《星空》控制台添加裝備詞條教學 - 遊戲狂









1. 把裝備扔在地上

2. 打開控制台

3. 滑鼠點擊地上的裝備選中,注意控制台上面的id,比如武器應該是 “WEAP xxxxxx” 裝備是 “ARMO xxxxxx” ,如果點了裝備的位置卻無法選中裝備可以滾動滑鼠滾輪在多個物品之間切換


4. 添加詞條,具體格式為 “amod xxxxxx” ,xxxxxx就是想要添加的詞條的id



Legendary Weapon Slot 1

ff441 - Anti Personnel

fea07 - Bashing

f437e - Berserker

f428e - cornered

1625eb - Disassembler

ffa3b - Extended Mag

15d018 - Exterminator

ea117 - Furious

f2013 - Instigating

faeab - Oxygenated

f7321 - SpaceAdept

Legendary Weapon Slot 2

8ab47 - Corrosive

f2e39 - Crippling

ea0ba - Handloading

122f1c - Hitman

70728 - Incendiary

fea49 - Lacerate

ffa3c - MedTheft

319aec - Poison

ea138 - Radioactive

fea04 - Rapid

e8d64 - Staggering

Legendary Weapon Slot 3

fbd3c - Concussive

fc884 - Despondent

311c0c5 - Elemental

fa8d6 - Explosive

fc8a4 - Frenzy

f4cf0 - OneInchPunch

f4557 - Shattering

31c0c4 - Skipshot

31c0c6 - Tesla

ffa3d - Titanium(weight reduction)


Legendary Armor Slot 1

1336c1 - Chameleon(crouch and stay put=cloak)

1336c6 - InverseHealthResist

13369e - LessDMBBallistic

1336bd - LEssDMGCreature

13369c - LessDMGEnergy

1336be - LessDMGHuman

133699 - LessDMGMelee

13368c - LessDMGRobots

Legendary Armor Slot 2

c9a43 - AutoHeal

60293 - CarryWeight_Resources

60295 - CarryWeight_Weapon

710fa - Env_Airborne

710f7 - Env_Corrosive

710f5 - Env_Rad

710f6 - Env_Thermal

710fd - FallDamage

Legendary Armor Slot 3

be542 - CarryWeight

60290 - Dissarm

2983 - Invendiary

be540 - LessDMGStandStill

2d01a2 - PeaceReward

59ae8 - ReflectDamage

6029f - Stagger


Legendary Helmet Slot 1

690B0 - OxygenBoosted

690ae - OxygenFilter

Legendary Helmet Slot 2

2c43da - Hackers

690af - ScannerDMG

Legendary Helmet Slot 3

2c43db - Combat Sensor

2c43dc - Headhunter


Legendary Pack Slot 2

2ede4e - Fastened

Legendary Pack Slot 3

2ede59 - ArmorPlated

2ede4f - AssistedCarry





星空 (Starfield)

類別: 角色扮演
平台: PC, XboxONE, XboxSeriesX
開發: Bethesda Game Studios
發行: Bethesda Softworks
上市: 2023年9月6日

《星空 Starfield》出自打造過《The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim》及《Fallout 4》的獲獎製作團隊Bethesda Game Studios之手,是本團隊睽違超過25年來所打造的第一個全新宇宙。在這款以浩瀚星際為舞台的次世代角色扮演遊戲中,你可以創造任何你想要的角色,以前所未有的自由度盡情探索宇宙,為解開人類最大的祕密展開波瀾壯闊的旅程。2330年,人類已跨出我們所在的太陽系,定居於新的星球,太空旅行已成為人類的日常。你將加入群星團這個末代太空探險家團體,穿梭於銀河各地尋找稀有的文物,在Bethesda Game Studios規模最浩大也最具野心的遊戲中,探索廣袤無垠的宇宙。

更多 星空 攻略|新聞

星空中玩家們的裝備能夠擁有強化詞條,那麽有什麽方法給自己心儀的裝備增加屬性詞條呢,下面小編為大家帶來一期星空控制台添加裝備詞條教學,感興趣的一起來看看吧。 https://gamemad.com/guide/268930 控制台怎麽添加裝備詞條  操作方法 1. 把裝備扔在地上 2. 打開控制台 3. 滑鼠點擊地上的裝備選中,注意控制台上面的id,比如武器應該是 “WEAP xxxxxx” 裝備是 “ARMO xxxxxx” ,如果點了裝備的位置卻無法選中裝備可以滾動滑鼠滾輪在多個物品之間切換 4. 添加詞條,具體格式為 “amod xxxxxx” ,xxxxxx就是想要添加的詞條的id   已知的詞條id   武器 Legendary Weapon Slot 1 ff441 - Anti Personnel fea07 - Bashing f437e - Berserker f428e - cornered 1625eb - Disassembler ffa3b - Extended Mag 15d018 - Exterminator ea117 - Furious f2013 - Instigating faeab - Oxygenated f7321 - SpaceAdept Legendary Weapon Slot 2 8ab47 - Corrosive f2e39 - Crippling ea0ba - Handloading 122f1c - Hitman 70728 - Incendiary fea49 - Lacerate ffa3c - MedTheft 319aec - Poison ea138 - Radioactive fea04 - Rapid e8d64 - Staggering Legendary Weapon Slot 3 fbd3c - Concussive fc884 - Despondent 311c0c5 - Elemental fa8d6 - Explosive fc8a4 - Frenzy f4cf0 - OneInchPunch f4557 - Shattering 31c0c4 - Skipshot 31c0c6 - Tesla ffa3d - Titanium(weight reduction)   宇航服 Legendary Armor Slot 1 1336c1 - Chameleon(crouch and stay put=cloak) 1336c6 - InverseHealthResist 13369e - LessDMBBallistic 1336bd - LEssDMGCreature 13369c - LessDMGEnergy 1336be - LessDMGHuman 133699 - LessDMGMelee 13368c - LessDMGRobots Legendary Armor Slot 2 c9a43 - AutoHeal 60293 - CarryWeight_Resources 60295 - CarryWeight_Weapon 710fa - Env_Airborne 710f7 - Env_Corrosive 710f5 - Env_Rad 710f6 - Env_Thermal 710fd - FallDamage Legendary Armor Slot 3 be542 - CarryWeight 60290 - Dissarm 2983 - Invendiary be540 - LessDMGStandStill 2d01a2 - PeaceReward 59ae8 - ReflectDamage 6029f - Stagger   頭盔 Legendary Helmet Slot 1 690B0 - OxygenBoosted 690ae - OxygenFilter Legendary Helmet Slot 2 2c43da - Hackers 690af - ScannerDMG Legendary Helmet Slot 3 2c43db - Combat Sensor 2c43dc - Headhunter   背包 Legendary Pack Slot 2 2ede4e - Fastened Legendary Pack Slot 3 2ede59 - ArmorPlated 2ede4f - AssistedCarry 來源:遊俠網