GTAOL1.43更新日誌介紹 - 遊戲狂








GTA線上增加了一個新的Race系列,該系列由十個以Raze新款Declasse Hotring Saber為特色的比賽組成。





Vapid GB200

Vulcar Fagaloa

Declasse Hotring Saber


Cheval Taipan

GTA Online的服裝店增加了七款經典賽車服裝。

新功能/更新 - 僅限PS4,Xbox One和PC


使用VTOL或Hover模式生成飛機的檢查點選項已添加到Race Creator中。


'Weaponized Vehicle'級別已添加到Race Creator並包含多輛現有車輛。

Weaponized Vehicles的保險費現在上限為1萬美元,而不是2萬美元。



與重型左輪手槍Mk II配合使用時,空心點回合對非目標目標造成的傷害提升減少。

Rockstar Creator修復 - PS4,Xbox One和PC Only

使用“Take Flight Sign”造物主道具時發生的固定幀數問題。


修復了導致“Disable Catch-Up”選項丟失的問題。







Rockstar Editor Fixes - PS4,Xbox One和PC Only

修復了在重播先前錄製的Rockstar Editor剪輯時Declasse Tornado Rat Rod渲染不正確的問題。

一般/雜項 - PS4,Xbox One和PC Only

GTA Online已經進行了改進,以防止崩潰,提高配對的品質,並減少網路連接問題的數量,如斷開連接和拆分會話。

修復了Facility Heist規劃委員會使用的錯誤影像。

修復了Hydra VTOL推進器功率降低的問題,阻止了執行“快速降落”的能力。

修復了部署翅膀時妨礙Pegassi Oppressor刹車的問題。

修正了進入和離開水域時可能發生的與Ocelot Stromberg武器有關的幾個問題。



修復了當使用非英語語言運行遊戲時,Heists Update中的幾個任務無法正確啟動的問題。




修復了導致車輛一側的Vapid Retinue車輪變窄的問題。

修正了海斯特的一個問題:太平洋標準 - 信號導致球員在中場任務過場後跌入世界。




修正了一個問題,導致玩家在嘗試使用Strike Team時收取不正確的金額。


修復了一個問題,導致玩家陷入困境,推出了幾個新的Doomsday Heists。

修復了Doomsday Heist獎勵追蹤的問題。


修復了Facility Heist規劃委員會的文本可讀性問題。

修正了The Doomsday Heists的獎牌分配問題。



修正了某些The Doomsday Heists的結果畫面中韓文文字被切斷的問題。

解決了Heist中的一個問題:資料泄露 - Deluxos會讓玩家在將Deluxo發送到他們的工廠時陷入困境。

修正了Heist:The Doomsday Scenario - Finale中的簡訊問題。

修正了Heist中的一個問題:The Doomsday Scenario - 完成第一場迷你遊戲後,玩家將失去功能的結局。

解決了Heist:The Doomsday Scenario - Flight Path中的問題,玩家無法拿起公文包。

修復了Heist:The Doomsday Scenario - Rescue Agent 14導致鎖定欄未填滿的問題。

修復了Heist:The Doomsday Scenario - Finale中的過場動畫音訊問題。

修正Heist:The Doomsday Scenario - Finale中的對話問題。

修正了Heist中的一個問題:末日情景 - 結局導致球員的頭盔被耳朵維護者取代。

修正了Heist中的一個問題:末日情景 - 其他玩家看不見的結局。

解決Heist期間暫停目錄中的blips問題:資料泄露 - 伺服器場。

解決了Heist期間外部爆炸引發相機抖動的問題:資料泄露 - 死亡信使。

解決了Heist中的一個問題:資料泄露 - 伺服器場,玩家在收集硬碟時會卡在動畫中。

解決了海斯特的一個問題:資料泄露 - 伺服器農場,玩家在死後不會產生未被消滅的武器。

修正了Heist中的一個問題:資料泄露 - 壓制導致玩家錯誤地接收到想要的水準。

修正了海斯特的一個問題:波格丹問題 - 導致玩家無法裝備武器的壓軸。


修正了Heist:Prison Break - Station中的一個問題,那就是球員在交出Lampadati Casco時會被卡住。

解決了Heist:Prison Break - Station中的一個問題,那裡的球員無法進入Lampadati Casco。

修正了海斯特的一個問題:Fleeca Job - 壓軸導致玩家無法裝備面具。

解決了Heist:人文實驗室 - 關鍵程式碼中的問題,即在完成目標後作業不會完成。

修正了海斯特的一個問題:太平洋標準 - 信號導致玩家在地圖上下落。

解決Heist中的問題:波格丹問題 - ULP英特爾,你收集的人質不會跟隨你。

解決了敵手模式 - 硬目標中沒有選擇新目標的問題。

修正敵手模式中的排行榜問題 - 劍聖。

修正敵手模式中的排行榜問題 - 佔據。

解決了對手模式中的問題 - 導致玩家錯誤地接收想要的等級的空配額。

修正了對手模式中的問題 - 導致玩家錯誤地接收到想要的等級的截止日期。

修正了敵手模式下的團隊平衡問題 - 最難的目標。

解決了WVM中的一個問題 - 惡劣天氣模式導致第一個泰坦不起飛。

修復了WVM中的一個問題 - 惡劣天氣模式導致敵人出現浮動狀態。

修正了玩家在射擊場後失去Mk II彈藥的問題。

修復了重型左輪手槍Mk II在武器輪圖示上未顯示正確的彈藥類型圖形的問題。

修正了武器輪上Bullpup Rifle Mk II的彈藥類型指示器的位置問題。






修正了TM-02 Khanjali燈具修正的定價問題。

修復了Pfister Comet SR的頭罩相機的裁剪問題。



修正了一個問題,導致玩家在派出一個Strike Team並觀看他們之後發送的玩家之後通過地圖掉下來。














修復了導致Team GTA Races中隱身的問題。




修正了一個問題,這意味著軌道炮可以用於在Penned In觀眾直升機上的玩家造成浪費的拍攝。


修復了導致玩家無法將Crew標誌應用於Overflod Autarch的問題。

修復了導致Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack網頁連結不起作用的問題。

修復了Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack中某些項目的問題,以免費顯示。









修復了導致VIP Workdown倒數計時器在Freemode中錯誤啟動的問題。




一般/雜項 - 僅限PS4

修復了在Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack螢幕中按下PSN按鈕後導致玩家失去功能的問題。

一般/雜項 - 僅限PC




固定與Bombushka JATO mod的定價不一致。




