《異塵餘生4》武器傳奇特效附魔方法 如何附魔 - 遊戲狂

《異塵餘生4》武器傳奇特效附魔方法 如何附魔





《異塵餘生4》中武器可以通過附魔來增加威力。下面小編帶來玩家 “zh657415571” 分享的《異塵餘生4》武器傳奇特效附魔方法,趕緊來看看吧。

《異塵餘生4》武器傳奇特效附魔方法 如何附魔




傳奇效果前綴可以添加到普通裝備上去。你可以把普通裝備仍在地上然後利用控制台命令 “attachmod “附魔(比如點中裝備出現裝備ID後,控制台輸入 “attachmod 你想要的前綴程式碼” )。你不能在同一件裝備上加上多個前綴,但是你可以加在護甲上(護甲的傳奇特效是疊加的,比如降低10%V消耗,五件都是這個前綴則可以降低50%的消耗)。並且你可以替換傳奇裝備的前綴。



Name Stat

Form ID

Assassin's 對人類造成50%額外傷害. 000e6846

Automatic 自動武器. 000a4739(不是傳說前綴)

Berserker's 你的護甲越低傷害越高. (護甲0時兩倍傷害) 001ef5d7

Bloodied 生命越低傷害越高. 001ec036

Crippling 對四肢50%額外傷害. 001e6d6b

Enraging 暴擊使敵人狂暴. 001f6ad4

Explosive 子彈爆炸並造成15點範圍傷害. 001e73bd

Exterminator's 對螃蟹和蟲子造成50%額外傷害. 001f81eb

Freezing 10點冷凍傷害並且暴擊時凍結目標. 001f5479

Furious 每次命中同一目標都會增加傷害. 001ef481

Ghoul Slayer's 50%額外傷害對屍鬼. 001e6847

Hunter's Does 50%額外傷害對動物. 001e6845

Incendiary 使目標著火造成15點傷害. 001e7173

Instigating 目標生命全滿時雙倍傷害. 001f04b8

Irradiated 50點額外輻射傷害. 001cc469

Junkie's 上癮效果越多傷害越高. 001eb99a

Kneecapper 20% 機率斷腿. 001f1048

Lucky Weapon 暴擊雙倍傷害並且暴擊條充能加快15%. 001cc2a6

Medic's 治愈目標. 001f109c

Mutant Slayer's 50%額外傷害對超級變種人. 001e6848

Never Ending 無限彈夾. 001cc2ac

Nimble 瞄準時移動加快75%. 001ebabd

Nocturnal 晚上傷害增加白天減少001e8174

Penetrating 忽略30%雙抗. 001f4426

Plasma Infused 增加10點能量傷害並使敵人化成綠渣. 001f9b4d

Poisoner's 目標中毒10秒 001f31b9

Powerful 25%額外傷害. 001cc2ab

Quickdraw 減少25%AP消耗. 001f1026

Rapid 加快25%射速和15%換單. 001ec56d

Relentless 暴擊補充AP. 001ed37e

Sentinel's 站著和不動時加15%抗性. 001f5995

Staggering 可能命中時使目標踉蹌. 001e81ab

Stalker's假如沒被發現,增加V命中但消耗更多AP. 001f04bd

Troubleshooter's 額外50%傷害對機器人. 001f81ec

Two Shot 雙蛋,降低命中 001cc2ad

VATS enhanced 增加V命中率並且降低25%AP消耗 001cc2aa

VATS enhanced 降低40%V消耗. 00000000

Violent Deals +25%傷害和四肢傷害但後坐力更大. 001f7b8a

Wounding 目標流血造成25點額外傷害. 001e7c20


EditName Stat

Form ID

Acrobat's 降低50%跌落傷害. 001f1df9

Almost Unbreakable 四倍耐久. 001f1e0c(沒見過,也許是廢棄不用的,有興趣的可以試試)

