《電馭叛客2077》控制台程式碼大全 (第11頁:傳送點) - 遊戲狂

《電馭叛客2077》控制台程式碼大全 (第11頁:傳送點)






記錄你的當前位置 Pos = GetPlayer():GetWorldPosition() print(" x = "..string.format("%f", Pos.x), ", y = "..string.format("%f", Pos.y), ", z = "..string.format("%f", Pos.z).." \n ")

傳送至當前任務位置 local function toQuestMark() local function Alert(txt, secs) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(txt, secs or 5.0) end local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local JM = Game.GetJournalManager(); local MS = Game.GetMappinSystem(); entry = JM:GetTrackedEntry(); if JM:IsEntryTracked(entry) then entryHash = JM:GetEntryHash(entry); local Ok, Pos = MS:GetQuestMappinPositionsByObjective(entryHash); if Ok and Pos[1] then Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(P, Vector4.new(Pos[1].x, Pos[1].y, Pos[1].z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, P:GetWorldYaw())) Alert('IF YOU ARE STUCK AT SPAWN TIME, YOU CAN USE THE " TELEPORT FORWARD " COMMAND.', 10.0) else Alert('UNABLE TO FIND THE QUEST LOCATION.') end else Alert('NO TRACKED QUEST FOUND.') end end toQuestMark()


傳送到瞄準位置 toAimingPos = function() local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local TSLO = Game.GetTargetingSystem(); local pos = TSLO:GetLookAtPosition(P, true, true); Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(P, Vector4.new(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) end toAimingPos()

打開快速傳送選單 UIS = Game.GetUISystem() UIS:RequestFastTravelMenu()

向前傳送3米 ForwardAmount = 3; teleportForward = function(amount) P = Game.GetPlayer(); local pos = P:GetWorldPosition(); local WF = P:GetWorldForward(); forw = amount or 1; local forwAmount = Vector4.new(pos.x + (WF.x * forw), pos.y + (WF.y * forw), pos.z, pos.w); Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(P, forwAmount, EulerAngles.new(0,0,P:GetWorldYaw())) end teleportForward(ForwardAmount) --[[ P = Game.GetPlayer(); Cam = Game.GetCameraSystem(); Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(P, Vector4.new(P:GetWorldPosition().x + Cam:GetActiveCameraForward().x, P:GetWorldPosition().y + Cam:GetActiveCameraForward().y, P:GetWorldPosition().z + Cam:GetActiveCameraForward().z, Cam:GetActiveCameraForward().w), EulerAngles.new(0,0,P:GetWorldYaw())) ]]

傳送到標記點 function SetupMappinDest() if ObserversSetupDone then return end active = {}; active.map = nil; Observe('MenuScenario_HubMenu', 'GetMenusState', function(self) if self:IsA('MenuScenario_HubMenu') then active.map = self; else active.map = nil; end end) Observe('gameuiWorldMapMenuGameController', 'HasSelectedMappin', function(self) if self.selectedMappin and self.pressedRMB then local mappinVariant = tostring(self.selectedMappin:GetMappinVariant().value); if active.map:IsA('MenuScenario_HubMenu') then CustomMappinDest = self.selectedMappin:GetMappin():GetWorldPosition() end end end) ObserversSetupDone = true; end function TeleportToMappinDest() SetupMappinDest() if not FirstLaunchSetupDone then local body1 = "FIRST LAUNCH SETUP COMPLETED.\n( This message will be shown only once during the entire game session )"; local body2 = " \n\nFrom now on you can select a NEW waypoint in the MAP and re-enter the command every time you select a waypoint."; local body3 = " \n\n 1) EXIT / RE-ENTER the MAP \n 2) TRACK A NEW VALID WAYPOINT ( existent marker or pinned location ) \n 3) RE-ENTER THE COMMAND"; local body4 = "\n\nIf the tracked waypoint is a 'CUSTOM PINNED LOCATION', be sure to click at the EXACT SPOT on the road, otherwise the coordinates will not be acquired."; local body = body1..body2..body3..body4; Game.GetUISystem():QueueEvent(NotifyShardRead.new({title = "TELEPORT TO THE TRACKED WAYPOINT : INFO", text = body})) print(" \n - TELEPORT TO WAYPOINT : "..body1.."\nA TEXT SHARD with the INSTRUCTIONS just opened, go take a read...\n ") FirstLaunchSetupDone = true; else if CustomMappinDest then Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(CustomMappinDest.x, CustomMappinDest.y, CustomMappinDest.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) CustomMappinDest = nil; print(" \n - TELEPORTING . . . ( If you are stuck at spawn time, you can use the ' TELEPORT FORWARD ' command ) \n ") else print(" \n - TRACK A VALID WAYPOINT ON THE MAP FIRST. ( If it's a CUSTOM PINNED LOCATION, it must be placed on the exact spot on the road ) \n ") end end end TeleportToMappinDest()

摩天樓H10 loc = { x = -1381.831543, y = 1272.916382, z = 123.064896 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's APARTMENT [MEGABUILDING H10] [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

谷地區公寓 loc = { x = -1523.145752, y = -977.349976, z = 86.944916 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's APARTMENT [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0)

北區公寓 loc = { x = -1505.259521, y = 2231.639648, z = 22.214188 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's APARTMENT [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0)

日本街公寓 loc = { x = -786.895203, y = 976.629822, z = 28.209541 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's APARTMENT [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

公司廣場公寓 loc = { x = -1606.303589, y = 354.252991, z = 49.200005 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's APARTMENT [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

狗鎮公寓 loc = { x = -2235.9866, y = -2557.655, z = 80.30098 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's APARTMENT [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

太陽結局的公寓 loc = { x = -1340.884766, y = 1190.658203, z = 115.007172 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's MANSION [INSIDE] [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

太陽結局的公寓外 loc = { x = -1340.884766, y = 1220.658203, z = 115.007172 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's MANSION [OUTSIDE] [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

達科塔 loc = { x = 2419.131836, y = -795.221985, z = 66.996750 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("FIXER - DAKOTA SMITH [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

戴諾 loc = { x = -1967.008423, y = 369.847382, z = 8.040825 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("FIXER - DINO DINOVIC [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0)

老船長雷耶斯 loc = { x = 405.594482, y = -2352.642578, z = 182.027740 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("FIXER - MUMAR EL CALIPTAN REYES [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0)

瑞吉娜 loc = { x = -1149.433105, y = 1581.234619, z = 71.712402 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("FIXER - REGINA JONES [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

和歌子 loc = { x = -668.265747, y = 823.310669, z = 19.566063 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("FIXER - WAKAKO OKADA [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

塞巴斯蒂安 loc = { x = -1803.299805, y = -1279.714111, z = 21.837990 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("FIXER - SEBASTIAN PadRE IBARRA [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0)

漢茲 loc = { x = -1577.8403, y = -2337.4778, z = 57.906265 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

朱迪家 loc = { x = -906.306396, y = 1868.635620, z = 42.360016 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - JUDY'S HOUSE [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

瑞佛家 loc = { x = 1235.896606, y = -504.580139, z = 36.427094 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - RIVER'S HOUSE [BADLANDS - RED PEAKS]", 10.0)

米斯蒂家 loc = { x = -1546.295776, y = 1194.164063, z = 16.260002 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - MISTY'S ESOTERICA [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

克萊爾車庫 loc = { x = -645.418945, y = -1260.975586, z = 9.376778 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - CLAIRE'S GARAGE [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0)

克裡豪宅 loc = { x = 152.792022, y = 1068.36730, z = 203.005966 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - KERRY [RESIDENCE] [WESTBROOK - NORTH OAK]", 10.0)

羅格的來生 loc = { x = -1427.401245, y = 1014.764099, z = 16.901749 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - ROGUE AMENDIARES [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

桑德拉家 loc = { x = -1282.49267, y = 1518.7532958984, z = 45.0 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - SANDRA DORSETT [APARTMENT] [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

德克斯特(死亡地點) loc = { x = 1544.395996, y = -1971.859009, z = 73.342407 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - DEXTER DESHAWN [Dead Body] [BADLANDS - RED PEAKS]", 10.0)

扭扭街的性偶 loc = { x = -651.857, y = 844.0821, z = 19.315422 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - DEXTER DESHAWN [Dead Body] [BADLANDS - RED PEAKS]", 10.0)

守口如瓶汽車旅館 loc = { x = -1158.889404, y = 1342.452271, z = 19.943626 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NO-TELL MOTEL [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

日落汽車旅館 loc = { x = 1628.261475, y = -775.431030, z = 49.980309 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SUNSET MOTEL [BADLANDS - RED PEAKS]", 10.0)

陽光汽車旅館 loc = { x = 3602.863037, y = -879.516479, z = 119.546600 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SUNSHINE MOTEL [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

阿德卡多(搬家前) loc = { x = 3444.628174, y = -365.633270, z = 133.852707 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("MOBILE CAMP [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

阿德卡多(搬家後) loc = { x = 1816.382324, y = 2256.925781, z = 180.260223 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NOMAD CAMP [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

流浪者V開局的修車地 loc = { x = -3972.60131, y = -6495.14794, z = 75.73356 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NOMAD STARTING LOCATION - AWACS ZONE [BADLANDS - BIOTECHNICA FLATS]", 10.0)

扭扭街 loc = { x = -640.769165, y = 886.267151, z = 19.888809 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("JIG JIG STREET [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

禮拜堂門前 loc = { x = -1751.548462, y = -1933.493042, z = 61.524582 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA DISTRICT [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

大帝國商場 loc = { x = -2265.841309, y = -2112.402588, z = 13.296661 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GRAND IMPERIAL MALL [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

德拉曼總部 loc = { x = -940.837341, y = -77.526871, z = 7.509773 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("DELAMAIN'S HQ [HEYWOOD - VISTA DEL REY]", 10.0)

協和公園 loc = { x = -1782.537598, y = -390.172638, z = -4.015121 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RECONCILIATION PARK [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0)

石脊山 loc = { x = 2599.074707, y = -33.218079, z = 80.714417 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("ROCKY RIDGE [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

七層地獄(一樓) loc = { x = -1941.699097, y = -43.114662, z = -1.532372 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - 7TH HELL [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0)

七層地獄(二樓) loc = { x = -1923.03979, y = -31.430084, z = 3.528388 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - 7TH HELL [OFFICE] [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0)

來生 loc = { x = -1456.893433, y = 1038.277222, z = 16.825035 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - AFTERLIFE [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

雲頂 loc = { x = -652.481812, y = 790.145996, z = 128.252228 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - CLOUDS [INSIDE] [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

暗物質露台 loc = { x = -346.081238, y = 221.274918, z = 191.086502 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - DARK MATTER [INSIDE] [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

暗物質一樓 loc = { x = -346.648010, y = 222.090622, z = 27.594040 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - DARK MATTER [OUTSIDE] [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

麗茲(門外) loc = { x = -1207.988525, y = 1563.142090, z = 22.920128 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - LIZZIE'S BAR [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

麗茲(負一樓) loc = { x = -1164.941406, y = 1576.41528, z = 18.915122 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - LIZZIE'S BAR [Basement] [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

暴亂夜總會 loc = { x = -1639.360839, y = 1019.90295, z = 28.824333 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - RIOT [INSIDE] [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

死亡之舞 loc = { x = -1738.612061, y = 2213.224121, z = 90.204559 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - TOTENTANZ [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0)

亞特蘭蒂斯 loc = { x = -756.448852, y = 1074.70104, z = 62.005004 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - THE ATLANTIS [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

野狼 loc = { x = -1260.774536, y = -981.771790, z = 11.589195 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - EL COYOTE COJO [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0)

心事重重 loc = { x = -1604.845, y = -2333.431, z = 43.050865 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

天蛾酒吧 loc = { x = -2423.018, y = -2669.381, z = 28.012566 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

體育場 loc = { x = -1403.6035, y = -2025.8737, z = 71.86258 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

維克多 loc = { x = -1546.726196, y = 1227.393066, z = 11.520233 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - VIKTOR'S CLINIC [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

卡西烏斯·賴德 loc = { x = -1686.586182, y = 2386.400879, z = 18.344055 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - CASSIUS RYDER'S CLINIC [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0)

查爾斯 loc = { x = -1090.759155, y = 2147.218262, z = 13.330742 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - BUCK'S CLINIC [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

羅伯特 loc = { x = -1245.325439, y = 1945.930908, z = 8.030479 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - DR. CHROME [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

植入不求人 loc = { x = -1040.245972, y = 1440.913696, z = 0.500221 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - INSTANT IMPLANTS [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

櫻花市集的醫生 loc = { x = -712.370605, y = 871.832458, z = 11.982414 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - CHERRY BLOSSOM MARKET [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

指頭哥 loc = { x = -573.507813, y = 795.048279, z = 24.906097 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - FINGERS M.D. [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

天際線和共和路的醫生 loc = { x = -2411.207764, y = 393.523010, z = 11.837067 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - SKYLINE & REPUBLIC [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0)

抽水站的醫生 loc = { x = -2361.011475, y = -929.024597, z = 12.266129 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - PALMS VIEW PLAZA [HEYWOOD - WELLSPRINGS]", 10.0)

妮娜·克拉維茲 loc = { x = -40.347633, y = -52.439484, z = 7.179688 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - KRAVIZ'S CLINIC [WESTBROOK - CHARTER HILL]", 10.0)

傳道海濱的醫生 loc = { x = -1072.172729, y = -1274.062866, z = 11.456871 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - WOLLESON ST [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0)

西風公寓的醫生 loc = { x = -2607.956787, y = -2498.076660, z = 17.334549 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - WEST WIND [PACIFICA - WEST WIND ESTATE]", 10.0)

奧克塔維奧 loc = { x = 588.132568, y = -2179.594482, z = 42.437347 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - OCTAVIO'S CLINIC [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0)

阿德卡多的醫生(搬家前) loc = { x = 3438.949463, y = -380.475800, z = 133.569855 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - MOBILE CAMP [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

阿德卡多的醫生(搬家後) loc = { x = 1814.132202, y = 2274.446289, z = 182.176987 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - NOMAD CAMP [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

體育場的義體醫生 loc = { x = -1445.6168, y = -2014.2567, z = 71.850006 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

長灘堆料場的義體醫生 loc = { x = -2399.6929, y = -2656.0935, z = 27.876686 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

威爾遜 loc = { x = -1450.176147, y = 1311.742676, z = 119.082397 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - WILSON SHOP [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

直接了彈(歌舞伎市場) loc = { x = -1207.415771, y = 2043.946289, z = 7.844711 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - STRAIGHT SHOOTER [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

槍與彈(城北工業區碼頭) loc = { x = -1895.143433, y = 2729.943359, z = 7.449997 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - IRON & LEAD [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0)

全食品廠區的商人 loc = { x = -783.261963, y = 2183.184570, z = 52.801941 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - MAELSTROM HEAT [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0)

天際線和薩利納斯街的商人 loc = { x = -453.489319, y = 1450.199219, z = 37.388107 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - SKYLINE&SALINAS VENDOR [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

哈爾西街的商人 loc = { x = -1770.706543, y = 222.652618, z = 43.727768 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - HALSEY&MLK VENDOR [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0)

罐頭廠廣場的商人 loc = { x = -2402.214355, y = -630.521790, z = 6.906044 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - CANNERY PLAZA VENDOR [HEYWOOD - WELLSPRINGS]", 10.0)

海伍德谷地區的商人 loc = { x = -1899.170654, y = -1019.690430, z = 7.676468 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - VENTURA&SKYLINE VENDOR [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0)

海伍德麗景區的商人 loc = { x = -906.048767, y = -703.476807, z = 8.237724 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - COLLEGE ST VENDOR [HEYWOOD - VISTA DEL REY]", 10.0)

日落汽車旅館的商人 loc = { x = 1678.147217, y = -771.591980, z = 49.839981 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - SUNSET MOTEL VENDOR [BADLANDS - RED PEAKS]", 10.0)

