子彈穿過變黑白蛋的寶寶? 429貪婪的頭,射硬幣! 430類似426接近敵人還能使子彈著火 435洛基寶寶四方子彈 439隨機掉落飾品的主動吧 441下圖,mega傻蛋的巨型硫磺火,主動道具持續15-20秒很難移動 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/08/25/xr78CFgh.jpg   英文版 350 - Nulcear symbol, poisons the room as you enter 351 - Earthquake bean, Space bar 365 - Lost Fly, heads for a wall and skims it dealing damage 367 - Bomb. Apparently sticks to enemies and flies release upon explosion (Thanks to TheSwiftTiger) 371 - I think it was giving me The Tower effect on getting hit? 378 - Chance to make poop bomb on firing tears (Thanks to TheSwiftTiger) 385 - Bumbo, familiar, eats coins, gets bigger as it eats. Starts shoots once it makes it's first transform 390 - Seraphim, familiar, just fires tears I guess? 398 - Mushroom, shoots a blue tear (based on luck?) that shrinks an enemy if it hits 403 - Spidermod, familiar, crashes without a fix atm. 415 - Crown of something, lets you shoot diamond tears. Getting hit removes the effect and the crown goes grey 416 - Some kind of passive item, not really sure. 419 - Gold teleporter thing. Brought me to a room with enemies and upon using it over and over would keep bringing me to the same room until the enemies were killed? space bar item 420 - Salt dropper, you leave a trail of salt(i guess it's salt) and when you form a circle, it creates a pentagram and anything in it gets damaged. not sure about dmg level and it looks like the trail fades, so the faster you are the bigger the circle you can make? 426 - Obsessed Fan, familiar, on a 3 second delay, follows your movement, same way Multidimentional Baby does. 429 - GREED HEAD - you shoot fxxxing coins. tested giving myself 10, 50 and 99 coins, dmg did not appear to go up. 430 - Papafly, familiar Same as Obsessed Fan in movement (3 second delay, follows your movements) but when near an enemy fires tears 435 - Lil Loki!! Familiar with Loki's Horn tear effect (4 way cross shot) 436 - Milk familiar. When hit makes a milk puddle. No idea what the puddle does. 439 - Some kind of box that drops a random trinket when you use it. 441 - Mega Satan Brim, active, shoots a giant mega satan brim for what seems to be 15-20 seconds, and makes it very hard to move. 更多相關資訊請關注:專題 來源:遊俠網