A new Race Series that consists of ten Races that feature the new Declasse Hotring Sabre has been added to GTA Online:

Hotring Circuit (1-30 Players)

It's the moment every stock car Racer lives for. You accelerate into the corner, the track banks up to a near vertical, and somehow you're held in place by a combination of pulverizing downforce and hysterical fear of death. Now throw in a few turbo strips and a wildly uneven surface, and you can really test that will to live.

Five high-end vehicles have been added to GTA Online:

Vapid GB200

Vulcar Fagaloa

Declasse Hotring Sabre

Overflod Entity XXR

Cheval Taipan

Seven Classic Racing Suit Outfits have been added to clothes shops in GTA Online.

New Features / Updates – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only

Multiple additions and changes have been made to the Creator:

A checkpoint option to have aircraft spawn in VTOL or Hover mode has been added to the Race Creator.

The Creator Prop limit has been increased from 150 props and 20 dynamic props to 200 props and 20 dynamic props.

The ‘Weaponized Vehicle' class has been added to the Race Creator and contains multiple existing vehicles.

Insurance premiums for Weaponized Vehicles are now capped at $10k instead of $20k.

New item stars now no longer appear for various vehicle modifications.

Changes have been made to the way that Kill/Death ratio is updated in response to deaths resulting from use of the ‘Kill Yourself' Interaction Menu option.

The damage increase given by Hollow Point Rounds against unarmored targets has been reduced when used with the Heavy Revolver Mk II.

Rockstar Creator Fixes – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only

Fixed frame rate issues that occurred when using the ‘Take Flight Sign' Creator prop.

Fixed an issue that resulted in saved Races to not appear in the My Jobs menu.

Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Disable Catch-Up' option to be missing.

Fixed an issue that caused the chosen default vehicle to become stuck when setting a custom starting vehicle.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players' Transform Races to publish as normal Land Races.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players' characters clipping upon spawning in various UGC.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to place two checkpoints in a row.

Fixed an issue that resulted in checkpoints to appear as two checkpoints clipping.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to rotate checkpoints.

Rockstar Editor Fixes – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only

Fixed an issue with the Declasse Tornado Rat Rod rendering incorrectly when playing back previously recorded Rockstar Editor clips.

General / Miscellaneous – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only

Ongoing improvements have been made in GTA Online to prevent crashes, improve the quality of matchmaking, and reduce the number of network connection issues such as disconnections and split sessions.

Fixed an incorrect image used on the Facility Heist Planning Board.

Fixed an issue that reduced the power of the Hydra's VTOL thrusters, preventing the ability to perform a ‘quick land'.