Assassin's 降低來自人類傷害15%. 001f1df3

Bolstering 獲得雙抗當生命越低時 (最高 +35). 001f8165

Cavalier's 格擋或者衝刺時降低傷害15%. 001f579d

Chameleon當你潛行和不動時敵人更難發現你(變色龍). 001f4d18

Cunning +1 敏捷和感知 001cf57c

Duelist's 10% 對近戰敵人繳械. 001f3a49

Exterminator's 降低來自螃蟹和蟲子的傷害15%. 001f81ed

Fortifying +1力量和耐力 001cf57f

Freefall 免疫跌落傷害(信仰之躍?) 00093bbd

Ghoul slayer's 降低來自屍鬼傷害15%. 001f1dee

Herbalist's +25毒抗. 001f3072

Hunter's 降低來自動物傷害15%. 001f1deb

Low Weight 更低負重. 00000000

Lucky +2幸運. 001cf57e

Martyr's 當戰鬥中生命低於25%會進入子彈時間. 00000000

Mutant Slayer's 降低來自綠皮傷害15%. 00000000

Powered 增加AP恢複速度. 001f7a75

Punishing 反彈10%近戰傷害. 00000000

Safecracker's增加解鎖時判斷區域. 00000000

Sharp +1魅力和智力e. 00000000

Sprinter's 增加10%移動速度. 001f1c2f

Titan's 站立和不動時減少15%傷害. 001f57e4

Troubleshooter's 降低來自機器人傷害15%. 00000000

VATS 降低10%AP消耗. 00000000



001F1DF9 Acrobat's 50% reduced damage from falling

001F1E0C Almost Unbreakable Quadruples durability

001F1DF3 Assassin's 15% reduced damage from humans

001F8165 Bolstering Increases energy and damage resistance as HP diminishes (up to +35)

001F579D Cavalier's 15% reduced damage while blocking or sprinting

001F4D18 Chameleon Hard to detect while sneaking and not moving

001CF57C Cunning +1 Agility, +1 Perception

001F3A49 Duelist's 10% chance to disarm melee attacker on hit

001F81EB Exterminator's 15% reduced damage from Mirelurks and bugs

001CF57F Fortifying +1 Strength, +1 Endurance

00093BBD Freefall No falling damage

001F1DEE Ghoul Slayer's 15% reduced damage from Ghouls

001F3072 Herbalist's +25 poison resistance

001F1DEB Hunter's 15% reduced damage from animals

001F1E0B Low Weight Low carry weight

001CF57E Lucky +2 Luck

001F2D3D Martyr's Temporarily slows time during combat below 20% HP

001F1DF4 Mutant Slayer's 15% reduced damage from Super Mutants

001F7A75 Powered Increases AP refresh speed

001F1E47 Punishing Reflects 10% of melee damage back on attacker

001F3CA9 Safecracker's Increases size of sweet spot while picking locks

001F5995 Sentinel's 15% less damage while standing and not moving

001CF57D Sharp Charisma +1, Intelligence +1

001F1C2F Sprinter's Increases wearer's movement speed by 15%

001F57E4 Titan's 15% reduced damage while standing and not moving

001F81EC Troubleshooter's 15% reduced damage from robots

001F1D62 V.A.T.S. Enhanced -10% AP cost in V.A.T.S. (does not add prefix)

Weapon OMODs

Form ID Prefix Effect

001E6846 Assassin's +50% damage vs. humans

000A4739 Automatic Automatic fire mode

001EF5D7 Berserker's More damage the lower your damage resistance

001EC036 Bloodied More damage the lower your health

001F57E2 Cavalier's 15% less damage while blocking or sprinting

001E6D6B Crippling +50% limb damage

001F6AD4 Enraging Critical hits cause target to frenzy

001E73BD Explosive Bullets explode on impact inflicting 15 AOE damage

001F81ED Exterminator's +50% damage vs. Mirelurks and bugs

001F5479 Freezing 10 points cryo damage and will freeze targets on critical hits

001EF481 Furious Damage increases after each hit on same target

001E6847 Ghoul Slayer's +50% damage vs. Ghouls

001E6845 Hunter's +50% damage vs. animals

001E7173 Incendiary Sets target on fire for 15 points of damage

001F04B8 Instigating 2x damage if the target is at full health

001CC469 Irradiated 50 points additional radiation damage

001EB99A Junkie's Damage increases with the number of withdrawal effects

001F1048 Kneecapper 20% chance to cripple the target's leg

001CC2A6 Lucky Weapon 2x critical damage, +15% critical refill rate

001F109C Medic's Heals targets instead of hurting them

001E6848 Mutant Slayer's +50% damage vs. Super Mutants

001CC2AC Never Ending Unlimited ammo capacity

001EBABD Nimble 75% faster movement while aiming

001E8174 Nocturnal Increases damage as night grows longer; decreases damage during the day

001F4426 Penetrating Ignores 30% of the target's damage and energy resistance

001F9B4D Plasma Infused Adds 10 points of energy damage and can turn enemies into goo