阿德卡多的商人(搬家前) loc = { x = 3429.046387, y = -375.550720, z = 133.535477 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - MOBILE CAMP VENDOR [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

阿德卡多的商人(搬家後) loc = { x = 1796.789307, y = 2253.482178, z = 180.262894 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - NOMAD CAMP VENDOR [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

伍德黑文街的商人 loc = { x = 569.700745, y = -2201.206787, z = 35.345894 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0)

聖多明戈河谷區的商人 loc = { x = -992.885986, y = -1589.419189, z = 25.700897 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - MANUFACTORY MARKET VENDOR [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0)

太平州西風莊園的商人 loc = { x = -2438.164063, y = -2405.232422, z = 16.722504 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP [PACIFICA - WEST WIND ESTATE]", 10.0)

加油站的商人 loc = { x = -1844.916138, y = -4255.368652, z = 74.019012 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - FUEL STATION VENDOR [BADLANDS - BIOTECHNICA FLATS]", 10.0)

體育場的商人 loc = { x = -1407.011, y = -2074.4868, z = 71.871506 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

長灘堆料場的商人 loc = { x = -2431.0503, y = -2688.3306, z = 28.397697 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

體育場的黑市商人 loc = { x = -1404.9125, y = -2006.5178, z = 71.86803 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

弗雷 loc = { x = -1430.860107, y = 1335.109497, z = 119.206131 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("MELEE VENDOR - COACH FRED [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

威斯特布魯克日本街的斯佩克特 loc = { x = -337.444519, y = 563.404053, z = 38.349251 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("MELEE VENDOR - CRESCENT&BROAD [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

太平州西風莊園的商人 loc = { x = -2529.142578, y = -2468.510010, z = 17.196762 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("MELEE VENDOR [PACIFICA - WEST WIND ESTATE]", 10.0)

科羅納多農場動物幫的商人 loc = { x = -476.260040, y = -1942.191772, z = 7.003807 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("MELEE VENDOR [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0)

惡土的商人 loc = { x = 133.805145, y = -4670.488281, z = 54.607399 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("MELEE VENDOR - TANGO TORS [BADLANDS - JACKSON PLAINS]", 10.0)

沃森區北區 loc = { x = -1895.527832, y = 2504.133301, z = 18.263504 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE - PERSHING ST STORE [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0)

沃森區小唐人街 loc = { x = -1522.441040, y = 1701.879639, z = 18.317543 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

沃森區歌舞伎區 loc = { x = -1119.808105, y = 1752.149658, z = 33.722076 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

日本街 loc = { x = -682.614563, y = 1239.223755, z = 37.966957 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE - BLOSSOMING SAKURA CLOTHIER [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

憲章山 loc = { x = -230.233231, y = -36.969742, z = 0.883064 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE - LELE PARK STORE [WESTBROOK - CHARTER HILL]", 10.0)

惡土 loc = { x = 1202.813965, y = -570.510498, z = 32.692131 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE [BADLANDS - RED PEAKS]", 10.0)

聖多明戈科羅納多農場 loc = { x = 253.300400, y = -1475.245850, z = 9.500000 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE - MALLAGRA&MANZANITA STORE [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0)

聖多明格河谷區 loc = { x = -1017.764709, y = -1557.709351, z = 25.700897 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE - MANUFACTORY MARKET VENDOR [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0)

太平州西風莊園 loc = { x = -2477.911377, y = -2536.459229, z = 16.969376 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE [PACIFICA - WEST WIND ESTATE]", 10.0)

海伍德美泉區 loc = { x = -2437.346680, y = -666.163452, z = 6.922104 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE [HEYWOOD - WELLSPRINGS]", 10.0)

市政中心公司廣場 loc = { x = -1575.944580, y = -282.437988, z = -4.425003 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE - APPEL DE PARIS [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

市政中心市中心神宮寺 loc = { x = -1884.361938, y = 82.698013, z = 7.519997 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE - JINGUJI [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0)

體育場 loc = { x = -1407.2228, y = -2045.2655, z = 71.86578 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

長灘堆料場 loc = { x = -2370.286, y = -2696.3582, z = 28.254112 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

沃森區北區 loc = { x = -1930.447875, y = 2741.377685, z = 10.449996 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - DOCKS PHARMACEUTICALS [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0)

沃森區歌舞伎區 loc = { x = -955.330444, y = 1783.534057, z = 22.837463 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - CHARTER STREET PHARMACEUTICALS [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

沃森區小唐人街 loc = { x = -1699.426757, y = 1254.763793, z = 18.229026 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - PHARMACEUTICALS [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

日本街 loc = { x = -442.117218, y = 1437.026367, z = 37.279304 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - SKYLINE & SALITAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

市政中心公司廣場 loc = { x = -1128.585449, y = 234.626312, z = 5.287002 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - MEDICAL ACCESSORIES [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

市政中心市中心 loc = { x = -1883.996948, y = 376.438232, z = 27.705146 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - DOWNTOWN PHARMACEUTICALS [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0)

海伍德美泉區 loc = { x = -2182.743164, y = -944.747802, z = 8.017768 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - PALMS VIEW PLAZA PHARMACEUTICALS [HEYWOOD - WELLSPRINGS]", 10.0)

聖多明格河谷區 loc = { x = -1004.352050, y = -1572.167236, z = 25.729621 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - MANUFACTORY MARKET PHARMACEUTICALS [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0)

聖多明戈科羅納多農場 loc = { x = 428.308593, y = -1442.177734, z = 15.195770 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - MALLAGRA & MANZANITA DRUGS [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0)

太平州海景區 loc = { x = -1902.288940, y = -1898.859375, z = 49.303024 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - COASTVIEW PHARMACEUTICALS [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

惡土 loc = { x = 3443.864501, y = -1983.330322, z = 99.474639 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - BADLANDS PHARMACEUTICALS [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

體育場 loc = { x = -1430.6187, y = -2034.3643, z = 73.740005 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

長灘堆料場 loc = { x = -2356.8774, y = -2684.64, z = 36.382065 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

沃森區歌舞伎區歌舞伎市場 loc = { x = -1180.311279, y = 2041.457520, z = 20.087074 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NETRUNNER - YOKO TSURU [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

日本街 loc = { x = -351.593842, y = 1368.778564, z = 42.124115 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NETRUNNER [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

日本街(隱藏) loc = { x = -492.061035, y = 583.292725, z = 26.802223 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NETRUNNER - CHANG HOON NAM [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

太平州海景區巴提大酒店 loc = { x = -1906.515015, y = -1925.094238, z = 48.903023 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NETRUNNER [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

海伍德麗景區 loc = { x = -845.921082, y = -394.881470, z = 8.163307 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NETRUNNER [HEYWOOD - VISTA DEL REY]", 10.0)

體育場 loc = { x = -1395.4839, y = -2030.0043, z = 75.7596 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

死亡 loc = { x = -1808.519287, y = -542.195801, z = 10.144997 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - DEATH [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0)

正義 loc = { x = 51.435013, y = -498.468506, z = 15.313713 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - JUSTICE [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0)

力量 loc = { x = 684.020813, y = -616.751282, z = 9.846458 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - STRENGHT [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0)

節製 loc = { x = 195.212189, y = 574.286682, z = 120.330841 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - TEMPERANCE [WESTBROOK - NORTH OAK]", 10.0)

戰車 loc = { x = -1503.578857, y = 1137.667480, z = 18.070541 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE CHARIOT [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

皇帝 loc = { x = -2103.592773, y = 1772.950562, z = 18.331223 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE EMPEROR [WATSON - ARASAKA WATERFRONT]", 10.0)

女皇 loc = { x = -1460.803711, y = 1047.891846, z = 18.762367 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE EMPRESS [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

愚者 loc = { x = -1391.457397, y = 1268.110229, z = 123.082397 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE FOOL [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

倒吊人 loc = { x = -1834.668945, y = 3877.000000, z = 17.890144 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE HANGED MAN [BADLANDS - NORTHERN OILFIELDS]", 10.0)

隱士 loc = { x = -1736.029663, y = -1934.164917, z = 61.592911 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE HEREMIT [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

教皇 loc = { x = -880.238464, y = 1320.123047, z = 5.821556 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE HIEROPHANT [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

女祭司 loc = { x = -630.949707, y = -212.408829, z = 20.170006 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE HIGH PRIESTESS [HEYWOOD - VISTA DEL REY]", 10.0)

戀人 loc = { x = -113.085938, y = 1935.875000, z = 100.617203 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE LOVERS [WESTBROOK - NORTH OAK]", 10.0)

魔術師 loc = { x = -1231.555420, y = 1559.181641, z = 22.671944 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE MAGICIAN [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

月亮 loc = { x = 397.054016, y = 1151.880493, z = 220.754074 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE MOON [WESTBROOK - NORTH OAK]", 10.0)

星星 loc = { x = -611.084839, y = -3845.938721, z = 72.121140 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE STAR [BADLANDS - JACKSON PLAINS]", 10.0)

太陽 loc = { x = -1330.365479, y = 1202.760132, z = 19.432549 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE SUN [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

高塔 loc = { x = -1574.8718, y = 141.00473, z = 7.298584 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE TOWER [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

命運之輪 loc = { x = 1650.025879, y = -793.365784, z = 49.820427 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE [BADLANDS - RED PEAKS]", 10.0)

世界 loc = { x = -1549.944092, y = 1208.757080, z = 57.000008 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE WORLD [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

寶劍國王 loc = { x = -2412.566, y = -2634.6558, z = 22.769066 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

權杖國王 loc = { x = -1811.6892, y = -2729.8894, z = 73.92639 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

星幣國王 loc = { x = -2235.472, y = -2546.6084, z = 80.30098 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

聖杯國王 loc = { x = -1333.4802, y = -1736.8926, z = 44.2061 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

審判(神輿)(不用拿) loc = { x = -1361.474121, y = 155.524597, z = -26.648010 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - JUDGEMENT [ENDING QUEST]", 10.0)


入土為安 loc = { x = -1100.205200, y = 2804.27246, z = 7.1907348 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - SIX FEET UNDER [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

血腥儀式 loc = { x = -1516.028564, y = 2513.15039, z = 6.9869384 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - BLOODY RITUAL [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0)

事出反常必有妖 loc = { x = -1705.857299, y = 2251.37426, z = 18.000022 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - WHERE THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOr [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0)

兔死狗烹 loc = { x = -816.7252807, y = 1959.36071, z = 51.605758 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - DemoNS OF WAR [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

莫厄爾中尉 loc = { x = -1092.920043, y = 1546.83032, z = 2.1322555 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - LT. MOWER [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

跟大哥們混的資格loc = { x = -2047.724243, y = 1252.05261, z = 3.8899993 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - TICKET TO THE MAJOR LEAGUES [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

充耳不聞 loc = { x = -2170.168457, y = 294.237762, z = 8.0100097 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - ON DEAF EARS [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0)

夜之城魅影 loc = { x = -1641.139770, y = 245.386596, z = 8.2137145 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - PHANTOM OF NIGHT CITY [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

有法必依 loc = { x = -2373.627685, y = -1098.771362, z = 12.810585 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - LETTER OF THE LAW [HEYWOOD - WELLSPRINGS]", 10.0)

海濱咖啡館 loc = { x = -2237.607177, y = -1310.147949, z = 12.271194 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - SEASIDE CAFE [HEYWOOD - WELLSPRINGS]", 10.0)

水上的煙霧 loc = { x = -1939.302490, y = -1617.433593, z = 5.9614181 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - SMOKE ON THE WATER [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

同態復仇 loc = { x = -2217.856689, y = -1943.290771, z = 5.3432922 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - LEX TALIONIS [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

大橋下 loc = { x = -644.8963623, y = -1313.797363, z = 8.0832595 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - UNDER THE BRIDGE [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0)

打折的醫生 loc = { x = 324.345153, y = -1919.653564, z = -5.797576 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - DISCOUNT DOC [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0)

荒原 loc = { x = 2527.024658, y = -1685.096801, z = 74.852676 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - THE WASTELAND [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

山林小屋 loc = { x = 2704.333984, y = -595.9229736, z = 102.67890 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - HOUSE ON THE HILL [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

人生重來 loc = { x = 4602.4306645, y = -1240.256713, z = 142.72061 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO 17 - SECOND CHANCES [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

荒阪倉庫 loc = { x = -253.68695, y = -1462.9231, z = 7.5999146 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PERK SHARD [ARASAKA INDUSTRIAL PARK] [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0)

荒阪倉庫 loc = { x = -254.02971, y = -1508.8351, z = 12.610001 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PERK SHARD [ARASAKA INDUSTRIAL PARK] [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0)

惡土 loc = { x = 2287.9966, y = -1051.378, z = 55.498795 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PERK SHARD [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

市政中心公司廣場 loc = { x = -1354.8429, y = 444.22794, z = 13.151001 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PERK SHARD [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

沃森區北區 loc = { x = -964.2407, y = 2778.0720, z = 30.049217 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PERK SHARD [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0)

伍德黑文街 loc = { x = 645.40015, y = -2159.7837, z = 39.349243 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PERK SHARD [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0)

海伍德谷地區的NCPD loc = { x = -1984.3334, y = -1027.2446, z = 7.6319275 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PERK SHARD [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0)

101高速北 loc = { x = -2495.540527, y = 3583.902100, z = 12.937248 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - NORTHERN OILFIELDS - 101 NORTH", 10.0)

廢棄的加油站 loc = { x = -1121.166626, y = -5584.013184, z = 92.306473 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - RATTLESNAKE CREEK - ABANDONED FUEL STATION", 10.0)

廢棄的停車場 loc = { x = -765.474548, y = -2437.059570, z = 14.153740 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - BIOTECHNICA FLATS - ABANDONED PARKING LOT", 10.0)

來生 loc = { x = -1470.310181, y = 1062.667603, z = 22.687759 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - AFTERLIFE", 10.0)

全食品廠區 loc = { x = -715.867371, y = 2181.901611, z = 53.083183 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - ALL FOODS PLANT", 10.0)

埃倫南街 loc = { x = -1087.163086, y = 1312.506226, z = 5.360001 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - ALLEN ST SOUTH", 10.0)

阿爾穆涅卡爾街 loc = { x = 60.155746, y = -1927.084106, z = 2.488831 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - ALMUNECAR & JEREZ", 10.0)

荒阪地產 loc = { x = 485.984222, y = 1224.233398, z = 229.253220 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - NORTH OAK - ARASAKA ESTATE", 10.0)

荒阪工業園 loc = { x = -187.066544, y = -1498.726440, z = 7.651115 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - ARASAKA INDUSTRIAL PARK", 10.0)

荒阪塔 loc = { x = -1447.891235, y = 43.989212, z = 16.133087 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - ARASAKA TOWER", 10.0)

荒阪海濱北 loc = { x = -2249.297363, y = 2790.432373, z = 6.998505 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - ARASAKA WATERFRONT NORTH", 10.0)

汽車工廠 loc = { x = -86.015091, y = -4357.513184, z = 58.925766 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - JACKSON PLAINS - AUTOWERKS", 10.0)

巴提大酒店 loc = { x = -1861.656006, y = -1936.721924, z = 48.514442 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA TERMINAL - COASTVIEW - BATTY'S HOTEL", 10.0)

貝爾維尤天橋 loc = { x = -1129.643799, y = 1486.723267, z = 30.247276 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - BELLEVUE OVERWALK", 10.0)

伯克利街和海灣街 loc = { x = -2232.673096, y = -364.545654, z = 17.328751 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - WELLSPRINGS - BERKELEY & BAY", 10.0)

伯克利街和布魯斯·斯基沃街 loc = { x = -1859.694824, y = 674.720825, z = 10.721786 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - DOWNTOWN - BERKELEY & BRUCE SKIV", 10.0)

宏岩 loc = { x = 4347.310059, y = -721.601990, z = 147.887726 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - ROCKY RIDGE - BIG ROCK", 10.0)

