《尼爾:自動人形》需要什麽配置 - 遊戲狂











作業系統 *: Windows 7 /8.1 /10 64bit

處理器: Intel Core i3 2100 or AMD A8-6500

記憶體: 4 GB RAM

顯卡: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 VRAM 2GB or AMD Radeon R9 270X VRAM 2GB

DirectX 版本: 11

網路: 寬頻網際網路連接

儲存空間: 需要 50 GB 可用空間

音效卡: DirectX® 11 supported

附註事項: Mouse, keyboard and game Pad (XInput only). Screen resolution: 1280x720. This product only supports MS-IME keyboard input. There is a possibility that other IME will not function correctly with it.


作業系統 *: Windows 8.1 /10 64bit

處理器: Intel Core i5 4670 or AMD A10-7850K

記憶體: 8 GB RAM

顯卡: NVIDIA GeFoce GTX 980 VRAM 4GB or AMD Radeon R9 380X VRAM 4GB

DirectX 版本: 11

網路: 寬頻網際網路連接

儲存空間: 需要 50 GB 可用空間

音效卡: DirectX® 11 supported

附註事項: Mouse, keyboard and game Pad (XInput only). Screen resolution: 1920x1080. Depending on the monitor and PC graphics card environment and setup used, this title can expand its display resolution to 4K. However, please be aware that 4K resolutions are not officially supported. This product only supports MS-IME keyboard input. There is a possibility that other IME will not function correctly with it.




尼爾:自動人形 (NieR:Automata)

類別: 動作
平台: PC, PS4, XboxONE
開發: Platinum Games Inc.
發行: Square Enix
上市: 2017-03-17 (PC)
《尼爾:自動人形(NieR:Automata)》是由索尼與白金工作室聯合製作,Square Enix發行的一款動作RPG遊戲,講述了在被摧毀的地球上由人類的敵人外星人派來的機械生命體與人類方派出的人造人“尤爾哈(YoRHa)”部隊進行戰鬥的故事。遊戲背景設定在和《尼爾》相同的世界,並將有一個全新的故事劇情,但和前作幾乎沒有關聯。

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《尼爾:自動人形》是一款科幻風格的動作遊戲。遊戲的畫面精致,對於配置的要求並不是很低,需要達到一定要求才能有較好的遊戲體驗。 https://gamemad.com/guide/351311 https://img3.gamemad.com/2024/12/28/cCjGUGVn.jpg 遊戲配置要求介紹 最低配置: 作業系統 *: Windows 7 /8.1 /10 64bit 處理器: Intel Core i3 2100 or AMD A8-6500 記憶體: 4 GB RAM 顯卡: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 770 VRAM 2GB or AMD Radeon R9 270X VRAM 2GB DirectX 版本: 11 網路: 寬頻網際網路連接 儲存空間: 需要 50 GB 可用空間 音效卡: DirectX® 11 supported 附註事項: Mouse, keyboard and game Pad (XInput only). Screen resolution: 1280x720. This product only supports MS-IME keyboard input. There is a possibility that other IME will not function correctly with it. 推薦配置: 作業系統 *: Windows 8.1 /10 64bit 處理器: Intel Core i5 4670 or AMD A10-7850K 記憶體: 8 GB RAM 顯卡: NVIDIA GeFoce GTX 980 VRAM 4GB or AMD Radeon R9 380X VRAM 4GB DirectX 版本: 11 網路: 寬頻網際網路連接 儲存空間: 需要 50 GB 可用空間 音效卡: DirectX® 11 supported 附註事項: Mouse, keyboard and game Pad (XInput only). Screen resolution: 1920x1080. Depending on the monitor and PC graphics card environment and setup used, this title can expand its display resolution to 4K. However, please be aware that 4K resolutions are not officially supported. This product only supports MS-IME keyboard input. There is a possibility that other IME will not function correctly with it.