001F31B9 Poisoner's Target is poisoned for 10 seconds

001CC2AB Powerful Provides 25% more damage

001F1026 Quickdraw Costs 25% fewer AP

001EC56D Rapid Provides 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload

001ED37E Relentless Refills your AP on a critical hit

001E81AB Staggering Chance to stagger on hit

001F04BD Stalker's If you are not yet in combat, increases V.A.T.S. accuracy but costs more AP

001F81EE Troubleshooter's +50% damage vs. robots

001CC2AD Two Shot Shoots an additional projectile

001CC2AA V.A.T.S. Enhanced Improved VATS hit chance, 25% less AP cost (adds prefix)

002056F0 V.A.T.S. Enhanced 40% less AP cost (does not add prefix)

001F7B8A Violent Deals +25% damage and limb damage, but has more recoil

001E7C20 Wounding Targets bleed for 25 points of additional damage








異塵餘生4 (Fallout 4)

類別: 角色扮演
平台: PC, PS4, XboxONE
開發: Bethesda Game Studios
發行: Bethesda Softworks
上市: 2015年11月10日

終結人類文明的2077年核戰爭的210年之後,位於波士頓,馬薩諸塞及部分新英格蘭地區,統稱聯邦(the commonwealth)。幸存下來的人在這片土地上辛勤勞作,建立農場,市集,甚至城市,試圖恢複人類文明。然而凶殘的變種人和變異動物肆虐,四處土匪橫行,多方勢力交錯之下的波士頓依然很危險。遊戲採用了與現實世界不同的另一條歷史進程:生活方式、審美和時尚為美國1940至1950年代的潮流,設計風格和科技發展則延續了那個年代對未來的設想。最終的整個異塵餘生系列的世界觀都呈現了一種複古未來主義。在這個世界裏,科技發展到能製造雷射武器,操縱基因和能創造具有自主意識的人工智慧。