Fixed an issue that prevented the brakes on the Pegassi Oppressor from working when wings were deployed.

Fixed several issues related to the weapons of the Ocelot Stromberg that may occur when entering and exiting the water.

Fixed an issue that allowed the Deluxo to fly at high speed when flying in reverse.

Fixed an issue that caused collision problems with several vehicles added with the Lowriders update.

Fixed an issue that prevented several Missions from the Heists Update from launching correctly when running the game with a non-English language.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players incorrectly receiving insufficient funds alerts.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players not correctly receiving payouts after completing Import/Export Missions.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being told they are failing the Criminal Mastermind Challenge.

Fixed an issue that resulted in the wheels of the Vapid Retinue being narrower on one side of the vehicle.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: Pacific Standard – Signal that resulted in players falling through the world after the mid-Mission cutscene.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players being told they didn't have enough money to launch a Heist and that the Heist costs $-1.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players to not spawn in the vehicle during Import/Export Sell Missions.

Fixed an issue that caused the Orbital Cannon usage cooldown to not commence.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players being charged an incorrect amount when attempting to use the Strike Team.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players' planes to fall after the countdown at the beginning of an Air Race.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck launching several of the new Doomsday Heists.

Fixed issues with The Doomsday Heist award tracking.

Fixed camera issues with the Facility Heist Planning Board.

Fixed several issues with text readability on the Facility Heist Planning Board.

Fixed issues with medal distribution in The Doomsday Heists.

Fixed intro cutscene issues in the Heist: The Bogdan Problem.

Fixed dialogue issues in multiple Heists.

Fixed an issue with Korean text being cut off on the results screen of some of The Doomsday Heists.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Data Breaches – Deluxos where players would get stuck upon delivering a Deluxo to their Facility.

Fixed text messages issues in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Finale.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Finale where players would lose functionality after completing the first mini-game.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Flight Path where players were unable to pick up the briefcase.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Rescue Agent 14 that resulted in the lock-on bar to not fill up.

Fixed cutscene audio issues in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Finale.

Fixed dialogue issues in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Finale.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Finale that resulted in players' helmets to be replaced with ear defenders.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Finale where other players would appear invisible.

Fixed issues with blips on the Pause Menu during Heist: The Data Breach – Server Farm.

Fixed an issue with camera shake from outside explosions during Heist: The Data Breaches – Dead Courier.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Data Breaches – Server Farm where players would get stuck in the animation when collecting the hard drives.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Data Breaches – Server Farm where players would not spawn with unsilenced weapons after dying.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Data Breaches – Finale that resulted in players incorrectly receiving a wanted level.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Bogdan Problem – Finale that resulted in players being unable to equip weapons.

Fixed an issue that resulted in spectating players being shown as receiving medals at the end of Heists.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: Prison Break – Station where players would get stuck upon delivering the Lampadati Casco.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: Prison Break – Station where players would not be able to access the Lampadati Casco.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: Fleeca Job – Finale that resulted in players being unable to equip a mask.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: Humane Labs – Key Codes where the Job would not complete after delivering the objective.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: Pacific Standard – Signal that resulted in players falling through the map.

Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Bogdan Problem – ULP Intel where the hostage you collect won't follow you.

Fixed an issue in the Adversary Mode – Hard Target where no new target would be selected.

Fixed Leaderboard issues in the Adversary Mode – Juggernaut.

Fixed Leaderboard issues in the Adversary Mode – Occupy.

Fixed issues in the Adversary Mode – Air Quota that resulted in players incorrectly receiving wanted levels.

Fixed issues in the Adversary Mode – Deadline that resulted in players incorrectly receiving wanted levels.

Fixed team balancing issues in the Adversary Mode – Hardest Target.

Fixed an issue in the WVM – Severe Weather Patterns that caused the first Titan to not take off.

Fixed an issue in the WVM – Severe Weather Patterns that resulted in enemies to appear like they were floating.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing Mk II ammo after playing the Shooting Range.

Fixed an issue where the Heavy Revolver Mk II did not show the correct ammo type graphic on the weapon wheel icon.

Fixed an issue with the positioning of the ammo type indicator for the Bullpup Rifle Mk II on the weapon wheel.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning under the Zancudo Facility after hosting a Race nearby then quitting the lobby.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing their Orbital Cannon shot if they suspended the game application.

Fixed an issue with the Mammoth Avenger showing the incorrect manufacturer logo on the Warstock Cache & Carry website.

Fixed an issue that caused certain types of foliage to damage helicopter rotors when on the ground.

Fixed an issue with the Facility property blip not displaying correctly on the Pause Menu map.