邊防檢查站 loc = { x = -2809.998779, y = -5435.220215, z = 96.817169 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - BIOTECHNICA FLATS - BORDER CHECKPOINT", 10.0)

布拉德伯裡街和布蘭街 loc = { x = -1556.031128, y = 1246.021362, z = 19.060921 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - BRADBURY & BURAN", 10.0)

加利福尼亞大街和卡特賴特街 loc = { x = -2022.431885, y = 1641.824707, z = 9.099998 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - CALIFORNIA & CARTWRIGHT", 10.0)

加利福尼亞大街和潘興街 loc = { x = -2158.685303, y = 1993.107300, z = 18.180000 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - ARASAKA WATERFRONT - CALIFORNIA & PERSHING", 10.0)

罐頭廠廣場 loc = { x = -2439.822266, y = -537.758911, z = 6.900009 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - WELLSPRINGS - CANNERY PLAZA", 10.0)

卡皮托拉街 loc = { x = -519.166321, y = 1608.504272, z = 32.846870 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - CAPITOLA ST", 10.0)

禮拜堂 loc = { x = -1770.656860, y = -1947.116577, z = 57.196289 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA TERMINAL - COASTVIEW - CHAPEL", 10.0)

憲章街 loc = { x = -845.904053, y = 1835.428467, z = 36.189323 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - CHARTER ST", 10.0)

櫻花市集 loc = { x = -701.158447, y = 952.268799, z = 12.000000 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - CHERRY BLOSSOM MARKET", 10.0)

克拉倫登街 loc = { x = -1974.549316, y = 1180.298462, z = 12.139999 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - CLARENDON ST", 10.0)

學院街 loc = { x = -982.028870, y = -597.896179, z = 8.199997 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - VISTA DEL REY - COLLEGE ST", 10.0)

骨灰龕 loc = { x = 153.158630, y = 576.596008, z = 117.249374 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - NORTH OAK - COLUMBARIUM", 10.0)

國會街和麥迪遜街 loc = { x = -1222.093872, y = -448.065796, z = 8.147186 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - CONGRESS & MADISON", 10.0)

公司街 loc = { x = -2402.888428, y = -72.031311, z = 8.101982 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - DOWNTOWN - CORPORATION ST", 10.0)

小溪環路 loc = { x = -1054.570801, y = 1573.058716, z = 2.539307 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - CREEK LOOP", 10.0)

新月街和布羅德街 loc = { x = -418.697266, y = 484.741882, z = 30.162666 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - CRESCENT & BROAD", 10.0)

大壩 loc = { x = 880.839783, y = -2992.092529, z = 204.611633 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - LAGUNA BEND - DAM", 10.0)

大壩觀景點 loc = { x = 772.518494, y = -2112.226807, z = 172.688431 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - DAM VIEWPOINT", 10.0)

暗物質 loc = { x = -304.848267, y = 221.927490, z = 28.793533 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - DARK MATTER", 10.0)

德拉曼總部 loc = { x = -889.900269, y = -83.498260, z = 7.230003 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - VISTA DEL REY - DELAMAIN HQ", 10.0)

沙漠電影布景 loc = { x = 3202.726562, y = 620.885437, z = 104.464401 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - ROCKY RIDGE - DESERT FILM SET", 10.0)

市中心中央 loc = { x = -2115.134277, y = 260.095520, z = 7.898277 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - DOWNTOWN - DOWNTOWN CENTRAL", 10.0)

市中心北 loc = { x = -1520.683838, y = 692.786987, z = 8.889977 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - DOWNTOWN NORTH", 10.0)

德雷克大街 loc = { x = -1608.114136, y = 1772.701294, z = 18.380005 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - DRAKE AVE", 10.0)

露天影院 loc = { x = -72.285934, y = 1988.236694, z = 100.879242 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - NORTH OAK - DRIVE-IN THEATER", 10.0)

迪納拉 loc = { x = 192.315323, y = -280.535400, z = 6.850456 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - CHARTER HILL - DYNALAR", 10.0)

埃布尼克碼頭 loc = { x = -1481.102051, y = 2956.645752, z = 7.167900 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - EBUNIKE DOCKS", 10.0)

埃奇伍德農場 loc = { x = 2458.240479, y = -1281.001709, z = 63.630516 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - ROCKY RIDGE - EDGEWOOD FARM", 10.0)

野狼 loc = { x = -1327.788330, y = -1003.420227, z = 12.345001 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - EL COYOTE COJO", 10.0)

餘燼 loc = { x = -1773.870972, y = -510.845367, z = 10.139999 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - EMBERS", 10.0)

迢遠山脊 loc = { x = 4539.041504, y = -2131.325684, z = 183.244522 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - SIERRA SONORA - FAR RIDGE", 10.0)

第四面牆工作室 loc = { x = -301.365356, y = 1089.114136, z = 65.654816 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - FOURTH WALL STUDIOS", 10.0)

加油站 loc = { x = -1795.660889, y = -4323.810547, z = 74.361084 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - BIOTECHNICA FLATS - FUEL STATION", 10.0)

金海灘遊艇碼頭 loc = { x = -2392.804932, y = 88.863052, z = 12.246582 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - DOWNTOWN - GOLD BEACH MARINA", 10.0)

金庭木廣場 loc = { x = -230.485153, y = 306.007568, z = 29.548599 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - CHARTER HILL - GOLD NIWAKI PLAZA", 10.0)

金匠街 loc = { x = -1520.231567, y = 1551.879639, z = 18.199982 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - GOLDSMITH ST", 10.0)

大帝國商場 loc = { x = -2187.506104, y = -2205.991943, z = 11.872383 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA TERMINAL - COASTVIEW - GRAND IMPERIAL MALL", 10.0)

哈爾西街和馬丁·路德·金大道 loc = { x = -1755.346924, y = 185.963638, z = 16.680946 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - HALSEY & MLK", 10.0)

漢福德高架橋 loc = { x = -1219.720947, y = -1208.222778, z = 32.811539 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - HANFORD OVERPASS", 10.0)

哈格裡夫斯街 loc = { x = -681.625244, y = -1253.220459, z = 8.902832 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - ARROYO - HARGREAVES ST", 10.0)

1-9高速東 loc = { x = 4963.144531, y = -739.964417, z = 135.502808 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - VASQUEZ PASS - I-9 EAST", 10.0)

日本街西 loc = { x = -836.028748, y = 1334.494141, z = 22.440002 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - JAPANTOWN WEST", 10.0)

歌舞伎市場 loc = { x = -1158.781006, y = 2014.217529, z = 12.064865 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - KABUKI MARKET", 10.0)

歌舞伎中央 loc = { x = -1183.175049, y = 1364.925781, z = 20.305748 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - KABUKI: CENTRAL", 10.0)

肯德爾公園 loc = { x = 365.214874, y = -1689.095093, z = 9.521973 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - KENDAL PARK", 10.0)

肯尼迪北街 loc = { x = -1213.869507, y = 1880.759155, z = 22.500000 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - KENNEDY NORTH", 10.0)

克裡的豪宅 loc = { x = 222.255295, y = 1076.992310, z = 200.585968 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - NORTH OAK - KERRY EURODYNE'S RESIDENCE", 8.0)

湖邊農場 loc = { x = 911.501648, y = -3498.103271, z = 184.084854 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - LAGUNA BEND - LAKE FARM", 10.0)

拉斯帕拉帕斯汽車旅館 loc = { x = -1354.457886, y = -3702.410889, z = 55.539856 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - BIOTECHNICA FLATS - LAS PALAPAS MOTEL [HIGHWAY 101]", 10.0)

麗麗公園 loc = { x = -176.445496, y = -82.809372, z = 7.199997 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - CHARTER HILL - LELE PARK", 10.0)

長灘北 loc = { x = -600.883423, y = 2582.958496, z = 53.788757 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - LONGSHORE NORTH", 10.0)

長灘南 loc = { x = 3.224335 , y = -343.181580, z = 8.244232 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - CHARTER HILL - LONGSHORE SOUTH", 10.0)

豪華公寓 loc = { x = -57.226593, y = -49.423447, z = 7.177872 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - CHARTER HILL - LUXURY APARTMENTS", 10.0)

馬拉格拉和熊果街 loc = { x = 312.578369, y = -1420.839722, z = 15.110001 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - MALLAGRA & MANZANITA", 10.0)

馬丁街 loc = { x = -1419.187256, y = 2225.585693, z = 18.197372 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - MARTIN ST", 10.0)

梅德斯基加油站 loc = { x = 1444.559937, y = -1370.569946, z = 51.339653 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - RED PEAKS - MEDESKI FUEL STATION", 10.0)

摩天樓H10 loc = { x = -1397.306274, y = 1278.067749, z = 123.076935 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - MEGABUILDING H10: ATRIUM", 10.0)

摩天樓H11 loc = { x = -1381.926392, y = 1970.700562, z = 23.303291 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - MEGABUILDING H11", 10.0)

摩天樓H12 loc = { x = -2121.750977, y = -1120.469604, z = 32.737297 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - WELLSPRINGS - MEGABUILDING H2", 10.0)

摩天樓H3 loc = { x = -1178.810303, y = -917.013062, z = 12.874184 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - MEGABUILDING H3", 10.0)

摩天樓H4 loc = { x = -966.773193, y = -1772.523804, z = 11.140404 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - ARROYO - MEGABUILDING H4", 10.0)

摩天樓H6 loc = { x = -210.267487, y = -851.600891, z = 7.636658 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - ARROYO - MEGABUILDING H6", 10.0)

摩天樓H8 loc = { x = -704.240601, y = 762.157471, z = 32.709610 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - MEGABUILDING H8", 10.0)

地鐵:憲章山 loc = { x = -113.253922, y = 119.111435, z = 12.395363 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - CHARTER HILL - METRO: CHARTER HILL", 10.0)

地鐵:國會街和馬丁·路德·金大道 loc = { x = -1026.743774, y = -348.339325, z = 5.734482 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - VISTA DEL REY - METRO: CONGRESS & MLK", 10.0)

地鐵:市中心亞曆山大街 loc = { x = -2068.953857, y = 471.648407, z = 8.052666 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - DOWNTOWN - METRO: DOWNTOWN - ALEXANDER ST", 10.0)

地鐵:埃布尼克 loc = { x = -1363.395630, y = -657.781311, z = 5.843338 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - METRO: EBUNIKE ", 10.0)

地鐵:艾森豪威爾街 loc = { x = -1770.518921, y = 1868.567017, z = 18.260002 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - METRO: EISENHOWER ST", 10.0)

地鐵:埃利森傑 loc = { x = -1387.874634, y = 1031.565430, z = 27.113693 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - METRO: ELLISON ST", 10.0)

地鐵:法理爾街 loc = { x = -1608.440186, y = 1474.657471, z = 18.209999 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - METRO: FARRIER ST", 10.0)

地鐵:谷地區北 loc = { x = -1553.949219, y = -643.955994, z = 5.639999 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - METRO: GLEN NORTH", 10.0)

地鐵:谷地區南 loc = { x = -1590.054688, y = -1302.666626, z = 47.980003 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - METRO: GLEN SOUTH", 10.0)

地鐵:日本街南 loc = { x = -568.453064, y = 206.492645, z = 22.269997 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - METRO: JAPANTOWN SOUTH", 10.0)

地鐵:市場街 loc = { x = -2118.219482, y = -694.199463, z = 6.803810 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - WELLSPRINGS - METRO: MARKET ST", 10.0)

地鐵:醫療中心 loc = { x = -1416.752319, y = 1757.611694, z = 16.266396 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - METRO: MED CENTER", 10.0)

地鐵:摩天樓H7 loc = { x = 156.445908, y = -1181.237549, z = 31.560959 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - METRO: MEGABUILDING H7", 10.0)

地鐵:紀念公園 loc = { x = -1333.292114, y = -86.132751, z = -3.801445 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - METRO: MEMORIAL PARK", 10.0)

地鐵:門羅街 loc = { x = -528.150574, y = 1131.684326, z = 34.690002 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - METRO: MONROE ST", 10.0)

地鐵:共和國路 loc = { x = -1473.428589, y = 460.060974, z = 5.816879 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - METRO: REPUBLIC WAY", 10.0)

地鐵:體育場 loc = { x = -1542.123413, y = -1939.206909, z = 62.844879 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA TERMINAL - COASTVIEW - METRO: STADIUM", 10.0)

地鐵:沃勒森街 loc = { x = -1069.117554, y = -1427.714355, z = 30.788025 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - ARROYO - METRO: WOLLESON ST", 10.0)

地鐵:憲法廣場 loc = { x = -1456.623901, y = 1181.346069, z = 45.950813 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - METRO: ZOCALO", 10.0)

馬丁·路德·金大道和布蘭頓街 loc = { x = -506.400146, y = -760.188049, z = 7.425461 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - ARROYO - MLK & BRANDON", 10.0)

城北工業區碼頭 loc = { x = -1869.271729, y = 2701.620361, z = 7.186920 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - NID: DOCKS", 10.0)

城北工業區東 loc = { x = -541.702148, y = 1855.456543, z = 36.304100 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - NID: EAST", 10.0)

阿德卡多(搬家後) loc = { x = 1802.307129, y = 2248.607910, z = 180.210815 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - ROCKY RIDGE - NOMAD CAMP", 10.0)

北橡區標誌牌 loc = { x = 282.838745, y = 801.340881, z = 146.418640 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - NORTH OAK - NORTH OAK SIGN", 8.0)

近海街 loc = { x = -1256.379028, y = 2913.908936, z = 7.186905 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - OFFSHORE ST", 10.0)

油田 loc = { x = -1835.695190, y = 3719.295166, z = 7.013229 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - NORTHERN OILFIELDS - OIL FIELDS", 10.0)

舊風力發電機 loc = { x = 3702.759766, y = -1682.336914, z = 123.682465 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - ROCKY RIDGE - OLD TURBINES", 10.0)

太平州浮橋碼頭 loc = { x = -1879.231445, y = -1626.796265, z = 18.023087 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA TERMINAL - COASTVIEW - PACIFICA PIER", 10.0)

棕櫚景觀廣場 loc = { x = -2357.734375, y = -810.309631, z = 12.903328 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - WELLSPRINGS - PALMS VIEW PLAZA", 10.0)

棕櫚景觀道 loc = { x = -1719.902100, y = -886.142090, z = 8.586227 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - PALMS VIEW WAY", 10.0)

臨海公園 loc = { x = -2302.275879, y = -1107.943359, z = 13.998116 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - WELLSPRINGS - PARQUE DEL MAR", 10.0)

潘興街 loc = { x = -1731.353516, y = 2308.193604, z = 18.152237 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - PERSHING ST", 10.0)

海燕街 loc = { x = -923.717590, y = 105.703064, z = 7.315521 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - PETREL ST", 10.0)

派多美 loc = { x = -152.410934, y = -2017.032593, z = 6.166397 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - PIEZ", 10.0)

鬆木南街 loc = { x = -1154.416626, y = 1160.809204, z = 17.333702 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - PINEWOOD ST SOUTH", 10.0)

蛋白質農場 loc = { x = -3478.909424, y = -4183.663574, z = 68.069092 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - BIOTECHNICA FLATS - PROTEIN FARM", 10.0)

抽水站 loc = { x = -2410.059814, y = -960.999878, z = 8.134583 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - WELLSPRINGS - PUMPING STATION", 10.0)

科羅納多農場東 loc = { x = 436.225586, y = -2147.127441, z = 14.605293 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - RANCHO CORONADO EAST", 10.0)

科羅納多農場北 loc = { x = 703.346069, y = -980.738953, z = 28.830177 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - RANCHO CORONADO NORTH", 10.0)

科羅納多農場南 loc = { x = -498.177765, y = -1850.802856, z = 7.427170 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - RANCHO CORONADO SOUTH", 10.0)