更多 異塵餘生4 攻略|新聞

《異塵餘生4》中武器可以通過附魔來增加威力。下面小編帶來玩家 “zh657415571” 分享的《異塵餘生4》武器傳奇特效附魔方法,趕緊來看看吧。 https://gamemad.com/guide/319888 ​ https://img3.gamemad.com/2024/04/20/ARwz2wyY.jpg 傳奇武器是基本武器加特殊效果前綴,並且在其他獲得不了。他們不能被廢棄,但是可以被定製。當你拾起它的時候會顯示螢幕中央並且有星號標記。但是不像特殊武器。他們是隨機的並且不能改名。 傳說武器只能在傳說敵人身上發現。這些傳說敵人在隨機地點刷出。他們更難被擊敗而且每個都有機會爆種當生命值降低時。他們身上總有一件傳說級裝備(所以說殺了傳奇沒爆出裝備的那是碰上了BUG或者你臉黑拾得時候系統沒有及時分配傳說裝備,等你扒光後等一會才會有傳說裝備刷出來,這時候你要重新去翻屍體) 傳奇效果前綴可以添加到普通裝備上去。你可以把普通裝備仍在地上然後利用控制台命令 “attachmod “附魔(比如點中裝備出現裝備ID後,控制台輸入 “attachmod 你想要的前綴程式碼” )。你不能在同一件裝備上加上多個前綴,但是你可以加在護甲上(護甲的傳奇特效是疊加的,比如降低10%V消耗,五件都是這個前綴則可以降低50%的消耗)。並且你可以替換傳奇裝備的前綴。 PS:根據本人的測試,如果你拿一件白板裝備或者買的搶的偷得,你放在地上都不會顯示。這個時候你需要將這件武器進行改裝之後才能有自己的特殊程式碼,在控制台介面才能被點選中。改裝過的武器程式碼一般前面會帶有ff,比較好辨認。還有個別裝備即使改了我也選不中,不知道為什麽。目前已知的是鐳射機關槍 WeaponsEdit Name Stat Form ID Assassin's 對人類造成50%額外傷害. 000e6846 Automatic 自動武器. 000a4739(不是傳說前綴) Berserker's 你的護甲越低傷害越高. (護甲0時兩倍傷害) 001ef5d7 Bloodied 生命越低傷害越高. 001ec036 Crippling 對四肢50%額外傷害. 001e6d6b Enraging 暴擊使敵人狂暴. 001f6ad4 Explosive 子彈爆炸並造成15點範圍傷害. 001e73bd Exterminator's 對螃蟹和蟲子造成50%額外傷害. 001f81eb Freezing 10點冷凍傷害並且暴擊時凍結目標. 001f5479 Furious 每次命中同一目標都會增加傷害. 001ef481 Ghoul Slayer's 50%額外傷害對屍鬼. 001e6847 Hunter's Does 50%額外傷害對動物. 001e6845 Incendiary 使目標著火造成15點傷害. 001e7173 Instigating 目標生命全滿時雙倍傷害. 001f04b8 Irradiated 50點額外輻射傷害. 001cc469 Junkie's 上癮效果越多傷害越高. 001eb99a Kneecapper 20% 機率斷腿. 001f1048 Lucky Weapon 暴擊雙倍傷害並且暴擊條充能加快15%. 001cc2a6 Medic's 治愈目標. 001f109c Mutant Slayer's 50%額外傷害對超級變種人. 001e6848 Never Ending 無限彈夾. 001cc2ac Nimble 瞄準時移動加快75%. 001ebabd Nocturnal 晚上傷害增加白天減少001e8174 Penetrating 忽略30%雙抗. 001f4426 Plasma Infused 增加10點能量傷害並使敵人化成綠渣. 001f9b4d Poisoner's 目標中毒10秒 001f31b9 Powerful 25%額外傷害. 001cc2ab Quickdraw 減少25%AP消耗. 001f1026 Rapid 加快25%射速和15%換單. 001ec56d Relentless 暴擊補充AP. 001ed37e Sentinel's 站著和不動時加15%抗性. 001f5995 Staggering 可能命中時使目標踉蹌. 001e81ab Stalker's假如沒被發現,增加V命中但消耗更多AP. 001f04bd Troubleshooter's 額外50%傷害對機器人. 001f81ec Two Shot 雙蛋,降低命中 001cc2ad VATS enhanced 增加V命中率並且降低25%AP消耗 001cc2aa VATS enhanced 降低40%V消耗. 00000000 Violent Deals +25%傷害和四肢傷害但後坐力更大. 001f7b8a Wounding 目標流血造成25點額外傷害. 001e7c20 Armor EditName Stat Form ID Acrobat's 降低50%跌落傷害. 001f1df9 Almost Unbreakable 四倍耐久. 001f1e0c(沒見過,也許是廢棄不用的,有興趣的可以試試) Assassin's 降低來自人類傷害15%. 001f1df3 Bolstering 獲得雙抗當生命越低時 (最高 +35). 001f8165 Cavalier's 格擋或者衝刺時降低傷害15%. 001f579d Chameleon當你潛行和不動時敵人更難發現你(變色龍). 001f4d18 Cunning +1 敏捷和感知 001cf57c Duelist's 10% 對近戰敵人繳械. 001f3a49 Exterminator's 降低來自螃蟹和蟲子的傷害15%. 001f81ed Fortifying +1力量和耐力 001cf57f Freefall 免疫跌落傷害(信仰之躍?) 00093bbd Ghoul slayer's 降低來自屍鬼傷害15%. 001f1dee Herbalist's +25毒抗. 001f3072 Hunter's 降低來自動物傷害15%. 001f1deb Low Weight 更低負重. 00000000 Lucky +2幸運. 001cf57e Martyr's 當戰鬥中生命低於25%會進入子彈時間. 00000000 Mutant Slayer's 降低來自綠皮傷害15%. 00000000 Powered 增加AP恢複速度. 001f7a75 Punishing 反彈10%近戰傷害. 00000000 Safecracker's增加解鎖時判斷區域. 00000000 Sharp +1魅力和智力e. 00000000 Sprinter's 增加10%移動速度. 001f1c2f Titan's 站立和不動時減少15%傷害. 001f57e4 Troubleshooter's 降低來自機器人傷害15%. 00000000 VATS 降低10%AP消耗. 00000000 實驗了幾個比如雙蛋和無限是有用的,其餘的沒測試,大家如果總是不對那換個裝備或者可能程式碼錯了,還有程式碼00000是沒找到的 更新程式碼,原先看的是有錯誤的程式碼。現在更新全的。 