《以撒的結合:胎衣+》新增全道具圖鑒 (第9頁:特殊道具) - 遊戲狂

《以撒的結合:胎衣+》新增全道具圖鑒 (第9頁:特殊道具)










Void is an activated item added in Afterbirth †. Apollyon starts with this item.


Upon use, destroys all items in the room.

If Void destroys an active item, it gains the ability of that item.

If Void destroys a passive item, the player gains a random stat boost and has a chance to lose 0.5 range.

Void does not work on devil deal or shop items unless they have been bought first.


Diplopia: Void will duplicate items as well as absorb them, allowing the same item to be duplicated multiple times. In a shop with a battery, items and pickups can be duplicated indefinitely.

Forget Me Now: When Void copies Forget Me Now, it can be used to infinitely replay floors (Similar to the BASE MENT seed, except during a run).

Mama Mega!: Can be used on every floor to deal 200 damage to all enemies upon entering any room.

Pandora's Box: Each individual use of Void, after absorbing Pandora's Box, causes the effect that would be gained from the current floor. This allows Void to generate large amounts of consumables, soul hearts and pedestal items.

Undefined/Teleport 2.0 When Void is used on an item, the effect is gained but the item is not destroyed (might be a bug). This can be used multiple times on an item, allowing an item such as The Nail to give several soul hearts on use, or Pandora's Box to spawn additional items.


If you leave a room very quickly after using Void, you will get the stat boost/item effect but the item will still be there.

If you exit the game and reload, you will lose all activated abilities of previously destroyed items.

If Blank Card has been absorbed, using Void with a ? Card will crash the game.









複視:void會在吸收道具的同時複製被吸收道具,並且可以反複吸收同一道具。當處於有賣電池的商店時,就可以無限複製和吸收物品(可怕 ) 忘了我(再爽一次 ):當void吸收忘了我效果,可以無限刷新當前層媽媽大炸彈(新道具mama mega!):每層都可以獲得媽媽大炸彈的效果,每次進入房間將對房間內敵人造成200(?!)點傷害,破壞所有障礙物並打開隱藏房(這能玩? )







以撒的結合:重生 (The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth)

類別: 射擊
平台: PC, PS4, PS5, Switch
開發: Nicalis, Inc.,Edmund McMillen
發行: Nicalis, Inc.
上市: 2014年11月5日

《以撒的結合:重生(The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth)》是一款動作角色扮演遊戲。該作以全新高效的遊戲引擎打造,畫面幀數可達到60fps,全新的手工繪製的像素風格的遊戲畫面,高度拋光的視覺效果,再加上全新的配樂和音訊設計,這款新作帶給玩家的體驗將直接提升多個檔次。遊戲對原作進行了完全重製,內容翻倍,支持雙玩家本地合作過關,遊戲流程時間超過400小時。

更多 以撒的結合:重生 攻略|新聞

一些特殊道具的具體效果 https://gamemad.com/guide/264873 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/08/26/G7keC8M8.jpg Void: 原文:http://bindingofisaacrebirth.gamepedia.com/Void Void is an activated item added in Afterbirth †. Apollyon starts with this item. Effect Upon use, destroys all items in the room. If Void destroys an active item, it gains the ability of that item. If Void destroys a passive item, the player gains a random stat boost and has a chance to lose 0.5 range. Void does not work on devil deal or shop items unless they have been bought first. Synergies Diplopia: Void will duplicate items as well as absorb them, allowing the same item to be duplicated multiple times. In a shop with a battery, items and pickups can be duplicated indefinitely. Forget Me Now: When Void copies Forget Me Now, it can be used to infinitely replay floors (Similar to the BASE MENT seed, except during a run). Mama Mega!: Can be used on every floor to deal 200 damage to all enemies upon entering any room. Pandora's Box: Each individual use of Void, after absorbing Pandora's Box, causes the effect that would be gained from the current floor. This allows Void to generate large amounts of consumables, soul hearts and pedestal items. Undefined/Teleport 2.0 When Void is used on an item, the effect is gained but the item is not destroyed (might be a bug). This can be used multiple times on an item, allowing an item such as The Nail to give several soul hearts on use, or Pandora's Box to spawn additional items. Bugs If you leave a room very quickly after using Void, you will get the stat boost/item effect but the item will still be there. If you exit the game and reload, you will lose all activated abilities of previously destroyed items. If Blank Card has been absorbed, using Void with a ? Card will crash the game. 翻譯如下: void是afterbirth+中新增的主動道具,角色Apollyon(亞玻倫)初始自帶 效果: 使用時破壞本房間所有道具 如果破壞一主動道具,則將這個主動道具的效果疊加在void上 如果破壞一被動道具,將增加一項隨機屬性,並有概率降低0.5射程 不能破壞未被交易過的惡魔/商店物品 道具配合: 複視:void會在吸收道具的同時複製被吸收道具,並且可以反複吸收同一道具。當處於有賣電池的商店時,就可以無限複製和吸收物品(可怕 ) 忘了我(再爽一次 ):當void吸收忘了我效果,可以無限刷新當前層媽媽大炸彈(新道具mama mega!):每層都可以獲得媽媽大炸彈的效果,每次進入房間將對房間內敵人造成200(?!)點傷害,破壞所有障礙物並打開隱藏房(這能玩? ) 潘朵拉盒子:吸收潘朵拉盒子後,每次使用都觸發潘朵拉盒子效果,具體效果取決於當前層數。這可以使void產生大量掉落、魂心和道具 未定義/金傳送:當使用void時,道具效果被吸收而道具不會被破壞(疑似bug),這樣可以使同一道具的效果被多次吸收,如多次吸收惡魔釘後使用void可以一次給予多個魂心,多次吸收潘朵拉盒子也會使void每次使用時給予更多道具(應該對普通傳送器也是這個效果?) 來源:遊俠網