協和公園 loc = { x = -1624.472046, y = -333.643585, z = -13.775887 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - RECONCILIATION PARK", 10.0)

紅泥酒吧 loc = { x = -735.426514, y = -978.518555, z = 7.929443 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - ARROYO - RED DIRT BAR", 10.0)

赤木市場 loc = { x = -388.397888, y = 702.516052, z = 114.989990 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - REDWOOD MARKET", 10.0)

支線機場 loc = { x = -1513.856079, y = -5080.905273, z = 83.008774 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - JACKSON PLAINS - REGIONAL AIRPORT", 10.0)

共和國路和青藤路 loc = { x = -596.915161, y = -121.975250, z = 7.680000 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - VISTA DEL REY - REPUBLIC & VINE", 10.0)

共和國東路 loc = { x = 121.322052, y = -631.642151, z = 7.586525 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - ARROYO - REPUBLIC EAST", 10.0)

環路 loc = { x = -1148.650513, y = 135.858231, z = 7.348907 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - RING ROAD", 10.0)

暴亂夜總會 loc = { x = -1658.837036, y = 997.896973, z = 23.833389 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - RIOT", 10.0)

石脊山 loc = { x = 2534.720215, y = -95.229065, z = 81.400574 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - ROCKY RIDGE - ROCKY RIDGE", 10.0)

薩根街和鑽石街 loc = { x = -715.033447, y = 1278.142456, z = 29.565125 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - SAGAN & DIAMOND", 10.0)

聖阿馬羅街 loc = { x = 684.129761, y = -593.860046, z = 9.958153 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - SAN AMARO ST", 10.0)


參議院和市場街 loc = { x = -1888.368164, y = -574.491638, z = 7.874062 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - SENATE & MARKET", 10.0)

射擊場 loc = { x = -1048.270630, y = -914.849792, z = 8.182121 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - VISTA DEL REY - SHOOTING RANGE", 10.0)

絲綢西路 loc = { x = -695.708374, y = 403.711273, z = 19.426750 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - SILK ROAD WEST", 10.0)

天際線和共和路 loc = { x = -2354.447021, y = 432.617096, z = 7.844719 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - DOWNTOWN - SKYLINE & REPUBLIC", 10.0)

天際線和薩利納斯街 loc = { x = -457.240997, y = 1402.604004, z = 37.284058 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - SKYLINE & SALINAS", 10.0)

天際線東 loc = { x = -657.992432, y = -434.298370, z = 8.199997 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - VISTA DEL REY - SKYLINE EAST", 10.0)

太陽能電池陣列 loc = { x = -660.850952, y = -3837.256104, z = 72.010223 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - JACKSON PLAINS - SOLAR ARRAYS", 10.0)

太陽能發電站 loc = { x = -176.844849, y = -2613.227783, z = 28.573807 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - JACKSON PLAINS - SOLAR POWER STATION", 10.0)

體育場停車處 loc = { x = -1306.254883, y = -1670.878662, z = 44.026367 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA TERMINAL - COASTVIEW - STADIUM PARKING", 10.0)

EBM沛卓石化體育場 loc = { x = -1375.8337, y = -2122.795, z = 70.03136 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

廬客爽山莊健康水療館 loc = { x = -1540.8125, y = -2516.8916, z = 83.19795 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

富麗太平洋 loc = { x = -1877.5071, y = -2460.3953, z = 35.678345 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

已知領域 loc = { x = -2135.674, y = -2949.0261, z = 108.32175 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

長灘堆料場 loc = { x = -2405.661, y = -2692.1348, z = 22.828041 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

克雷斯街 loc = { x = -2220.4333, y = -2558.2817, z = 16.611084 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

日落汽車旅館 loc = { x = 1634.151611, y = -738.672607, z = 49.941101 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - RED PEAKS - SUNSET MOTEL", 10.0)

陽光汽車旅館 loc = { x = 3583.741455, y = -895.678528, z = 119.448807 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - ROCKY RIDGE - SUNSHINE MOTEL", 10.0)

薩特街 loc = { x = -1202.809692, y = 1616.376221, z = 22.914032 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - SUTTER ST", 10.0)

探戈嶺汽車旅館 loc = { x = -202.297058, y = -4915.824707, z = 77.359116 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - JACKSON PLAINS - TANGO TORS MOTEL", 10.0)

拖車公園 loc = { x = 1194.174927, y = -592.335266, z = 32.617661 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - RED PEAKS - TRAILER PARK", 10.0)

瓦倫蒂諾小巷 loc = { x = -1610.903442, y = -1180.620117, z = 24.885757 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - VALENTINO ALLEY", 10.0)

文圖拉街和天際線 loc = { x = -1860.255249, y = -1206.401001, z = 20.227318 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - VENTURA & SKYLINE", 10.0)

公司廣場公寓 loc = { x = -1598.482056, y = 346.462311, z = 8.171249 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - V'S APARTMENT", 10.0)

谷地區公寓 loc = { x = -1523.809814, y = -992.123108, z = 9.100990 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - V'S APARTMENT", 10.0)

北區公寓 loc = { x = -1474.946899, y = 2188.042236, z = 18.193954 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - V'S APARTMENT", 10.0)

日本街公寓 loc = { x = -783.724121, y = 992.393494, z = 12.057030 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - V'S APARTMENT", 10.0)

西風公寓 loc = { x = -2658.608154, y = -2487.474854, z = 18.037674 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA TERMINAL - WEST WIND ESTATE - WEST WIND APARTMENTS", 10.0)

夜遊鬼營地 loc = { x = 3079.315918, y = -2223.864014, z = 131.535812 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - SIERRA SONORA - WRAITH CAMP", 10.0)

開發者的秘密房間(密碼605185) loc = { x = -1183.588135, y = 2074.615967, z = 6.841331 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Developers Room [DOOR PIN: 605185] [WATSON - KABUKI]", 15.0)

米哈伊爾的頂層公寓 loc = { x = -1218.135986, y = 1409.635010, z = 113.524445 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Akulov Penthouse [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0)

紺碧大廈(三郎屍體旁) loc = { x = -2216.888, y = 1765.844360, z = 308.0033 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

荒阪另類審訊室 loc = { x = -1474.23803, y = 160.720550, z = 208.63760375977 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Alt Interrogation Room [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

荒阪下心房 loc = { x = -1446.63110, y = 73.8905639, z = 238.34799194336 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Lower Lower Atrium [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

荒阪上心庭 loc = { x = -1446.63110, y = 73.8905639, z = 238.34799194336 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Lower Upper Atrium [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

荒阪軌道站loc = { x = 4743.650879, y = -1091.755127, z = 1310.439575 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Orbital Station [ORBITAL STATION]", 10.0)

荒阪公寓 loc = { x = 278.537811, y = 1040.076782, z = 229.91818237305 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Residence [WESTBROOK - NORTH OAK]", 10.0)

荒阪塔反情報部 loc = { x = -1431.73608, y = 175.0750885, z = 141.9965057373 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Tower Counterintel [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

荒阪塔執行辦公室 loc = { x = -1415.58630, y = 108.2116851, z = 142.02340698242 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Tower Exec Office [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

荒阪塔叢林 loc = { x = -1449.256470, y = 118.300171, z = 321.639038 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Tower Jungle [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

荒阪塔反情報部 loc = { x = -1427.063476, y = 181.7188110, z = 206.62599182129 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Tower Server Level [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

荒阪三郎辦公室1樓 loc = { x = -1383.655518, y = 118.832474, z = 542.696289 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Tower Temple [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

惡土電影網站 loc = { x = 3492.3449707, y = 1171.157348, z = 138.11395263672 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Badlands Movie Site [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0)

惡土隧道入口 loc = { x = 185.345749, y = 2365.449707, z = 67.081177 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Badlands Tunnel Entrance [WESTBROOK - NORTH OAK]", 10.0)

餘燼(餐廳) loc = { x = -1798.728027, y = -522.037048, z = 74.244064331055 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Embers [Restaurant] [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0)

古特雷茲的公寓 loc = { x = 11.151092529, y = 21.74945068, z = 134.8438873291 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Gutierez Apartment [WESTBROOK - CHARTER HILL]", 10.0)

喬安妮科赫套房酒店 loc = { x = -2154.804931, y = 461.6751708, z = 89.467163085938 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Joanne Koch Hotel Suite [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0)

約翰尼審訊室 loc = { x = -1389.446533, y = 141.266556, z = -139.361572 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Johnny Interrogation Room [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

約翰尼的公寓(死神結局) loc = { x = -2475.615478, y = -2437.458496, z = 17.587516784668 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Johnny's Apartment [Reaper Ending] [PACIFICA - WEST WIND ESTATE]", 10.0)

康佩基廣場酒店套房 loc = { x = -2202.186035, y = 1783.184204, z = 163.000000 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Konpeki Plaza Hotel Suite [WATSON - ARASAKA WATERFRONT]", 10.0)

康佩基廣場泳池 loc = { x = -2176.370849, y = 1784.473632, z = 275.0 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Konpeki Plaza Pool [WATSON - ARASAKA WATERFRONT]", 10.0)

康佩基廣場米之信的房間 loc = { x = -2226.746582, y = 1767.182129, z = 308.000000 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Konpeki Plaza Yorinobu's Room [WATSON - ARASAKA WATERFRONT]", 10.0)

摩天樓H8頂部 loc = { x = -701.484680, y = 849.270264, z = 322.252228 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Megabuilding H 8 Top [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0)

摩天樓H10頂部 loc = { x = -1371.780029, y = 1340.888550, z = 311.471313 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Megabuilding H 10 Top [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0)

NCPD的房間 loc = { x = -1761.547729, y = -1010.821655, z = 94.300003 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NCPD Room [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0)

佩拉雷斯公寓 loc = { x = -81.35485839, y = -121.200210, z = 119.15728759766 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Peralez Apartment [WESTBROOK - CHARTER HILL]", 10.0)

荒阪三郎辦公室2樓 loc = { x = -1466.582885, y = 179.7639617, z = 594.37310791016 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Saburo Arasaka Office [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0)

副業:"公路人"(打開車庫) loc = { x = 574.54 , y = -2214.95 , z = 34.90 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SIDE JOB: "THE HIGHWAYMAN" [OPEN THE GARAGE AND LOOK AT THE PC/PICTURE]", 10.0)

副業:"公路人"(詹姆斯位置) loc = { x = -867.264 , y = 1102.393 , z = 21.117 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SIDE JOB: "THE HIGHWAYMAN" [JAMES LOCATION]", 10.0)

副業:"公路人"(喬茜的位置) loc = { x = -1381.628, y = -647.655 , z = 7.7427 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SIDE JOB: "THE HIGHWAYMAN" [JOSIE LOCATION]", 10.0)

副業:"公路人"(密碼0214) loc = { x = -721.562 , y = 2238.205 , z = 53.046 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SIDE JOB: "THE HIGHWAYMAN" [STOLEN BIKE - GARAGE PIN: 0214]", 10.0)

塔克·阿爾巴赫公寓 loc = { x = -1681.287963, y = -987.1466064, z = 10.789474487305 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Tucker Albach's Apartment [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0)

粉碎者的埃布尼克小屋 loc = { x = -1571.076538, y = 3112.1782226, z = 20.13500213623 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Smasher's Ebunike Cabin [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0)

布麗奇特的磁懸浮隧道 loc = { x = -1663.618774, y = -1867.443726, z = 54.990150 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

任務"想像"中的森林 loc = { x = 7066.417, y = -3392.8833, z = 528.6513 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

"良心有多重"喬治娜的06號房間 loc = { x = -1616.6202, y = -2352.6653, z = 50.883583 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

寶石青樓頂 loc = { x = -1894.4573, y = -2291.8372, z = 445.79172 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

航天港屋頂(邁爾斯降落的地方) loc = { x = -3614.0066, y = 375.0913, z = 85.67999 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

航天港候機廳電梯前 loc = { x = -3620.2488, y = 242.57661, z = 48.9562 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

航天港指揮塔台 loc = { x = -3588.8386, y = 114.572525, z = 55.07106 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

航天港航天飛機起飛處 loc = { x = -4692.498, y = -287.41687, z = 60.205635 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

(紅色部分刪除後使用)德線"直到大廈崩塌"街邊洞口前 loc = { x = -2457.7122, y = -2535.0938, z = 16.937538 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

(紅色部分刪除後使用)德線暴恐機動隊卡車墜毀處 loc = { x = -2447.3093, y = -2551.2979, z = -7 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施入口 loc = { x = -2389.125, y = -2568.1863, z = -57.765526 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施-1層限制區域電梯前 loc = { x = -2281.1562, y = -2458.6995, z = -188.80086 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施管理處 loc = { x = -2195.4485, y = -2378.375, z = -192.7177 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施伺服器機房 loc = { x = -2177.267, y = -2352.0483, z = -192.67145 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施保安室 loc = { x = -2149.1992, y = -2336.2036, z = -192.72218 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施工程部 loc = { x = -2151.6306, y = -2395.1702, z = -192.72218 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施儲藏室 loc = { x = -2163.8704, y = -2378.4546, z = -192.72218 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施檢修室(厄瑞玻斯) loc = { x = -2145.8596, y = -2378.9043, z = -192.72218 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施生活區 loc = { x = -2180.8752, y = -2393.8625, z = -192.72218 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施兩道氣閘門前 loc = { x = -2079.0645, y = -2261.4175, z = -194.26604 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施兩道氣閘門後 loc = { x = -2093.2224, y = -2259.795, z = -194.29106 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施神經網路控制 loc = { x = -2100.3823, y = -2225.6643, z = -194.30902 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施實驗性原型設計(篇章6) loc = { x = -2113.123, y = -2224.9426, z = -194.30887 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施資料分析和研究 loc = { x = -2105.7021, y = -2211.8162, z = -194.30894 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施核心控制 loc = { x = -2072.2898, y = -2205.2522, z = -194.81502 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施觀察室 loc = { x = -2128.5488, y = -2201.7234, z = -195.2845 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施資料庫指令中樞 loc = { x = -2156.444, y = -2219.3643, z = -194.95737 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施熱能控制 loc = { x = -2148.1775, y = -2184.6855, z = -194.2752 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

小北斗設施百靈鳥面前loc = { x = -2067.92, y = -2161.5286, z = -197.86143 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

百靈鳥記憶中的家 loc = { x = -2064.9248, y = -2013.2952, z = -198.34999 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)


新美國V的房間 loc = { x = -7026.7603, y = -4506.483, z = 80.033554 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

新美國V房間外的公園 loc = { x = -7055.122, y = -4504.5107, z = 77.1429 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)

百靈鳥乘坐的火箭內 loc = { x = -4699.268, y = -259.3931, z = 59.841286 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0)





電馭叛客2077 (Cyberpunk 2077)

類別: 動作
平台: PC, PS4, PS5, XboxONE, XboxSeriesX, Stadia
開發: CD Projekt RED
發行: CD Projekt RED
上市: 2020年12月10日

《電馭叛客2077》是一款由《巫師》系列開發商CD Projekt開發並於2020年12月10日發行的動作角色扮演遊戲。本作採用了桌上遊戲《電馭叛客2020》的世界觀與規則設計,背景為2077年美國加利福尼亞州的「賽博龐克」風格反烏托邦式城市「夜城」,玩家在這一開放世界中扮演名為「V」的僱傭兵。遊戲定位為一款成人RPG,故事設定在未來科技極度發達的腐敗世界中,構建在筆和紙系統的基礎上,兼有沙盤元素及RPG機制。本作由CD Projekt RED聯合《電馭叛客》筆紙系統(Cyberpunk Pen & Paper system)作者Mike Pondsmith共同開發。