001F1DF9 Acrobat's 50% reduced damage from falling 001F1E0C Almost Unbreakable Quadruples durability 001F1DF3 Assassin's 15% reduced damage from humans 001F8165 Bolstering Increases energy and damage resistance as HP diminishes (up to +35) 001F579D Cavalier's 15% reduced damage while blocking or sprinting 001F4D18 Chameleon Hard to detect while sneaking and not moving 001CF57C Cunning +1 Agility, +1 Perception 001F3A49 Duelist's 10% chance to disarm melee attacker on hit 001F81EB Exterminator's 15% reduced damage from Mirelurks and bugs 001CF57F Fortifying +1 Strength, +1 Endurance 00093BBD Freefall No falling damage 001F1DEE Ghoul Slayer's 15% reduced damage from Ghouls 001F3072 Herbalist's +25 poison resistance 001F1DEB Hunter's 15% reduced damage from animals 001F1E0B Low Weight Low carry weight 001CF57E Lucky +2 Luck 001F2D3D Martyr's Temporarily slows time during combat below 20% HP 001F1DF4 Mutant Slayer's 15% reduced damage from Super Mutants 001F7A75 Powered Increases AP refresh speed 001F1E47 Punishing Reflects 10% of melee damage back on attacker 001F3CA9 Safecracker's Increases size of sweet spot while picking locks 001F5995 Sentinel's 15% less damage while standing and not moving 001CF57D Sharp Charisma +1, Intelligence +1 001F1C2F Sprinter's Increases wearer's movement speed by 15% 001F57E4 Titan's 15% reduced damage while standing and not moving 001F81EC Troubleshooter's 15% reduced damage from robots 001F1D62 V.A.T.S. Enhanced -10% AP cost in V.A.T.S. (does not add prefix) Weapon OMODs Form ID Prefix Effect 001E6846 Assassin's +50% damage vs. humans 000A4739 Automatic Automatic fire mode 001EF5D7 Berserker's More damage the lower your damage resistance 001EC036 Bloodied More damage the lower your health 001F57E2 Cavalier's 15% less damage while blocking or sprinting 001E6D6B Crippling +50% limb damage 001F6AD4 Enraging Critical hits cause target to frenzy 001E73BD Explosive Bullets explode on impact inflicting 15 AOE damage 001F81ED Exterminator's +50% damage vs. Mirelurks and bugs 001F5479 Freezing 10 points cryo damage and will freeze targets on critical hits 001EF481 Furious Damage increases after each hit on same target 001E6847 Ghoul Slayer's +50% damage vs. Ghouls 001E6845 Hunter's +50% damage vs. animals 001E7173 Incendiary Sets target on fire for 15 points of damage 001F04B8 Instigating 2x damage if the target is at full health 001CC469 Irradiated 50 points additional radiation damage 001EB99A Junkie's Damage increases with the number of withdrawal effects 001F1048 Kneecapper 20% chance to cripple the target's leg 001CC2A6 Lucky Weapon 2x critical damage, +15% critical refill rate 001F109C Medic's Heals targets instead of hurting them 001E6848 Mutant Slayer's +50% damage vs. Super Mutants 001CC2AC Never Ending Unlimited ammo capacity 001EBABD Nimble 75% faster movement while aiming 001E8174 Nocturnal Increases damage as night grows longer; decreases damage during the day 001F4426 Penetrating Ignores 30% of the target's damage and energy resistance 001F9B4D Plasma Infused Adds 10 points of energy damage and can turn enemies into goo 001F31B9 Poisoner's Target is poisoned for 10 seconds 001CC2AB Powerful Provides 25% more damage 001F1026 Quickdraw Costs 25% fewer AP 001EC56D Rapid Provides 25% faster fire rate, 15% faster reload 001ED37E Relentless Refills your AP on a critical hit 001E81AB Staggering Chance to stagger on hit 001F04BD Stalker's If you are not yet in combat, increases V.A.T.S. accuracy but costs more AP 001F81EE Troubleshooter's +50% damage vs. robots 001CC2AD Two Shot Shoots an additional projectile 001CC2AA V.A.T.S. Enhanced Improved VATS hit chance, 25% less AP cost (adds prefix) 002056F0 V.A.T.S. Enhanced 40% less AP cost (does not add prefix) 001F7B8A Violent Deals +25% damage and limb damage, but has more recoil 001E7C20 Wounding Targets bleed for 25 points of additional damage 和上面的翻譯對照下,這份資料應該沒有錯了。 一共三分資料,如果第二份我的程式碼有問題。看第二份的程式碼去第一份找英文介紹然後再用英文介紹去找第三份中的程式碼 更多相關資訊請關注:專題 來源:遊俠網