《柏德之門3》Steam4號更新檔退回3號更新檔方法 - 遊戲狂









1. 打開運行 (Windows+R)

2. 類型:Steam://open/console這將打開控制台。

3. 在Steam控制台中輸入:download_depot 1086940 1086941 3694534054212424521 這將下載熱修復更新檔#9庫


4. 等待下載完成,Steam 控制台會通知玩家下載何時完成以及下載位置

5. 在Steam中右鍵單擊BG3,將滑鼠懸停在 “管理” 上,然後單擊 “瀏覽本地檔案”

6. 用你下載的倉庫中的所有內容替換 BG3 本地檔案中的所有內容

7. 在Steam中右鍵單擊BG3,單擊 “屬性” ,單擊 “更新” ,將 “自動更新” 更改為 “僅在我啟動遊戲時更新此遊戲”

8. 點擊Steam窗口左上角的Steam,點擊 “脫機”

9. 現在遊戲不會自動更新到更新檔 4,您應該使用 Hotfix #9




To Downgrade BG3 to Pre-Patch #4:

1) Open Run (Windows+R)

2) Type: Steam://open/console This will open the Steam console.

3) In the Steam Console type: download_depot 1086940 1086941 3694534054212424521 This will download Hotfix #9 depot

4) Wait for it to finish downloading, the Steam Console will let you know when the download is finished and where it was put

5) Right click on BG3 in Steam, Hover over Manage, and Click Browse Local Files

6) Replace everything in the BG3 Local Files with everything in the depot you downloaded

7) Right click on BG3 in Steam, Click Properties, Click Updates, Change Auto Updates to "Only Update this game when I launch the game"

8) Click on Steam in the top left of the Steam window. Click on "Go Offline"

9) Now the game won't auto update to Patch 4 and you should be on Hotfix #9

Note: This is ~108GB so it will take a bit to do






柏德之門3 (Baldur's Gate 3)

類別: 角色扮演
平台: PC, PS5, XboxONE, XboxSeriesX
開發: 拉瑞安工作室
發行: 拉瑞安工作室
上市: 2023年8月3日


更多 柏德之門3 攻略|新聞

柏德之門3官方近日更新了4號更新檔,不少玩家在更新後遇到了各種bug,比如各種mod失效,那麽已經更新4號的怎麽回檔呢?這裡給大家整理了具體回檔操作。 https://gamemad.com/guide/282987 Steam4號更新檔退回3號更新檔方法  中文說明 1. 打開運行 (Windows+R) 2. 類型:Steam://open/console這將打開控制台。 3. 在Steam控制台中輸入:download_depot 1086940 1086941 3694534054212424521 這將下載熱修復更新檔#9庫 4. 等待下載完成,Steam 控制台會通知玩家下載何時完成以及下載位置 5. 在Steam中右鍵單擊BG3,將滑鼠懸停在 “管理” 上,然後單擊 “瀏覽本地檔案” 6. 用你下載的倉庫中的所有內容替換 BG3 本地檔案中的所有內容 7. 在Steam中右鍵單擊BG3,單擊 “屬性” ,單擊 “更新” ,將 “自動更新” 更改為 “僅在我啟動遊戲時更新此遊戲” 8. 點擊Steam窗口左上角的Steam,點擊 “脫機” 9. 現在遊戲不會自動更新到更新檔 4,您應該使用 Hotfix #9 注意:這是~108GB,所以需要一些時間 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/11/04/RPwax5g9.jpg   原文 To Downgrade BG3 to Pre-Patch #4: 1) Open Run (Windows+R) 2) Type: Steam://open/console This will open the Steam console. 3) In the Steam Console type: download_depot 1086940 1086941 3694534054212424521 This will download Hotfix #9 depot 4) Wait for it to finish downloading, the Steam Console will let you know when the download is finished and where it was put 5) Right click on BG3 in Steam, Hover over Manage, and Click Browse Local Files 6) Replace everything in the BG3 Local Files with everything in the depot you downloaded 7) Right click on BG3 in Steam, Click Properties, Click Updates, Change Auto Updates to "Only Update this game when I launch the game" 8) Click on Steam in the top left of the Steam window. Click on "Go Offline" 9) Now the game won't auto update to Patch 4 and you should be on Hotfix #9 Note: This is ~108GB so it will take a bit to do 關於柏德之門3Steam4號更新檔退回3號更新檔的操作分享完畢,如果大家新更新檔遇到了同樣問題的話,可以嘗試下上面的操作。 來源:遊俠網