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傳送點程式碼列表 https://gamemad.com/guide/347933 記錄你的當前位置 Pos = GetPlayer():GetWorldPosition() print(" x = "..string.format("%f", Pos.x), ", y = "..string.format("%f", Pos.y), ", z = "..string.format("%f", Pos.z).." \n ") 傳送至當前任務位置 local function toQuestMark() local function Alert(txt, secs) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage(txt, secs or 5.0) end local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local JM = Game.GetJournalManager(); local MS = Game.GetMappinSystem(); entry = JM:GetTrackedEntry(); if JM:IsEntryTracked(entry) then entryHash = JM:GetEntryHash(entry); local Ok, Pos = MS:GetQuestMappinPositionsByObjective(entryHash); if Ok and Pos[1] then Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(P, Vector4.new(Pos[1].x, Pos[1].y, Pos[1].z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, P:GetWorldYaw())) Alert('IF YOU ARE STUCK AT SPAWN TIME, YOU CAN USE THE " TELEPORT FORWARD " COMMAND.', 10.0) else Alert('UNABLE TO FIND THE QUEST LOCATION.') end else Alert('NO TRACKED QUEST FOUND.') end end toQuestMark() 傳送到瞄準位置 toAimingPos = function() local P = Game.GetPlayer(); local TSLO = Game.GetTargetingSystem(); local pos = TSLO:GetLookAtPosition(P, true, true); Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(P, Vector4.new(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) end toAimingPos() 打開快速傳送選單 UIS = Game.GetUISystem() UIS:RequestFastTravelMenu() 向前傳送3米 ForwardAmount = 3; teleportForward = function(amount) P = Game.GetPlayer(); local pos = P:GetWorldPosition(); local WF = P:GetWorldForward(); forw = amount or 1; local forwAmount = Vector4.new(pos.x + (WF.x * forw), pos.y + (WF.y * forw), pos.z, pos.w); Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(P, forwAmount, EulerAngles.new(0,0,P:GetWorldYaw())) end teleportForward(ForwardAmount) --[[ P = Game.GetPlayer(); Cam = Game.GetCameraSystem(); Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(P, Vector4.new(P:GetWorldPosition().x + Cam:GetActiveCameraForward().x, P:GetWorldPosition().y + Cam:GetActiveCameraForward().y, P:GetWorldPosition().z + Cam:GetActiveCameraForward().z, Cam:GetActiveCameraForward().w), EulerAngles.new(0,0,P:GetWorldYaw())) ]] 傳送到標記點 function SetupMappinDest() if ObserversSetupDone then return end active = {}; active.map = nil; Observe('MenuScenario_HubMenu', 'GetMenusState', function(self) if self:IsA('MenuScenario_HubMenu') then active.map = self; else active.map = nil; end end) Observe('gameuiWorldMapMenuGameController', 'HasSelectedMappin', function(self) if self.selectedMappin and self.pressedRMB then local mappinVariant = tostring(self.selectedMappin:GetMappinVariant().value); if active.map:IsA('MenuScenario_HubMenu') then CustomMappinDest = self.selectedMappin:GetMappin():GetWorldPosition() end end end) ObserversSetupDone = true; end function TeleportToMappinDest() SetupMappinDest() if not FirstLaunchSetupDone then local body1 = "FIRST LAUNCH SETUP COMPLETED.\n( This message will be shown only once during the entire game session )"; local body2 = " \n\nFrom now on you can select a NEW waypoint in the MAP and re-enter the command every time you select a waypoint."; local body3 = " \n\n 1) EXIT / RE-ENTER the MAP \n 2) TRACK A NEW VALID WAYPOINT ( existent marker or pinned location ) \n 3) RE-ENTER THE COMMAND"; local body4 = "\n\nIf the tracked waypoint is a 'CUSTOM PINNED LOCATION', be sure to click at the EXACT SPOT on the road, otherwise the coordinates will not be acquired."; local body = body1..body2..body3..body4; Game.GetUISystem():QueueEvent(NotifyShardRead.new({title = "TELEPORT TO THE TRACKED WAYPOINT : INFO", text = body})) print(" \n - TELEPORT TO WAYPOINT : "..body1.."\nA TEXT SHARD with the INSTRUCTIONS just opened, go take a read...\n ") FirstLaunchSetupDone = true; else if CustomMappinDest then Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(CustomMappinDest.x, CustomMappinDest.y, CustomMappinDest.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) CustomMappinDest = nil; print(" \n - TELEPORTING . . . ( If you are stuck at spawn time, you can use the ' TELEPORT FORWARD ' command ) \n ") else print(" \n - TRACK A VALID WAYPOINT ON THE MAP FIRST. ( If it's a CUSTOM PINNED LOCATION, it must be placed on the exact spot on the road ) \n ") end end end TeleportToMappinDest() 摩天樓H10 loc = { x = -1381.831543, y = 1272.916382, z = 123.064896 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's APARTMENT [MEGABUILDING H10] [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 谷地區公寓 loc = { x = -1523.145752, y = -977.349976, z = 86.944916 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's APARTMENT [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0) 北區公寓 loc = { x = -1505.259521, y = 2231.639648, z = 22.214188 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's APARTMENT [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0) 日本街公寓 loc = { x = -786.895203, y = 976.629822, z = 28.209541 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's APARTMENT [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 公司廣場公寓 loc = { x = -1606.303589, y = 354.252991, z = 49.200005 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's APARTMENT [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 狗鎮公寓 loc = { x = -2235.9866, y = -2557.655, z = 80.30098 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's APARTMENT [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 太陽結局的公寓 loc = { x = -1340.884766, y = 1190.658203, z = 115.007172 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's MANSION [INSIDE] [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 太陽結局的公寓外 loc = { x = -1340.884766, y = 1220.658203, z = 115.007172 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("V's MANSION [OUTSIDE] [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 達科塔 loc = { x = 2419.131836, y = -795.221985, z = 66.996750 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("FIXER - DAKOTA SMITH [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 戴諾 loc = { x = -1967.008423, y = 369.847382, z = 8.040825 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("FIXER - DINO DINOVIC [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0) 老船長雷耶斯 loc = { x = 405.594482, y = -2352.642578, z = 182.027740 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("FIXER - MUMAR EL CALIPTAN REYES [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0) 瑞吉娜 loc = { x = -1149.433105, y = 1581.234619, z = 71.712402 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("FIXER - REGINA JONES [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 和歌子 loc = { x = -668.265747, y = 823.310669, z = 19.566063 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("FIXER - WAKAKO OKADA [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 塞巴斯蒂安 loc = { x = -1803.299805, y = -1279.714111, z = 21.837990 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("FIXER - SEBASTIAN PadRE IBARRA [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0) 漢茲 loc = { x = -1577.8403, y = -2337.4778, z = 57.906265 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 朱迪家 loc = { x = -906.306396, y = 1868.635620, z = 42.360016 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - JUDY'S HOUSE [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 瑞佛家 loc = { x = 1235.896606, y = -504.580139, z = 36.427094 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - RIVER'S HOUSE [BADLANDS - RED PEAKS]", 10.0) 米斯蒂家 loc = { x = -1546.295776, y = 1194.164063, z = 16.260002 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - MISTY'S ESOTERICA [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 克萊爾車庫 loc = { x = -645.418945, y = -1260.975586, z = 9.376778 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - CLAIRE'S GARAGE [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0) 克裡豪宅 loc = { x = 152.792022, y = 1068.36730, z = 203.005966 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - KERRY [RESIDENCE] [WESTBROOK - NORTH OAK]", 10.0) 羅格的來生 loc = { x = -1427.401245, y = 1014.764099, z = 16.901749 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - ROGUE AMENDIARES [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 桑德拉家 loc = { x = -1282.49267, y = 1518.7532958984, z = 45.0 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - SANDRA DORSETT [APARTMENT] [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 德克斯特(死亡地點) loc = { x = 1544.395996, y = -1971.859009, z = 73.342407 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - DEXTER DESHAWN [Dead Body] [BADLANDS - RED PEAKS]", 10.0) 扭扭街的性偶 loc = { x = -651.857, y = 844.0821, z = 19.315422 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NPC - DEXTER DESHAWN [Dead Body] [BADLANDS - RED PEAKS]", 10.0) 守口如瓶汽車旅館 loc = { x = -1158.889404, y = 1342.452271, z = 19.943626 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NO-TELL MOTEL [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 日落汽車旅館 loc = { x = 1628.261475, y = -775.431030, z = 49.980309 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SUNSET MOTEL [BADLANDS - RED PEAKS]", 10.0) 陽光汽車旅館 loc = { x = 3602.863037, y = -879.516479, z = 119.546600 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SUNSHINE MOTEL [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 阿德卡多(搬家前) loc = { x = 3444.628174, y = -365.633270, z = 133.852707 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("MOBILE CAMP [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 阿德卡多(搬家後) loc = { x = 1816.382324, y = 2256.925781, z = 180.260223 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NOMAD CAMP [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 流浪者V開局的修車地 loc = { x = -3972.60131, y = -6495.14794, z = 75.73356 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NOMAD STARTING LOCATION - AWACS ZONE [BADLANDS - BIOTECHNICA FLATS]", 10.0) 扭扭街 loc = { x = -640.769165, y = 886.267151, z = 19.888809 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("JIG JIG STREET [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 禮拜堂門前 loc = { x = -1751.548462, y = -1933.493042, z = 61.524582 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA DISTRICT [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 大帝國商場 loc = { x = -2265.841309, y = -2112.402588, z = 13.296661 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GRAND IMPERIAL MALL [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 德拉曼總部 loc = { x = -940.837341, y = -77.526871, z = 7.509773 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("DELAMAIN'S HQ [HEYWOOD - VISTA DEL REY]", 10.0) 協和公園 loc = { x = -1782.537598, y = -390.172638, z = -4.015121 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RECONCILIATION PARK [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0) 石脊山 loc = { x = 2599.074707, y = -33.218079, z = 80.714417 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("ROCKY RIDGE [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 七層地獄(一樓) loc = { x = -1941.699097, y = -43.114662, z = -1.532372 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - 7TH HELL [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0) 七層地獄(二樓) loc = { x = -1923.03979, y = -31.430084, z = 3.528388 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - 7TH HELL [OFFICE] [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0) 來生 loc = { x = -1456.893433, y = 1038.277222, z = 16.825035 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - AFTERLIFE [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 雲頂 loc = { x = -652.481812, y = 790.145996, z = 128.252228 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - CLOUDS [INSIDE] [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 暗物質露台 loc = { x = -346.081238, y = 221.274918, z = 191.086502 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - DARK MATTER [INSIDE] [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 暗物質一樓 loc = { x = -346.648010, y = 222.090622, z = 27.594040 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - DARK MATTER [OUTSIDE] [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 麗茲(門外) loc = { x = -1207.988525, y = 1563.142090, z = 22.920128 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - LIZZIE'S BAR [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 麗茲(負一樓) loc = { x = -1164.941406, y = 1576.41528, z = 18.915122 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - LIZZIE'S BAR [Basement] [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 暴亂夜總會 loc = { x = -1639.360839, y = 1019.90295, z = 28.824333 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - RIOT [INSIDE] [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 死亡之舞 loc = { x = -1738.612061, y = 2213.224121, z = 90.204559 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - TOTENTANZ [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0) 亞特蘭蒂斯 loc = { x = -756.448852, y = 1074.70104, z = 62.005004 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - THE ATLANTIS [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 野狼 loc = { x = -1260.774536, y = -981.771790, z = 11.589195 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLUB - EL COYOTE COJO [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0) 心事重重 loc = { x = -1604.845, y = -2333.431, z = 43.050865 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 天蛾酒吧 loc = { x = -2423.018, y = -2669.381, z = 28.012566 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 體育場 loc = { x = -1403.6035, y = -2025.8737, z = 71.86258 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 維克多 loc = { x = -1546.726196, y = 1227.393066, z = 11.520233 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - VIKTOR'S CLINIC [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 卡西烏斯·賴德 loc = { x = -1686.586182, y = 2386.400879, z = 18.344055 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - CASSIUS RYDER'S CLINIC [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0) 查爾斯 loc = { x = -1090.759155, y = 2147.218262, z = 13.330742 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - BUCK'S CLINIC [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 羅伯特 loc = { x = -1245.325439, y = 1945.930908, z = 8.030479 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - DR. CHROME [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 植入不求人 loc = { x = -1040.245972, y = 1440.913696, z = 0.500221 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - INSTANT IMPLANTS [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 櫻花市集的醫生 loc = { x = -712.370605, y = 871.832458, z = 11.982414 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - CHERRY BLOSSOM MARKET [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 指頭哥 loc = { x = -573.507813, y = 795.048279, z = 24.906097 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - FINGERS M.D. [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 天際線和共和路的醫生 loc = { x = -2411.207764, y = 393.523010, z = 11.837067 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - SKYLINE & REPUBLIC [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0) 抽水站的醫生 loc = { x = -2361.011475, y = -929.024597, z = 12.266129 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - PALMS VIEW PLAZA [HEYWOOD - WELLSPRINGS]", 10.0) 妮娜·克拉維茲 loc = { x = -40.347633, y = -52.439484, z = 7.179688 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - KRAVIZ'S CLINIC [WESTBROOK - CHARTER HILL]", 10.0) 傳道海濱的醫生 loc = { x = -1072.172729, y = -1274.062866, z = 11.456871 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - WOLLESON ST [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0) 西風公寓的醫生 loc = { x = -2607.956787, y = -2498.076660, z = 17.334549 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - WEST WIND [PACIFICA - WEST WIND ESTATE]", 10.0) 奧克塔維奧 loc = { x = 588.132568, y = -2179.594482, z = 42.437347 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - OCTAVIO'S CLINIC [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0) 阿德卡多的醫生(搬家前) loc = { x = 3438.949463, y = -380.475800, z = 133.569855 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - MOBILE CAMP [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 阿德卡多的醫生(搬家後) loc = { x = 1814.132202, y = 2274.446289, z = 182.176987 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("RIPPERDOC - NOMAD CAMP [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 體育場的義體醫生 loc = { x = -1445.6168, y = -2014.2567, z = 71.850006 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 長灘堆料場的義體醫生 loc = { x = -2399.6929, y = -2656.0935, z = 27.876686 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 威爾遜 loc = { x = -1450.176147, y = 1311.742676, z = 119.082397 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - WILSON SHOP [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 直接了彈(歌舞伎市場) loc = { x = -1207.415771, y = 2043.946289, z = 7.844711 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - STRAIGHT SHOOTER [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 槍與彈(城北工業區碼頭) loc = { x = -1895.143433, y = 2729.943359, z = 7.449997 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - IRON & LEAD [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0) 全食品廠區的商人 loc = { x = -783.261963, y = 2183.184570, z = 52.801941 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - MAELSTROM