《異塵餘生4》國外玩家試玩心得感受 遊戲怎麽樣 - 遊戲狂

《異塵餘生4》國外玩家試玩心得感受 遊戲怎麽樣






《異塵餘生4》國外玩家試玩心得感受 遊戲怎麽樣




主要是講他本來很擔心異塵餘生4的品質,但是幾個小時之後這些擔心完全消失了,垃圾會變得很有用(和輻射3相比)你可以發現 “我們可以用這個東西來這樣,也可以那樣” 很多時候很難取捨哪個東西是最好的,他到現在一共就完成了2個主線任務,因為中間很多隨機的任務會自己蹦出來,會出現很多 “哎呀我操還能這樣” 的時刻 狗肉會幫你發現很多有趣的東西


缺點是會有一些bug(不會摧毀遊戲那種) 有一次他只剩一滴血出門的時候被個食屍鬼拍死了 結果自動讀檔之後還是一滴血出門又被拍死了 無限循環- -(我覺得這不算bug 這是臉的問題)

還有就是讀條有點慢 不過他表示理解


So I just crossed the 10 hours mark on my first playthrough of Fallout 4. What. The. Fuck. I'm not writing this to tease all the people who are yet to receive their copy, but to even increase your hunger, and the resulting happiness while playing the game.

So let's get started, I personally was a bit afraid that Fallout went into a more Mainstream-ish direction after I saw the Launch-Trailer on thursday.

All my worries were destroyed in the first few hours of the game. The sheer freedom of what you can do in this game is fucking stunning. While trash was useless in Fo3 you now find things and are like "wait, I can use that for that. or maybe Ill do that?" , the variety of Weapon-Mods and things to scrap/build is motivating , rewarding and SOMETIMES frustrating because you can't decide what's the best. To be fair all the new stuff kinda overwhelmed me at first, but after I started a new game for the second time because I fucked up my S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats in the first one, I really got into all of it and I am safe to say that I have only done TWO main quests so far, bcs everytime I was walking around some new sidequests was starting to begin (mostly without me knowing haha) Which leads me to the next point : Questing is more fun than ever. You can definitely tell that Bethesda was able to implement more of their ideas than ever (due to the new hardware) because I have never felt so much different random shit happening in one single quest. This beats every single one of their games that I have played so far and I'm having so many "wtf" moments. For the difficulty, I personally think it's challenging and CAN get frustrating when u're not preparing enough before going out into the wastes. What I did HORRIBLY wrong in my first attempt (before I started a new game) was underestimating the possibility of finding useful stuff (stimpacks e.g.) in the most ridiculous places, even tho Doggy helPS sometimes (he can find useful stuff and starts barking at you). So that is someth

So that is something that you might try to keep in mind.

Power Armor feels better than ever and has it's risks and limitations too (which I was worried about ).

Another very enjoyable thing to point out is the music, some old classics even returned (I don't want to set the world on fire) and the new ones are really giving you the Fallout feeling.

Now to the "bad" things. Yes, Fallout 4 has bugs, no game-destroying bugs (so far) but sometimes things which are not meant to happen just happen anyways. For example , I once ran out of a building with literally 1 hp , outside there was a ghoul which instakilled me every time the loading sequence was done, which resulted in a neverending loop of me getting killed and loading my most recent load-state XD Somehow that bug didnt frustrate me tho, it even gave me more fo the good old , "ah yeah, that's Fallout" - feeling x) Loading times seem kinda long sometimes, which isn't too annoying and kinda understandable with all the shit that has to get preloaded. What's really weird so far is the AI, sometimes enemies feel extreeeeemely smart, and sometimes they are too dumb to aim or shoot, idk if that's intended :D

That's all for now I can't really organize all these thoughts and yes, probably this little review of my first hours in Fo4 is way to subjective, but I can guarantee you - we all are going on a great journey soon. Can't wait for the mods and hope they really work on PS4 (which is what I'm playing on.)

I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes, english is not my native language.

And don't forget,

War, war never changes.

Questing is more fun than ever. You can definitely tell that Bethesda was able to implement more of their ideas than ever (due to the new hardware) because I have never felt so much different random shit happening in one single quest. This beats every single one of their games that I have played so far and I'm having so many "wtf" moments. For the difficulty, I personally think it's challenging and CAN get frustrating when u're not preparing enough before going out into the wastes.






異塵餘生4 (Fallout 4)

類別: 角色扮演
平台: PC, PS4, XboxONE
開發: Bethesda Game Studios
發行: Bethesda Softworks
上市: 2015年11月10日

終結人類文明的2077年核戰爭的210年之後,位於波士頓,馬薩諸塞及部分新英格蘭地區,統稱聯邦(the commonwealth)。幸存下來的人在這片土地上辛勤勞作,建立農場,市集,甚至城市,試圖恢複人類文明。然而凶殘的變種人和變異動物肆虐,四處土匪橫行,多方勢力交錯之下的波士頓依然很危險。遊戲採用了與現實世界不同的另一條歷史進程:生活方式、審美和時尚為美國1940至1950年代的潮流,設計風格和科技發展則延續了那個年代對未來的設想。最終的整個異塵餘生系列的世界觀都呈現了一種複古未來主義。在這個世界裏,科技發展到能製造雷射武器,操縱基因和能創造具有自主意識的人工智慧。