Fixed pricing issues for the lights modification on the TM-02 Khanjali.

Fixed a clipping issue with the hood camera of the Pfister Comet SR.

Fixed an incorrect bumper modification name on the Albany Hermes.

Fixed an issue with collision when flying the Deluxo in underground tunnels.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players falling through the map after sending a Strike Team and spectating the player they had been sent after.

Fixed issues with the Strike Team not appearing when requested.

Fixed an issue that caused players to sit in incorrect positions in the Avenger.

Fixed issues that resulted in players getting stuck when entering/exiting the Avenger.

Fixed issues that resulted in players getting stuck when entering/exiting the Bunker.

Fixed issues that resulted in players getting stuck when entering/exiting the MOC.

Fixed issues that resulted in players getting stuck when entering/exiting the Facility.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after entering a Clubhouse name.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after registering to be a VIP whilst driving into a Bunker.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players' Crew color to not persist on their MOC.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to take their personal vehicle out of their MOC.

Fixed an issue where players would appear under the map upon entering their Facility.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after using the ‘Kill Yourself' option.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players' cars being changed after taking it into the Facility.

Fixed an issue that resulted in cars turning invisible in Team GTA Races.

Fixed an issue in Rally Races that caused players to incorrectly be counted as inactive.

Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Exit Out' Avenger option to be present during some Missions.

Fixed an issue that resulted in the Facility interior to load in slowly.

Fixed an issue that meant the Orbital Cannon could be used on players who were in the Penned In spectator helicopter resulting in a wasted shot.

Fixed modification description issues for the RCV.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to apply Crew emblems to the Overflod Autarch.

Fixed an issue that caused the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack web page links to not work.

Fixed issues with certain items from the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack to not display as FREE.

Fixed an issue that resulted in certain respray options to be incorrectly locked behind Race wins.

Fixed issues with the unlocking of several Race awards.

Fixed automatic targeting issues with the Orbital Cannon.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players falling through the map when in the Facility.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to trade in their Warehouse.

Fixed issues with vehicle insurance.

Fixed an issue that resulted in menu options for the Avenger to not appear correctly.

Fixed an issue that resulted in the help text advising players to purchase a Facility to get stuck on screen.

Fixed an issue that resulted in the VIP Work countdown timer to incorrectly start in Freemode.

Fixed an issue that caused the exit options for properties to incorrectly disappear.

Fixed issues that resulted in items being skipped when scrolling through menus in shops.

Fixed issues with purchasing ammo via the 'Buy Ammo' option on Leaderboards.

General / Miscellaneous – PS4 Only

Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after pressing the PSN button whilst in the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack screen.

General / Miscellaneous – PC Only

Fixed some issues with the Orbital Cannon menu when running the game at 4:3 resolutions.

Fixed multiple transaction errors when attempting to deliver Business product.

Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to store more than 19 vehicles in their Hangar.

Fixed pricing inconsistencies with the Bombushka JATO mod.

Fixed an issue that resulted the button prompt to stand up from the seating in the Facility to be incorrect whilst using mouse and keyboard controls.

Fixed an issue that caused the option to skip a journey to display as the same key despite having different button prompts.



俠盜獵車手5 (Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA5))

類別: 動作
平台: PC, PS4, XboxONE
開發: Rockstar North
發行: Rockstar Games
上市: 2015-04-14 (PC)

《俠盜獵車手5(Grand Theft Auto V)》是由Rockstar製作發行的一款圍繞犯罪為主題的開放式動作冒險遊戲,遊戲背景洛聖都基於現實地區中的美國洛杉磯和加州南部製作,遊戲擁有幾乎與現實世界相同的世界觀。玩家可扮演三位主角並在任意時刻進行切換,每位主角都有自己獨特的人格與故事背景,以及交織的劇情。