HEAT [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0) 天際線和薩利納斯街的商人 loc = { x = -453.489319, y = 1450.199219, z = 37.388107 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - SKYLINE&SALINAS VENDOR [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 哈爾西街的商人 loc = { x = -1770.706543, y = 222.652618, z = 43.727768 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - HALSEY&MLK VENDOR [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0) 罐頭廠廣場的商人 loc = { x = -2402.214355, y = -630.521790, z = 6.906044 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - CANNERY PLAZA VENDOR [HEYWOOD - WELLSPRINGS]", 10.0) 海伍德谷地區的商人 loc = { x = -1899.170654, y = -1019.690430, z = 7.676468 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - VENTURA&SKYLINE VENDOR [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0) 海伍德麗景區的商人 loc = { x = -906.048767, y = -703.476807, z = 8.237724 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - COLLEGE ST VENDOR [HEYWOOD - VISTA DEL REY]", 10.0) 日落汽車旅館的商人 loc = { x = 1678.147217, y = -771.591980, z = 49.839981 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - SUNSET MOTEL VENDOR [BADLANDS - RED PEAKS]", 10.0) 阿德卡多的商人(搬家前) loc = { x = 3429.046387, y = -375.550720, z = 133.535477 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - MOBILE CAMP VENDOR [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 阿德卡多的商人(搬家後) loc = { x = 1796.789307, y = 2253.482178, z = 180.262894 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - NOMAD CAMP VENDOR [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 伍德黑文街的商人 loc = { x = 569.700745, y = -2201.206787, z = 35.345894 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0) 聖多明戈河谷區的商人 loc = { x = -992.885986, y = -1589.419189, z = 25.700897 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - MANUFACTORY MARKET VENDOR [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0) 太平州西風莊園的商人 loc = { x = -2438.164063, y = -2405.232422, z = 16.722504 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP [PACIFICA - WEST WIND ESTATE]", 10.0) 加油站的商人 loc = { x = -1844.916138, y = -4255.368652, z = 74.019012 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("GUN SHOP - FUEL STATION VENDOR [BADLANDS - BIOTECHNICA FLATS]", 10.0) 體育場的商人 loc = { x = -1407.011, y = -2074.4868, z = 71.871506 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 長灘堆料場的商人 loc = { x = -2431.0503, y = -2688.3306, z = 28.397697 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 體育場的黑市商人 loc = { x = -1404.9125, y = -2006.5178, z = 71.86803 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 弗雷 loc = { x = -1430.860107, y = 1335.109497, z = 119.206131 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("MELEE VENDOR - COACH FRED [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 威斯特布魯克日本街的斯佩克特 loc = { x = -337.444519, y = 563.404053, z = 38.349251 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("MELEE VENDOR - CRESCENT&BROAD [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 太平州西風莊園的商人 loc = { x = -2529.142578, y = -2468.510010, z = 17.196762 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("MELEE VENDOR [PACIFICA - WEST WIND ESTATE]", 10.0) 科羅納多農場動物幫的商人 loc = { x = -476.260040, y = -1942.191772, z = 7.003807 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("MELEE VENDOR [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0) 惡土的商人 loc = { x = 133.805145, y = -4670.488281, z = 54.607399 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("MELEE VENDOR - TANGO TORS [BADLANDS - JACKSON PLAINS]", 10.0) 沃森區北區 loc = { x = -1895.527832, y = 2504.133301, z = 18.263504 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE - PERSHING ST STORE [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0) 沃森區小唐人街 loc = { x = -1522.441040, y = 1701.879639, z = 18.317543 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 沃森區歌舞伎區 loc = { x = -1119.808105, y = 1752.149658, z = 33.722076 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 日本街 loc = { x = -682.614563, y = 1239.223755, z = 37.966957 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE - BLOSSOMING SAKURA CLOTHIER [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 憲章山 loc = { x = -230.233231, y = -36.969742, z = 0.883064 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE - LELE PARK STORE [WESTBROOK - CHARTER HILL]", 10.0) 惡土 loc = { x = 1202.813965, y = -570.510498, z = 32.692131 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE [BADLANDS - RED PEAKS]", 10.0) 聖多明戈科羅納多農場 loc = { x = 253.300400, y = -1475.245850, z = 9.500000 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE - MALLAGRA&MANZANITA STORE [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0) 聖多明格河谷區 loc = { x = -1017.764709, y = -1557.709351, z = 25.700897 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE - MANUFACTORY MARKET VENDOR [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0) 太平州西風莊園 loc = { x = -2477.911377, y = -2536.459229, z = 16.969376 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE [PACIFICA - WEST WIND ESTATE]", 10.0) 海伍德美泉區 loc = { x = -2437.346680, y = -666.163452, z = 6.922104 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE [HEYWOOD - WELLSPRINGS]", 10.0) 市政中心公司廣場 loc = { x = -1575.944580, y = -282.437988, z = -4.425003 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE - APPEL DE PARIS [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 市政中心市中心神宮寺 loc = { x = -1884.361938, y = 82.698013, z = 7.519997 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CLOTHING STORE - JINGUJI [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0) 體育場 loc = { x = -1407.2228, y = -2045.2655, z = 71.86578 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 長灘堆料場 loc = { x = -2370.286, y = -2696.3582, z = 28.254112 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 沃森區北區 loc = { x = -1930.447875, y = 2741.377685, z = 10.449996 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - DOCKS PHARMACEUTICALS [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0) 沃森區歌舞伎區 loc = { x = -955.330444, y = 1783.534057, z = 22.837463 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - CHARTER STREET PHARMACEUTICALS [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 沃森區小唐人街 loc = { x = -1699.426757, y = 1254.763793, z = 18.229026 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - PHARMACEUTICALS [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 日本街 loc = { x = -442.117218, y = 1437.026367, z = 37.279304 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - SKYLINE & SALITAS MEDICAL ASSISTANCE [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 市政中心公司廣場 loc = { x = -1128.585449, y = 234.626312, z = 5.287002 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - MEDICAL ACCESSORIES [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 市政中心市中心 loc = { x = -1883.996948, y = 376.438232, z = 27.705146 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - DOWNTOWN PHARMACEUTICALS [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0) 海伍德美泉區 loc = { x = -2182.743164, y = -944.747802, z = 8.017768 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - PALMS VIEW PLAZA PHARMACEUTICALS [HEYWOOD - WELLSPRINGS]", 10.0) 聖多明格河谷區 loc = { x = -1004.352050, y = -1572.167236, z = 25.729621 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - MANUFACTORY MARKET PHARMACEUTICALS [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0) 聖多明戈科羅納多農場 loc = { x = 428.308593, y = -1442.177734, z = 15.195770 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - MALLAGRA & MANZANITA DRUGS [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0) 太平州海景區 loc = { x = -1902.288940, y = -1898.859375, z = 49.303024 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - COASTVIEW PHARMACEUTICALS [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 惡土 loc = { x = 3443.864501, y = -1983.330322, z = 99.474639 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PHARMACY - BADLANDS PHARMACEUTICALS [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 體育場 loc = { x = -1430.6187, y = -2034.3643, z = 73.740005 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 長灘堆料場 loc = { x = -2356.8774, y = -2684.64, z = 36.382065 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 沃森區歌舞伎區歌舞伎市場 loc = { x = -1180.311279, y = 2041.457520, z = 20.087074 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NETRUNNER - YOKO TSURU [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 日本街 loc = { x = -351.593842, y = 1368.778564, z = 42.124115 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NETRUNNER [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 日本街(隱藏) loc = { x = -492.061035, y = 583.292725, z = 26.802223 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NETRUNNER - CHANG HOON NAM [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 太平州海景區巴提大酒店 loc = { x = -1906.515015, y = -1925.094238, z = 48.903023 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NETRUNNER [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 海伍德麗景區 loc = { x = -845.921082, y = -394.881470, z = 8.163307 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NETRUNNER [HEYWOOD - VISTA DEL REY]", 10.0) 體育場 loc = { x = -1395.4839, y = -2030.0043, z = 75.7596 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 死亡 loc = { x = -1808.519287, y = -542.195801, z = 10.144997 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - DEATH [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0) 正義 loc = { x = 51.435013, y = -498.468506, z = 15.313713 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - JUSTICE [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0) 力量 loc = { x = 684.020813, y = -616.751282, z = 9.846458 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - STRENGHT [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0) 節製 loc = { x = 195.212189, y = 574.286682, z = 120.330841 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - TEMPERANCE [WESTBROOK - NORTH OAK]", 10.0) 戰車 loc = { x = -1503.578857, y = 1137.667480, z = 18.070541 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE CHARIOT [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 皇帝 loc = { x = -2103.592773, y = 1772.950562, z = 18.331223 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE EMPEROR [WATSON - ARASAKA WATERFRONT]", 10.0) 女皇 loc = { x = -1460.803711, y = 1047.891846, z = 18.762367 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE EMPRESS [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 愚者 loc = { x = -1391.457397, y = 1268.110229, z = 123.082397 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE FOOL [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 倒吊人 loc = { x = -1834.668945, y = 3877.000000, z = 17.890144 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE HANGED MAN [BADLANDS - NORTHERN OILFIELDS]", 10.0) 隱士 loc = { x = -1736.029663, y = -1934.164917, z = 61.592911 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE HEREMIT [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 教皇 loc = { x = -880.238464, y = 1320.123047, z = 5.821556 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE HIEROPHANT [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 女祭司 loc = { x = -630.949707, y = -212.408829, z = 20.170006 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE HIGH PRIESTESS [HEYWOOD - VISTA DEL REY]", 10.0) 戀人 loc = { x = -113.085938, y = 1935.875000, z = 100.617203 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE LOVERS [WESTBROOK - NORTH OAK]", 10.0) 魔術師 loc = { x = -1231.555420, y = 1559.181641, z = 22.671944 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE MAGICIAN [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 月亮 loc = { x = 397.054016, y = 1151.880493, z = 220.754074 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE MOON [WESTBROOK - NORTH OAK]", 10.0) 星星 loc = { x = -611.084839, y = -3845.938721, z = 72.121140 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE STAR [BADLANDS - JACKSON PLAINS]", 10.0) 太陽 loc = { x = -1330.365479, y = 1202.760132, z = 19.432549 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE SUN [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 高塔 loc = { x = -1574.8718, y = 141.00473, z = 7.298584 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE TOWER [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 命運之輪 loc = { x = 1650.025879, y = -793.365784, z = 49.820427 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE [BADLANDS - RED PEAKS]", 10.0) 世界 loc = { x = -1549.944092, y = 1208.757080, z = 57.000008 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - THE WORLD [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 寶劍國王 loc = { x = -2412.566, y = -2634.6558, z = 22.769066 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 權杖國王 loc = { x = -1811.6892, y = -2729.8894, z = 73.92639 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 星幣國王 loc = { x = -2235.472, y = -2546.6084, z = 80.30098 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 聖杯國王 loc = { x = -1333.4802, y = -1736.8926, z = 44.2061 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 審判(神輿)(不用拿) loc = { x = -1361.474121, y = 155.524597, z = -26.648010 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("TAROT CARD - JUDGEMENT [ENDING QUEST]", 10.0) 魔王(不用拿)--IT'S THE RUBIX CUBE AVAILABLE IN THE HANAKO ENDING [ENDING QUEST] 入土為安 loc = { x = -1100.205200, y = 2804.27246, z = 7.1907348 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - SIX FEET UNDER [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 血腥儀式 loc = { x = -1516.028564, y = 2513.15039, z = 6.9869384 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - BLOODY RITUAL [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0) 事出反常必有妖 loc = { x = -1705.857299, y = 2251.37426, z = 18.000022 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - WHERE THE BODIES HIT THE FLOOr [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0) 兔死狗烹 loc = { x = -816.7252807, y = 1959.36071, z = 51.605758 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - DemoNS OF WAR [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 莫厄爾中尉 loc = { x = -1092.920043, y = 1546.83032, z = 2.1322555 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - LT. MOWER [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 跟大哥們混的資格loc = { x = -2047.724243, y = 1252.05261, z = 3.8899993 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - TICKET TO THE MAJOR LEAGUES [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) 充耳不聞 loc = { x = -2170.168457, y = 294.237762, z = 8.0100097 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - ON DEAF EARS [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0) 夜之城魅影 loc = { x = -1641.139770, y = 245.386596, z = 8.2137145 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - PHANTOM OF NIGHT CITY [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 有法必依 loc = { x = -2373.627685, y = -1098.771362, z = 12.810585 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - LETTER OF THE LAW [HEYWOOD - WELLSPRINGS]", 10.0) 海濱咖啡館 loc = { x = -2237.607177, y = -1310.147949, z = 12.271194 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - SEASIDE CAFE [HEYWOOD - WELLSPRINGS]", 10.0) 水上的煙霧 loc = { x = -1939.302490, y = -1617.433593, z = 5.9614181 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - SMOKE ON THE WATER [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 同態復仇 loc = { x = -2217.856689, y = -1943.290771, z = 5.3432922 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - LEX TALIONIS [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 大橋下 loc = { x = -644.8963623, y = -1313.797363, z = 8.0832595 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - UNDER THE BRIDGE [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0) 打折的醫生 loc = { x = 324.345153, y = -1919.653564, z = -5.797576 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - DISCOUNT DOC [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0) 荒原 loc = { x = 2527.024658, y = -1685.096801, z = 74.852676 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - THE WASTELAND [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 山林小屋 loc = { x = 2704.333984, y = -595.9229736, z = 102.67890 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO - HOUSE ON THE HILL [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 人生重來 loc = { x = 4602.4306645, y = -1240.256713, z = 142.72061 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CYBERPSYCHO 17 - SECOND CHANCES [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 荒阪倉庫 loc = { x = -253.68695, y = -1462.9231, z = 7.5999146 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PERK SHARD [ARASAKA INDUSTRIAL PARK] [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0) 荒阪倉庫 loc = { x = -254.02971, y = -1508.8351, z = 12.610001 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PERK SHARD [ARASAKA INDUSTRIAL PARK] [SANTO DOMINGO - ARROYO]", 10.0) 惡土 loc = { x = 2287.9966, y = -1051.378, z = 55.498795 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PERK SHARD [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 市政中心公司廣場 loc = { x = -1354.8429, y = 444.22794, z = 13.151001 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PERK SHARD [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 沃森區北區 loc = { x = -964.2407, y = 2778.0720, z = 30.049217 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PERK SHARD [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0) 伍德黑文街 loc = { x = 645.40015, y = -2159.7837, z = 39.349243 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PERK SHARD [SANTO DOMINGO - RANCHO CORONADO]", 10.0) 海伍德谷地區的NCPD loc = { x = -1984.3334, y = -1027.2446, z = 7.6319275 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PERK SHARD [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0) 101高速北 loc = { x = -2495.540527, y = 3583.902100, z = 12.937248 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - NORTHERN OILFIELDS - 101 NORTH", 10.0) 廢棄的加油站 loc = { x = -1121.166626, y = -5584.013184, z = 92.306473 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - RATTLESNAKE CREEK - ABANDONED FUEL STATION", 10.0) 廢棄的停車場 loc = { x = -765.474548, y = -2437.059570, z = 14.153740 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - BIOTECHNICA FLATS - ABANDONED PARKING LOT", 10.0) 來生 loc = { x = -1470.310181, y = 1062.667603, z = 22.687759 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - AFTERLIFE", 10.0) 全食品廠區 loc = { x = -715.867371, y = 2181.901611, z = 53.083183 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - ALL FOODS PLANT", 10.0) 埃倫南街 loc = { x = -1087.163086, y = 1312.506226, z = 5.360001 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - ALLEN ST SOUTH", 10.0) 阿爾穆涅卡爾街 loc = { x = 60.155746, y = -1927.084106, z = 2.488831 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - ALMUNECAR & JEREZ", 10.0) 荒阪地產 loc = { x = 485.984222, y = 1224.233398, z = 229.253220 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - NORTH OAK - ARASAKA ESTATE", 10.0) 荒阪工業園 loc = { x = -187.066544, y = -1498.726440, z = 7.651115 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - ARASAKA INDUSTRIAL PARK", 10.0) 荒阪塔 loc = { x = -1447.891235, y = 43.989212, z = 16.133087 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - ARASAKA TOWER", 10.0) 荒阪海濱北 loc = { x = -2249.297363, y = 2790.432373, z = 6.998505 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - ARASAKA WATERFRONT NORTH", 10.0) 汽車工廠 loc = { x = -86.015091, y = -4357.513184, z = 58.925766 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - JACKSON PLAINS - AUTOWERKS", 10.0) 巴提大酒店 loc = { x = -1861.656006, y = -1936.721924, z = 48.514442 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA TERMINAL - COASTVIEW - BATTY'S HOTEL", 10.0) 貝爾維尤天橋 loc = { x = -1129.643799, y = 1486.723267, z = 30.247276 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - BELLEVUE OVERWALK", 10.0) 伯克利街和海灣街 loc = { x = -2232.673096, y = -364.545654, z = 17.328751 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - WELLSPRINGS - BERKELEY & BAY", 10.0) 伯克利街和布魯斯·斯基沃街 loc = { x = -1859.694824, y = 674.720825, z = 10.721786 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - DOWNTOWN - BERKELEY & BRUCE SKIV", 10.0) 宏岩 loc = { x = 4347.310059, y = -721.601990, z = 147.887726 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - ROCKY RIDGE - BIG ROCK", 10.0) 邊防檢查站 loc = { x = -2809.998779, y = -5435.220215, z = 96.817169 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - BIOTECHNICA FLATS - BORDER CHECKPOINT", 10.0) 布拉德伯裡街和布蘭街 loc = { x = -1556.031128, y = 1246.021362, z = 19.060921 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - BRADBURY & BURAN", 10.0) 加利福尼亞大街和卡特賴特街 loc = { x = -2022.431885, y = 1641.824707, z = 9.099998 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - CALIFORNIA & CARTWRIGHT", 10.0) 加利福尼亞大街和潘興街 loc = { x = -2158.685303, y = 1993.107300, z = 18.180000 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - ARASAKA WATERFRONT - CALIFORNIA & PERSHING", 10.0) 罐頭廠廣場 loc = { x = -2439.822266, y = -537.758911, z = 6.900009 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - WELLSPRINGS - CANNERY PLAZA", 10.0) 卡皮托拉街 loc = { x = -519.166321, y = 1608.504272, z = 32.846870 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - CAPITOLA ST", 10.0) 禮拜堂 loc = { x = -1770.656860, y = -1947.116577, z = 57.196289 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA TERMINAL - COASTVIEW - CHAPEL", 10.0) 憲章街 loc = { x = -845.904053, y = 1835.428467, z = 36.189323 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - CHARTER ST", 10.0) 櫻花市集 loc = { x = -701.158447, y = 952.268799, z = 12.000000 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - CHERRY BLOSSOM MARKET", 10.0) 克拉倫登街 loc = { x = -1974.549316, y = 1180.298462, z = 12.139999 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - CLARENDON ST", 10.0) 學院街 loc = { x = -982.028870, y = -597.896179, z = 8.199997 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - VISTA DEL REY - COLLEGE ST", 10.0) 骨灰龕 loc = { x = 153.158630, y = 576.596008, z = 117.249374 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - NORTH OAK - COLUMBARIUM", 10.0) 國會街和麥迪遜街 loc = { x = -1222.093872, y = -448.065796, z = 8.147186 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - CONGRESS & MADISON", 10.0) 公司街 loc = { x = -2402.888428, y = -72.031311, z = 8.101982 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - DOWNTOWN - CORPORATION ST", 10.0) 小溪環路 loc = { x = -1054.570801, y = 1573.058716, z = 2.539307 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - CREEK LOOP", 10.0) 新月街和布羅德街 loc = { x = -418.697266, y = 484.741882, z = 30.162666 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - CRESCENT & BROAD", 10.0) 大壩 loc = { x = 880.839783, y = -2992.092529, z = 204.611633 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - LAGUNA BEND - DAM", 10.0) 大壩觀景點 loc = { x = 772.518494, y = -2112.226807, z = 172.688431 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - DAM VIEWPOINT", 10.0) 暗物質 loc = { x = -304.848267, y = 221.927490, z = 28.793533 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - DARK MATTER", 10.0) 德拉曼總部 loc = { x = -889.900269, y = -83.498260, z = 7.230003 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - VISTA DEL REY - DELAMAIN HQ", 10.0) 沙漠電影布景 loc = { x = 3202.726562, y = 620.885437, z = 104.464401 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - ROCKY RIDGE - DESERT FILM SET", 10.0) 市中心中央 loc = { x = -2115.134277, y = 260.095520, z = 7.898277 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - DOWNTOWN - DOWNTOWN CENTRAL", 10.0) 市中心北 loc = { x = -1520.683838, y = 692.786987, z = 8.889977 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - DOWNTOWN NORTH", 10.0) 德雷克大街 loc = { x = -1608.114136, y = 1772.701294, z = 18.380005 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - DRAKE AVE", 10.0) 露天影院 loc = { x = -72.285934, y = 1988.236694, z = 100.879242 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - NORTH OAK - DRIVE-IN THEATER", 10.0) 迪納拉 loc = { x = 192.315323, y = -280.535400, z = 6.850456 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - CHARTER HILL - DYNALAR", 10.0) 埃布尼克碼頭 loc = { x = -1481.102051, y = 2956.645752, z = 7.167900 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - EBUNIKE DOCKS", 10.0) 埃奇伍德農場 loc = { x = 2458.240479, y = -1281.001709, z = 63.630516 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - ROCKY RIDGE - EDGEWOOD FARM", 10.0) 野狼 loc = { x = -1327.788330, y = -1003.420227, z = 12.345001 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - EL COYOTE COJO", 10.0) 餘燼 loc = { x = -1773.870972, y = -510.845367, z = 10.139999 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - EMBERS", 10.0) 迢遠山脊 loc = { x = 4539.041504, y = -2131.325684, z = 183.244522 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - SIERRA SONORA - FAR RIDGE", 10.0) 第四面牆工作室 loc = { x = -301.365356, y = 1089.114136, z = 65.654816 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - FOURTH WALL STUDIOS", 10.0) 加油站 loc = { x = -1795.660889, y = -4323.810547, z = 74.361084 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - BIOTECHNICA FLATS - FUEL STATION", 10.0) 金海灘遊艇碼頭 loc = { x = -2392.804932, y = 88.863052, z = 12.246582 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - DOWNTOWN - GOLD BEACH MARINA", 10.0) 金庭木廣場 loc = { x = -230.485153, y = 306.007568, z = 29.548599 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - CHARTER HILL - GOLD NIWAKI PLAZA", 10.0) 金匠街 loc = { x = -1520.231567, y = 1551.879639, z = 18.199982 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - GOLDSMITH ST", 10.0) 大帝國商場 loc = { x = -2187.506104, y = -2205.991943, z = 11.872383 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA TERMINAL - COASTVIEW - GRAND IMPERIAL MALL", 10.0) 哈爾西街和馬丁·路德·金大道 loc = { x = -1755.346924, y = 185.963638, z = 16.680946 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - HALSEY & MLK", 10.0) 漢福德高架橋 loc = { x = -1219.720947, y = -1208.222778, z = 32.811539 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - HANFORD OVERPASS", 10.0) 哈格裡夫斯街 loc = { x = -681.625244, y = -1253.220459, z = 8.902832 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - ARROYO - HARGREAVES ST", 10.0) 1-9高速東 loc = { x = 4963.144531, y = -739.964417, z = 135.502808 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - VASQUEZ PASS - I-9 EAST", 10.0) 日本街西 loc = { x = -836.028748, y = 1334.494141, z = 22.440002 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - JAPANTOWN WEST", 10.0) 歌舞伎市場 loc = { x = -1158.781006, y = 2014.217529, z = 12.064865 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - KABUKI MARKET", 10.0) 歌舞伎中央 loc = { x = -1183.175049, y = 1364.925781, z = 20.305748 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - KABUKI: CENTRAL", 10.0) 肯德爾公園 loc = { x = 365.214874, y = -1689.095093, z = 9.521973 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - KENDAL PARK", 10.0) 肯尼迪北街 loc = { x = -1213.869507, y = 1880.759155, z = 22.500000 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - KENNEDY NORTH", 10.0) 克裡的豪宅 loc = { x = 222.255295, y = 1076.992310, z = 200.585968 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - NORTH OAK - KERRY EURODYNE'S RESIDENCE", 8.0) 湖邊農場 loc = { x = 911.501648, y = -3498.103271, z = 184.084854 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - LAGUNA BEND - LAKE FARM", 10.0) 拉斯帕拉帕斯汽車旅館 loc = { x = -1354.457886, y = -3702.410889, z = 55.539856 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - BIOTECHNICA FLATS - LAS PALAPAS MOTEL [HIGHWAY 101]", 10.0) 麗麗公園 loc = { x = -176.445496, y = -82.809372, z = 7.199997 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - CHARTER HILL - LELE PARK", 10.0) 長灘北 loc = { x = -600.883423, y = 2582.958496, z = 53.788757 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - LONGSHORE NORTH", 10.0) 長灘南 loc = { x = 3.224335 , y = -343.181580, z = 8.244232 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - CHARTER HILL - LONGSHORE SOUTH", 10.0) 豪華公寓 loc = { x = -57.226593, y = -49.423447, z = 7.177872 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - CHARTER HILL - LUXURY APARTMENTS", 10.0) 馬拉格拉和熊果街 loc = { x = 312.578369, y = -1420.839722, z = 15.110001 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - MALLAGRA & MANZANITA", 10.0) 馬丁街 loc = { x = -1419.187256, y = 2225.585693, z = 18.197372 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - MARTIN ST", 10.0) 梅德斯基加油站 loc = { x = 1444.559937, y = -1370.569946, z = 51.339653 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - RED PEAKS - MEDESKI FUEL STATION", 10.0) 摩天樓H10 loc = { x = -1397.306274, y = 1278.067749, z = 123.076935 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - MEGABUILDING H10: ATRIUM", 10.0) 摩天樓H11 loc = { x = -1381.926392, y = 1970.700562, z = 23.303291 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - MEGABUILDING H11", 10.0) 摩天樓H12 loc = { x = -2121.750977, y = -1120.469604, z = 32.737297 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - WELLSPRINGS - MEGABUILDING H2", 10.0) 摩天樓H3 loc = { x = -1178.810303, y = -917.013062, z = 12.874184 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - MEGABUILDING H3", 10.0) 摩天樓H4 loc = { x = -966.773193, y = -1772.523804, z = 11.140404 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - ARROYO - MEGABUILDING H4", 10.0) 摩天樓H6 loc = { x = -210.267487, y = -851.600891, z = 7.636658 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - ARROYO - MEGABUILDING H6", 10.0) 摩天樓H8 loc = { x = -704.240601, y = 762.157471, z = 32.709610 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - MEGABUILDING H8", 10.0) 地鐵:憲章山 loc = { x = -113.253922, y = 119.111435, z = 12.395363 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - CHARTER HILL - METRO: CHARTER HILL", 10.0) 地鐵:國會街和馬丁·路德·金大道 loc = { x = -1026.743774, y = -348.339325, z = 5.734482 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - VISTA DEL REY - METRO: CONGRESS & MLK", 10.0) 地鐵:市中心亞曆山大街 loc = { x = -2068.953857, y = 471.648407, z = 8.052666 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - DOWNTOWN - METRO: DOWNTOWN - ALEXANDER ST", 10.0) 地鐵:埃布尼克 loc = { x = -1363.395630, y = -657.781311, z = 5.843338 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - METRO: EBUNIKE ", 10.0) 地鐵:艾森豪威爾街 loc = { x = -1770.518921, y = 1868.567017, z = 18.260002 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - METRO: EISENHOWER ST", 10.0) 地鐵:埃利森傑 loc = { x = -1387.874634, y = 1031.565430, z = 27.113693 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - METRO: ELLISON ST", 10.0) 地鐵:法理爾街 loc = { x = -1608.440186, y = 1474.657471, z = 18.209999 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - METRO: FARRIER ST", 10.0) 地鐵:谷地區北 loc = { x = -1553.949219, y = -643.955994, z = 5.639999 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - METRO: GLEN NORTH", 10.0) 地鐵:谷地區南 loc = { x = -1590.054688, y = -1302.666626, z = 47.980003 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - METRO: GLEN SOUTH", 10.0) 地鐵:日本街南 loc = { x = -568.453064, y = 206.492645, z = 22.269997 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - METRO: JAPANTOWN SOUTH", 10.0) 地鐵:市場街 loc = { x = -2118.219482, y = -694.199463, z = 6.803810 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - WELLSPRINGS - METRO: MARKET ST", 10.0) 地鐵:醫療中心 loc = { x = -1416.752319, y = 1757.611694, z = 16.266396 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - METRO: MED CENTER", 10.0) 地鐵:摩天樓H7 loc = { x = 156.445908, y = -1181.237549, z = 31.560959 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - METRO: MEGABUILDING H7", 10.0) 地鐵:紀念公園 loc = { x = -1333.292114, y = -86.132751, z = -3.801445 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - METRO: MEMORIAL PARK", 10.0) 地鐵:門羅街 loc = { x = -528.150574, y = 1131.684326, z = 34.690002 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - METRO: MONROE ST", 10.0) 地鐵:共和國路 loc = { x = -1473.428589, y = 460.060974, z = 5.816879 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - METRO: REPUBLIC WAY", 10.0) 地鐵:體育場 loc = { x = -1542.123413, y = -1939.206909, z = 62.844879 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA TERMINAL - COASTVIEW - METRO: STADIUM", 10.0) 地鐵:沃勒森街 loc = { x = -1069.117554, y = -1427.714355, z = 30.788025 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - ARROYO - METRO: WOLLESON ST", 10.0) 地鐵:憲法廣場 loc = { x = -1456.623901, y = 1181.346069, z = 45.950813 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - METRO: ZOCALO", 10.0) 馬丁·路德·金大道和布蘭頓街 loc = { x = -506.400146, y = -760.188049, z = 7.425461 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - ARROYO - MLK & BRANDON", 10.0) 城北工業區碼頭 loc = { x = -1869.271729, y = 2701.620361, z = 7.186920 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - NID: DOCKS", 10.0) 城北工業區東 loc = { x = -541.702148, y = 1855.456543, z = 36.304100 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - NID: EAST", 10.0) 阿德卡多(搬家後) loc = { x = 1802.307129, y = 2248.607910, z = 180.210815 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - ROCKY RIDGE - NOMAD CAMP", 10.0) 北橡區標誌牌 loc = { x = 282.838745, y = 801.340881, z = 146.418640 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - NORTH OAK - NORTH OAK SIGN", 8.0) 近海街 loc = { x = -1256.379028, y = 2913.908936, z = 7.186905 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - OFFSHORE ST", 10.0) 油田 loc = { x = -1835.695190, y = 3719.295166, z = 7.013229 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - NORTHERN OILFIELDS - OIL FIELDS", 10.0) 舊風力發電機 loc = { x = 3702.759766, y = -1682.336914, z = 123.682465 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - ROCKY RIDGE - OLD TURBINES", 10.0) 太平州浮橋碼頭 loc = { x = -1879.231445, y = -1626.796265, z = 18.023087 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA TERMINAL - COASTVIEW - PACIFICA PIER", 10.0) 棕櫚景觀廣場 loc = { x = -2357.734375, y = -810.309631, z = 12.903328 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - WELLSPRINGS - PALMS VIEW PLAZA", 10.0) 棕櫚景觀道 loc = { x = -1719.902100, y = -886.142090, z = 8.586227 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - PALMS VIEW WAY", 10.0) 臨海公園 loc = { x = -2302.275879, y = -1107.943359, z = 13.998116 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - WELLSPRINGS - PARQUE DEL MAR", 10.0) 潘興街 loc = { x = -1731.353516, y = 2308.193604, z = 18.152237 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - PERSHING ST", 10.0) 海燕街 