更多 異塵餘生4 攻略|新聞

《異塵餘生4》即將上線,相信不少玩家進行了遊戲試玩,下面為大家介紹的國外玩家分享的體驗評價,感興趣的玩家一起來看看吧。 https://gamemad.com/guide/317569 https://img3.gamemad.com/2024/04/18/952u8d3A.jpg 中文大意: 任務比以往要有趣得多,可以感受到由於硬體水平的進步,杯賽更能夠實現他們的想法了。我真是沒有想到一個任務裡會發生那麽多隨機事件。這一點完爆了杯賽以往的任何一個遊戲,無時無刻再給我驚喜。至於難度,我個人認為還是很有挑戰的,如果你不做好充足的準備很可能被打跪。 主要是講他本來很擔心異塵餘生4的品質,但是幾個小時之後這些擔心完全消失了,垃圾會變得很有用(和輻射3相比)你可以發現 “我們可以用這個東西來這樣,也可以那樣” 很多時候很難取捨哪個東西是最好的,他到現在一共就完成了2個主線任務,因為中間很多隨機的任務會自己蹦出來,會出現很多 “哎呀我操還能這樣” 的時刻 狗肉會幫你發現很多有趣的東西 然後是動力甲強了許多,但是還是有限制和缺點,音樂是一大亮點,有時會來那麽一段特別帶感的經典輻射音樂 缺點是會有一些bug(不會摧毀遊戲那種) 有一次他只剩一滴血出門的時候被個食屍鬼拍死了 結果自動讀檔之後還是一滴血出門又被拍死了 無限循環- -(我覺得這不算bug 這是臉的問題) 還有就是讀條有點慢 不過他表示理解 英文原文 So I just crossed the 10 hours mark on my first playthrough of Fallout 4. What. The. Fuck. I'm not writing this to tease all the people who are yet to receive their copy, but to even increase your hunger, and the resulting happiness while playing the game. So let's get started, I personally was a bit afraid that Fallout went into a more Mainstream-ish direction after I saw the Launch-Trailer on thursday. All my worries were destroyed in the first few hours of the game. The sheer freedom of what you can do in this game is fucking stunning. While trash was useless in Fo3 you now find things and are like "wait, I can use that for that. or maybe Ill do that?" , the variety of Weapon-Mods and things to scrap/build is motivating , rewarding and SOMETIMES frustrating because you can't decide what's the best. To be fair all the new stuff kinda overwhelmed me at first, but after I started a new game for the second time because I fucked up my S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats in the first one, I really got into all of it and I am safe to say that I have only done TWO main quests so far, bcs everytime I was walking around some new sidequests was starting to begin (mostly without me knowing haha) Which leads me to the next point : Questing is more fun than ever. You can definitely tell that Bethesda was able to implement more of their ideas than ever (due to the new hardware) because I have never felt so much different random shit happening in one single quest. This beats every single one of their games that I have played so far and I'm having so many "wtf" moments. For the difficulty, I personally think it's challenging and CAN get frustrating when u're not preparing enough before going out into the wastes. What I did HORRIBLY wrong in my first attempt (before I started a new game) was underestimating the possibility of finding useful stuff (stimpacks e.g.) in the most ridiculous places, even tho Doggy helPS sometimes (he can find useful stuff and starts barking at you). So that is someth So that is something that you might try to keep in mind. Power Armor feels better than ever and has it's risks and limitations too (which I was worried about ). Another very enjoyable thing to point out is the music, some old classics even returned (I don't want to set the world on fire) and the new ones are really giving you the Fallout feeling. Now to the "bad" things. Yes, Fallout 4 has bugs, no game-destroying bugs (so far) but sometimes things which are not meant to happen just happen anyways. For example , I once ran out of a building with literally 1 hp , outside there was a ghoul which instakilled me every time the loading sequence was done, which resulted in a neverending loop of me getting killed and loading my most recent load-state XD Somehow that bug didnt frustrate me tho, it even gave me more fo the good old , "ah yeah, that's Fallout" - feeling x) Loading times seem kinda long sometimes, which isn't too annoying and kinda understandable with all the shit that has to get preloaded. What's really weird so far is the AI, sometimes enemies feel extreeeeemely smart, and sometimes they are too dumb to aim or shoot, idk if that's intended :D That's all for now I can't really organize all these thoughts and yes, probably this little review of my first hours in Fo4 is way to subjective, but I can guarantee you - we all are going on a great journey soon. Can't wait for the mods and hope they really work on PS4 (which is what I'm playing on.) I apologize for any grammar/spelling mistakes, english is not my native language. And don't forget, War, war never changes. Questing is more fun than ever. You can definitely tell that Bethesda was able to implement more of their ideas than ever (due to the new hardware) because I have never felt so much different random shit happening in one single quest. This beats every single one of their games that I have played so far and I'm having so many "wtf" moments. For the difficulty, I personally think it's challenging and CAN get frustrating when u're not preparing enough before going out into the wastes. 更多相關資訊請關注:專題 來源:遊俠網