俠盜獵車手5 GTA5 賣車賺錢方法 1.04版適用 - 遊戲狂

俠盜獵車手5 GTA5 賣車賺錢方法 1.04版適用





俠盜獵車手5GTA5 賣車賺錢方法 1.04版適用

俠盜獵車手5GTA5 賣車賺錢方法 1.04版適用

轉自GTA Forum,中英文對照,媽媽再也不用擔心我買印鈔機


1. Make sure last locations turned on instead of apartment in the spawn options.


2. Drive super car from garage into LS Customs & buy something...doesn't matter what


3. Pull out, wait for the save thing to spin in bottom right corner. This will lock in your spawn location.


4. Back out to single player and wait for it to load up. Now go back to GTA:O and let it load up.


5. Park super car near LS customs. I used the Adder for this whole thing.


6. Steal pedestrian vehicle and drive into LS customs. Get to the confirm sell part but don't actually sell it.


7. Start - left - A - A (Store).

START暫停-左-確認-確認(PSN Store)

8. Back out, should now be spawned in super car near LS customs.


9 . Drive it in and sell it all the way (confirm this time, should say SOLD).


10. Start - Online - Switch Character. The select character and load it up.

START暫停-Online-切換角色 再選中該角色

11. Should spawn back in super car with profits on hand.


12. Repeat steps 5-11.


If for whatever reason during step 8 you spawn in the car you stole instead of your super car then you probably skipped step 4. That step is important and only needs to be done the first time. If it still messes up I would join a different session and restart from step 2.








俠盜獵車手5 (Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA5))

類別: 動作
平台: PC, PS4, XboxONE
開發: Rockstar North
發行: Rockstar Games
上市: 2015-04-14 (PC)

《俠盜獵車手5(Grand Theft Auto V)》是由Rockstar製作發行的一款圍繞犯罪為主題的開放式動作冒險遊戲,遊戲背景洛聖都基於現實地區中的美國洛杉磯和加州南部製作,遊戲擁有幾乎與現實世界相同的世界觀。玩家可扮演三位主角並在任意時刻進行切換,每位主角都有自己獨特的人格與故事背景,以及交織的劇情。

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俠盜獵車手5GTA5 賣車賺錢方法 1.04版適用 https://gamemad.com/guide/34730 https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/19/607d24225024c.jpg 轉自GTA Forum,中英文對照,媽媽再也不用擔心我買印鈔機 1. Make sure last locations turned on instead of apartment in the spawn options. 重生地點記得調成最後出現位置,而不是自己的公寓 2. Drive super car from garage into LS Customs & buy something...doesn't matter what 開你自己的超跑(網上買來的)去LSC,隨便買點改裝 3. Pull out, wait for the save thing to spin in bottom right corner. This will lock in your spawn location. 開出來,等右下角雲存儲保存(記錄你的重生地點) 4. Back out to single player and wait for it to load up. Now go back to GTA:O and let it load up. 回到單人遊戲模式,等載入。然後重新回到OL模式 5. Park super car near LS customs. I used the Adder for this whole thing. 在LSC**停你的超跑 6. Steal pedestrian vehicle and drive into LS customs. Get to the confirm sell part but don't actually sell it. “借”一輛路人的車進LSC,看下出售選項,但不用真的出售 7. Start - left - A - A (Store). START暫停-左-確認-確認(PSN Store) 8. Back out, should now be spawned in super car near LS customs. 返回,現在你應該重生在你停在LSC外的超跑裡了 9 . Drive it in and sell it all the way (confirm this time, should say SOLD). 開進LSC然後賣了它(顯示售出) 10. Start - Online - Switch Character. The select character and load it up. START暫停-Online-切換角色 再選中該角色 11. Should spawn back in super car with profits on hand. 應該重生在你的超跑裡了,同時賣車的$$也有 12. Repeat steps 5-11. 重複5-11步 If for whatever reason during step 8 you spawn in the car you stole instead of your super car then you probably skipped step 4. That step is important and only needs to be done the first time. If it still messes up I would join a different session and restart from step 2. 如果在第八步你重生在問路人“借”來的車裡,而不是自己的超跑,那可能是因為你調過了第四步。回到單人這一步很重要,如果還是不行,試試加入不同的戰局,並從第二步開始重試。 效率問題: 要借路人的車很煩?是的,對於賣超跑而言是需要這一步,而買普通跑車(如王者)就不需要。 原文作者做過測試,每30分鐘可以賣3次靈蛇,淨賺61.5w,而賣王者(全改裝)可以賣5次,利潤只有56w(其實也不錯了) 點擊進入3DM《俠盜獵車手5》遊戲論壇專區