loc = { x = -923.717590, y = 105.703064, z = 7.315521 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - PETREL ST", 10.0) 派多美 loc = { x = -152.410934, y = -2017.032593, z = 6.166397 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - PIEZ", 10.0) 鬆木南街 loc = { x = -1154.416626, y = 1160.809204, z = 17.333702 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - PINEWOOD ST SOUTH", 10.0) 蛋白質農場 loc = { x = -3478.909424, y = -4183.663574, z = 68.069092 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - BIOTECHNICA FLATS - PROTEIN FARM", 10.0) 抽水站 loc = { x = -2410.059814, y = -960.999878, z = 8.134583 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - WELLSPRINGS - PUMPING STATION", 10.0) 科羅納多農場東 loc = { x = 436.225586, y = -2147.127441, z = 14.605293 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - RANCHO CORONADO EAST", 10.0) 科羅納多農場北 loc = { x = 703.346069, y = -980.738953, z = 28.830177 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - RANCHO CORONADO NORTH", 10.0) 科羅納多農場南 loc = { x = -498.177765, y = -1850.802856, z = 7.427170 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - RANCHO CORONADO SOUTH", 10.0) 協和公園 loc = { x = -1624.472046, y = -333.643585, z = -13.775887 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - RECONCILIATION PARK", 10.0) 紅泥酒吧 loc = { x = -735.426514, y = -978.518555, z = 7.929443 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - ARROYO - RED DIRT BAR", 10.0) 赤木市場 loc = { x = -388.397888, y = 702.516052, z = 114.989990 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - REDWOOD MARKET", 10.0) 支線機場 loc = { x = -1513.856079, y = -5080.905273, z = 83.008774 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - JACKSON PLAINS - REGIONAL AIRPORT", 10.0) 共和國路和青藤路 loc = { x = -596.915161, y = -121.975250, z = 7.680000 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - VISTA DEL REY - REPUBLIC & VINE", 10.0) 共和國東路 loc = { x = 121.322052, y = -631.642151, z = 7.586525 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - ARROYO - REPUBLIC EAST", 10.0) 環路 loc = { x = -1148.650513, y = 135.858231, z = 7.348907 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - RING ROAD", 10.0) 暴亂夜總會 loc = { x = -1658.837036, y = 997.896973, z = 23.833389 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - LITTLE CHINA - RIOT", 10.0) 石脊山 loc = { x = 2534.720215, y = -95.229065, z = 81.400574 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - ROCKY RIDGE - ROCKY RIDGE", 10.0) 薩根街和鑽石街 loc = { x = -715.033447, y = 1278.142456, z = 29.565125 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - SAGAN & DIAMOND", 10.0) 聖阿馬羅街 loc = { x = 684.129761, y = -593.860046, z = 9.958153 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SANTO DOMINGO TERMINAL - RANCHO CORONADO - SAN AMARO ST", 10.0) https://img3.gamemad.com/2024/10/23/k26K7cds.jpg 參議院和市場街 loc = { x = -1888.368164, y = -574.491638, z = 7.874062 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - SENATE & MARKET", 10.0) 射擊場 loc = { x = -1048.270630, y = -914.849792, z = 8.182121 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - VISTA DEL REY - SHOOTING RANGE", 10.0) 絲綢西路 loc = { x = -695.708374, y = 403.711273, z = 19.426750 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - SILK ROAD WEST", 10.0) 天際線和共和路 loc = { x = -2354.447021, y = 432.617096, z = 7.844719 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - DOWNTOWN - SKYLINE & REPUBLIC", 10.0) 天際線和薩利納斯街 loc = { x = -457.240997, y = 1402.604004, z = 37.284058 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - SKYLINE & SALINAS", 10.0) 天際線東 loc = { x = -657.992432, y = -434.298370, z = 8.199997 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - VISTA DEL REY - SKYLINE EAST", 10.0) 太陽能電池陣列 loc = { x = -660.850952, y = -3837.256104, z = 72.010223 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - JACKSON PLAINS - SOLAR ARRAYS", 10.0) 太陽能發電站 loc = { x = -176.844849, y = -2613.227783, z = 28.573807 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - JACKSON PLAINS - SOLAR POWER STATION", 10.0) 體育場停車處 loc = { x = -1306.254883, y = -1670.878662, z = 44.026367 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA TERMINAL - COASTVIEW - STADIUM PARKING", 10.0) EBM沛卓石化體育場 loc = { x = -1375.8337, y = -2122.795, z = 70.03136 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 廬客爽山莊健康水療館 loc = { x = -1540.8125, y = -2516.8916, z = 83.19795 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 富麗太平洋 loc = { x = -1877.5071, y = -2460.3953, z = 35.678345 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 已知領域 loc = { x = -2135.674, y = -2949.0261, z = 108.32175 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 長灘堆料場 loc = { x = -2405.661, y = -2692.1348, z = 22.828041 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 克雷斯街 loc = { x = -2220.4333, y = -2558.2817, z = 16.611084 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 日落汽車旅館 loc = { x = 1634.151611, y = -738.672607, z = 49.941101 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - RED PEAKS - SUNSET MOTEL", 10.0) 陽光汽車旅館 loc = { x = 3583.741455, y = -895.678528, z = 119.448807 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - ROCKY RIDGE - SUNSHINE MOTEL", 10.0) 薩特街 loc = { x = -1202.809692, y = 1616.376221, z = 22.914032 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - KABUKI - SUTTER ST", 10.0) 探戈嶺汽車旅館 loc = { x = -202.297058, y = -4915.824707, z = 77.359116 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - JACKSON PLAINS - TANGO TORS MOTEL", 10.0) 拖車公園 loc = { x = 1194.174927, y = -592.335266, z = 32.617661 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - RED PEAKS - TRAILER PARK", 10.0) 瓦倫蒂諾小巷 loc = { x = -1610.903442, y = -1180.620117, z = 24.885757 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - VALENTINO ALLEY", 10.0) 文圖拉街和天際線 loc = { x = -1860.255249, y = -1206.401001, z = 20.227318 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - VENTURA & SKYLINE", 10.0) 公司廣場公寓 loc = { x = -1598.482056, y = 346.462311, z = 8.171249 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("CITY CENTER TERMINAL - CORPO PLAZA - V'S APARTMENT", 10.0) 谷地區公寓 loc = { x = -1523.809814, y = -992.123108, z = 9.100990 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("HEYWOOD TERMINAL - THE GLEN - V'S APARTMENT", 10.0) 北區公寓 loc = { x = -1474.946899, y = 2188.042236, z = 18.193954 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WATSON TERMINAL - NORTHSIDE - V'S APARTMENT", 10.0) 日本街公寓 loc = { x = -783.724121, y = 992.393494, z = 12.057030 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("WESTBROOK TERMINAL - JAPANTOWN - V'S APARTMENT", 10.0) 西風公寓 loc = { x = -2658.608154, y = -2487.474854, z = 18.037674 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("PACIFICA TERMINAL - WEST WIND ESTATE - WEST WIND APARTMENTS", 10.0) 夜遊鬼營地 loc = { x = 3079.315918, y = -2223.864014, z = 131.535812 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("BADLANDS TERMINAL - SIERRA SONORA - WRAITH CAMP", 10.0) 開發者的秘密房間(密碼605185) loc = { x = -1183.588135, y = 2074.615967, z = 6.841331 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Developers Room [DOOR PIN: 605185] [WATSON - KABUKI]", 15.0) 米哈伊爾的頂層公寓 loc = { x = -1218.135986, y = 1409.635010, z = 113.524445 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Akulov Penthouse [WATSON - KABUKI]", 10.0) 紺碧大廈(三郎屍體旁) loc = { x = -2216.888, y = 1765.844360, z = 308.0033 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 荒阪另類審訊室 loc = { x = -1474.23803, y = 160.720550, z = 208.63760375977 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Alt Interrogation Room [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 荒阪下心房 loc = { x = -1446.63110, y = 73.8905639, z = 238.34799194336 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Lower Lower Atrium [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 荒阪上心庭 loc = { x = -1446.63110, y = 73.8905639, z = 238.34799194336 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Lower Upper Atrium [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 荒阪軌道站loc = { x = 4743.650879, y = -1091.755127, z = 1310.439575 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Orbital Station [ORBITAL STATION]", 10.0) 荒阪公寓 loc = { x = 278.537811, y = 1040.076782, z = 229.91818237305 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Residence [WESTBROOK - NORTH OAK]", 10.0) 荒阪塔反情報部 loc = { x = -1431.73608, y = 175.0750885, z = 141.9965057373 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Tower Counterintel [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 荒阪塔執行辦公室 loc = { x = -1415.58630, y = 108.2116851, z = 142.02340698242 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Tower Exec Office [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 荒阪塔叢林 loc = { x = -1449.256470, y = 118.300171, z = 321.639038 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Tower Jungle [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 荒阪塔反情報部 loc = { x = -1427.063476, y = 181.7188110, z = 206.62599182129 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Tower Server Level [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 荒阪三郎辦公室1樓 loc = { x = -1383.655518, y = 118.832474, z = 542.696289 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Arasaka Tower Temple [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 惡土電影網站 loc = { x = 3492.3449707, y = 1171.157348, z = 138.11395263672 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Badlands Movie Site [BADLANDS - ROCKY RIDGE]", 10.0) 惡土隧道入口 loc = { x = 185.345749, y = 2365.449707, z = 67.081177 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Badlands Tunnel Entrance [WESTBROOK - NORTH OAK]", 10.0) 餘燼(餐廳) loc = { x = -1798.728027, y = -522.037048, z = 74.244064331055 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Embers [Restaurant] [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0) 古特雷茲的公寓 loc = { x = 11.151092529, y = 21.74945068, z = 134.8438873291 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Gutierez Apartment [WESTBROOK - CHARTER HILL]", 10.0) 喬安妮科赫套房酒店 loc = { x = -2154.804931, y = 461.6751708, z = 89.467163085938 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Joanne Koch Hotel Suite [CITY CENTER - DOWNTOWN]", 10.0) 約翰尼審訊室 loc = { x = -1389.446533, y = 141.266556, z = -139.361572 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Johnny Interrogation Room [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 約翰尼的公寓(死神結局) loc = { x = -2475.615478, y = -2437.458496, z = 17.587516784668 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Johnny's Apartment [Reaper Ending] [PACIFICA - WEST WIND ESTATE]", 10.0) 康佩基廣場酒店套房 loc = { x = -2202.186035, y = 1783.184204, z = 163.000000 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Konpeki Plaza Hotel Suite [WATSON - ARASAKA WATERFRONT]", 10.0) 康佩基廣場泳池 loc = { x = -2176.370849, y = 1784.473632, z = 275.0 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Konpeki Plaza Pool [WATSON - ARASAKA WATERFRONT]", 10.0) 康佩基廣場米之信的房間 loc = { x = -2226.746582, y = 1767.182129, z = 308.000000 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Konpeki Plaza Yorinobu's Room [WATSON - ARASAKA WATERFRONT]", 10.0) 摩天樓H8頂部 loc = { x = -701.484680, y = 849.270264, z = 322.252228 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Megabuilding H 8 Top [WESTBROOK - JAPANTOWN]", 10.0) 摩天樓H10頂部 loc = { x = -1371.780029, y = 1340.888550, z = 311.471313 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Megabuilding H 10 Top [WATSON - LITTLE CHINA]", 10.0) NCPD的房間 loc = { x = -1761.547729, y = -1010.821655, z = 94.300003 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("NCPD Room [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0) 佩拉雷斯公寓 loc = { x = -81.35485839, y = -121.200210, z = 119.15728759766 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Peralez Apartment [WESTBROOK - CHARTER HILL]", 10.0) 荒阪三郎辦公室2樓 loc = { x = -1466.582885, y = 179.7639617, z = 594.37310791016 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Saburo Arasaka Office [CITY CENTER - CORPO PLAZA]", 10.0) 副業:"公路人"(打開車庫) loc = { x = 574.54 , y = -2214.95 , z = 34.90 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SIDE JOB: "THE HIGHWAYMAN" [OPEN THE GARAGE AND LOOK AT THE PC/PICTURE]", 10.0) 副業:"公路人"(詹姆斯位置) loc = { x = -867.264 , y = 1102.393 , z = 21.117 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SIDE JOB: "THE HIGHWAYMAN" [JAMES LOCATION]", 10.0) 副業:"公路人"(喬茜的位置) loc = { x = -1381.628, y = -647.655 , z = 7.7427 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SIDE JOB: "THE HIGHWAYMAN" [JOSIE LOCATION]", 10.0) 副業:"公路人"(密碼0214) loc = { x = -721.562 , y = 2238.205 , z = 53.046 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("SIDE JOB: "THE HIGHWAYMAN" [STOLEN BIKE - GARAGE PIN: 0214]", 10.0) 塔克·阿爾巴赫公寓 loc = { x = -1681.287963, y = -987.1466064, z = 10.789474487305 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Tucker Albach's Apartment [HEYWOOD - THE GLEN]", 10.0) 粉碎者的埃布尼克小屋 loc = { x = -1571.076538, y = 3112.1782226, z = 20.13500213623 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Smasher's Ebunike Cabin [WATSON - NORTHSIDE]", 10.0) 布麗奇特的磁懸浮隧道 loc = { x = -1663.618774, y = -1867.443726, z = 54.990150 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 任務"想像"中的森林 loc = { x = 7066.417, y = -3392.8833, z = 528.6513 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) "良心有多重"喬治娜的06號房間 loc = { x = -1616.6202, y = -2352.6653, z = 50.883583 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 寶石青樓頂 loc = { x = -1894.4573, y = -2291.8372, z = 445.79172 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 航天港屋頂(邁爾斯降落的地方) loc = { x = -3614.0066, y = 375.0913, z = 85.67999 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 航天港候機廳電梯前 loc = { x = -3620.2488, y = 242.57661, z = 48.9562 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 航天港指揮塔台 loc = { x = -3588.8386, y = 114.572525, z = 55.07106 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 航天港航天飛機起飛處 loc = { x = -4692.498, y = -287.41687, z = 60.205635 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 李(紅色部分刪除後使用)德線"直到大廈崩塌"街邊洞口前 loc = { x = -2457.7122, y = -2535.0938, z = 16.937538 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 李(紅色部分刪除後使用)德線暴恐機動隊卡車墜毀處 loc = { x = -2447.3093, y = -2551.2979, z = -7 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施入口 loc = { x = -2389.125, y = -2568.1863, z = -57.765526 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施-1層限制區域電梯前 loc = { x = -2281.1562, y = -2458.6995, z = -188.80086 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施管理處 loc = { x = -2195.4485, y = -2378.375, z = -192.7177 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施伺服器機房 loc = { x = -2177.267, y = -2352.0483, z = -192.67145 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施保安室 loc = { x = -2149.1992, y = -2336.2036, z = -192.72218 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施工程部 loc = { x = -2151.6306, y = -2395.1702, z = -192.72218 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施儲藏室 loc = { x = -2163.8704, y = -2378.4546, z = -192.72218 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施檢修室(厄瑞玻斯) loc = { x = -2145.8596, y = -2378.9043, z = -192.72218 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施生活區 loc = { x = -2180.8752, y = -2393.8625, z = -192.72218 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施兩道氣閘門前 loc = { x = -2079.0645, y = -2261.4175, z = -194.26604 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施兩道氣閘門後 loc = { x = -2093.2224, y = -2259.795, z = -194.29106 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施神經網路控制 loc = { x = -2100.3823, y = -2225.6643, z = -194.30902 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施實驗性原型設計(篇章6) loc = { x = -2113.123, y = -2224.9426, z = -194.30887 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施資料分析和研究 loc = { x = -2105.7021, y = -2211.8162, z = -194.30894 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施核心控制 loc = { x = -2072.2898, y = -2205.2522, z = -194.81502 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施觀察室 loc = { x = -2128.5488, y = -2201.7234, z = -195.2845 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施資料庫指令中樞 loc = { x = -2156.444, y = -2219.3643, z = -194.95737 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施熱能控制 loc = { x = -2148.1775, y = -2184.6855, z = -194.2752 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 小北斗設施百靈鳥面前loc = { x = -2067.92, y = -2161.5286, z = -197.86143 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 百靈鳥記憶中的家 loc = { x = -2064.9248, y = -2013.2952, z = -198.34999 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) https://img3.gamemad.com/2024/10/23/ktdj2XUC.jpg 新美國V的房間 loc = { x = -7026.7603, y = -4506.483, z = 80.033554 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 新美國V房間外的公園 loc = { x = -7055.122, y = -4504.5107, z = 77.1429 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 百靈鳥乘坐的火箭內 loc = { x = -4699.268, y = -259.3931, z = 59.841286 } Game.GetTeleportationFacility():Teleport(Game.GetPlayer(), Vector4.new(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z, 1), EulerAngles.new(0, 0, 0)) PreventionSystem.ShowMessage("Vodoo Boys Subway [PACIFICA - COASTVIEW]", 10.0) 來源:遊俠網