1). Shut down your MC Business, go outsidedisband MC 關閉工廠,出門然後註銷機車幫
2). Get inside restart your MC Business. 沒有機車幫身份進入工廠,開啟工廠。
3). Buy your supplies for Business. 購買原料
4). Wait 8 to 10 minutes for supplies toarrive. 等待8-10分鐘,原料到達(老外沒說在哪裡等,我姑且理解為在工廠裡,開啟機車幫身份的情況下等)
5). Wait until your supplies go down towhere it'll cost you $15,000 but if it costs more, you'll need to restart. 等待你的原料開始有消耗,消耗量小於一格也就是小於15000的進貨量,否則需要重開。
6). Shut down your MC Business. 再次關閉工廠
7). Disband your MC Business outside. 出門隨後註銷機車幫
8). Make sure your spawn location is set tolast location. (I don't think it's needed, but it just makes things easier.) 設定出生點為上個位置,(可能是不必要的,但是比較省事和方便)
9). Go back inside your MC Business. 沒有機車幫身份進入工廠
10). Go to your computer and buy resupply.(Make sure the cost is $15,000.) 打開電腦購買原料(確保是花費15000)
11). Disband your MC inside your business. 工廠內註銷機車幫
12). Walk back outside of your MC Business. 走出去
13). Go back to story mode. 回到故事模式
14). Now once you go back to story mode, goback online. (If you have trouble getting back online, close the game down andgo back on, the glitch should still work.) 接著切換到線上模式(如果遇到網路問題不能進入線上,可以關閉遊戲打退重進依然有效)
15). Once you're back online, just wait forLJT to text you saying your supplies have arrived. 回到線上之後等待LJT簡訊說原料已經到達
16). Once he texts you, go back inside andrestart your MC Business. 收到簡訊後,馬上進入工廠開啟工廠(我的理解是不開啟機車幫進入工廠,直接用電腦開啟工廠)
17). Disband your MC inside and back out. 工廠內註銷機車幫,然後出門
18). Come back to your Business later on tocheck if you have product and your supplies are still full 等待一段時間回來檢查是否開始生產而且原料不掉