更多 俠盜獵車手5 攻略|新聞

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GTA線上增加了一個新的Race系列,該系列由十個以Raze新款Declasse Hotring Saber為特色的比賽組成。 Hotring賽道(1-30名球員) 這是每個賽車運動員都活著的時刻。你加速進入角落,賽道直到近乎垂直的方向,不知何故,你通過粉碎下壓力和歇斯底裡的死亡恐懼的組合來保持你的位置。現在投入幾個渦輪帶和一個非常不平坦的表面,你可以真正測試它的存在。 GTA線上增加了五款高階車型: Vapid GB200 Vulcar Fagaloa Declasse Hotring Saber 溢出實體XXR Cheval Taipan GTA Online的服裝店增加了七款經典賽車服裝。 新功能/更新 - 僅限PS4,Xbox One和PC 對創作者進行了多項添加和更改: 使用VTOL或Hover模式生成飛機的檢查點選項已添加到Race Creator中。 造物主支柱限制從150個道具和20個動態道具增加到200個道具和20個動態道具。 'Weaponized Vehicle'級別已添加到Race Creator並包含多輛現有車輛。 Weaponized Vehicles的保險費現在上限為1萬美元,而不是2萬美元。 現在不再出現新的項目明星用於各種車輛修改。 對殺死/死亡比例進行更新以響應使用“自殺”互動目錄選項導致的死亡的方式進行了更改。 與重型左輪手槍Mk II配合使用時,空心點回合對非目標目標造成的傷害提升減少。 Rockstar Creator修復 - PS4,Xbox One和PC Only 使用“Take Flight Sign”造物主道具時發生的固定幀數問題。 修復了導致已保存的競賽未出現在我的工作目錄中的問題。 修復了導致“Disable Catch-Up”選項丟失的問題。 修復了在設定自定義啟動車輛時導致所選默認車輛卡住的問題。 修正了導致玩家的變形賽作為正常的土地賽事發布的問題。 修復了在各種UGC中產生玩家角色時產生裁剪的問題。 修復了導致玩家無法連續放置兩個檢查點的問題。 修復了導致檢查點顯示為兩個檢查點裁減的問題。 修復了導致玩家無法旋轉檢查點的問題。 Rockstar Editor Fixes - PS4,Xbox One和PC Only 修復了在重播先前錄製的Rockstar Editor剪輯時Declasse Tornado Rat Rod渲染不正確的問題。 一般/雜項 - PS4,Xbox One和PC Only GTA Online已經進行了改進,以防止崩潰,提高配對的品質,並減少網路連接問題的數量,如斷開連接和拆分會話。 修復了Facility Heist規劃委員會使用的錯誤影像。 修復了Hydra VTOL推進器功率降低的問題,阻止了執行“快速降落”的能力。 修復了部署翅膀時妨礙Pegassi Oppressor刹車的問題。 修正了進入和離開水域時可能發生的與Ocelot Stromberg武器有關的幾個問題。 修復了Deluxo在反向飛行時高速飛行的問題。 修復了使用Lowriders更新添加的多個車輛導致碰撞問題的問題。 修復了當使用非英語語言運行遊戲時,Heists Update中的幾個任務無法正確啟動的問題。 修復了導致玩家錯誤地收到資金不足警報的問題。 修復了導致玩家在完成導入/導出任務後未能正確接收支出的問題。 修復了一個問題,導致玩家不被告知他們沒有通過刑事大師級挑戰賽。 修復了導致車輛一側的Vapid Retinue車輪變窄的問題。 修正了海斯特的一個問題:太平洋標準 - 信號導致球員在中場任務過場後跌入世界。 修正了一個問題,導致玩家被告知他們沒有足夠的資金發動海斯特,海斯特的成本為-1美元。 修正了導致玩家在導入/導出銷售任務期間未在車輛中產卵的問題。 修正了導致軌道炮使用冷卻時間不能開始的問題。 修正了一個問題,導致玩家在嘗試使用Strike Team時收取不正確的金額。 修正了空中賽事開始後倒計時球員飛機落空的問題。 修復了一個問題,導致玩家陷入困境,推出了幾個新的Doomsday Heists。 修復了Doomsday Heist獎勵追蹤的問題。 固定照相機問題與設施Heist計劃委員會。 修復了Facility Heist規劃委員會的文本可讀性問題。 修正了The Doomsday Heists的獎牌分配問題。 修正Heist中的簡介過場問題:波格丹問題。 修復了多個Heists中的對話問題。 修正了某些The Doomsday Heists的結果畫面中韓文文字被切斷的問題。 解決了Heist中的一個問題:資料泄露 - Deluxos會讓玩家在將Deluxo發送到他們的工廠時陷入困境。 修正了Heist:The Doomsday Scenario - Finale中的簡訊問題。 修正了Heist中的一個問題:The Doomsday Scenario - 完成第一場迷你遊戲後,玩家將失去功能的結局。 解決了Heist:The Doomsday Scenario - Flight Path中的問題,玩家無法拿起公文包。 修復了Heist:The Doomsday Scenario - Rescue Agent 14導致鎖定欄未填滿的問題。 修復了Heist:The Doomsday Scenario - Finale中的過場動畫音訊問題。 修正Heist:The Doomsday Scenario - Finale中的對話問題。 修正了Heist中的一個問題:末日情景 - 結局導致球員的頭盔被耳朵維護者取代。 修正了Heist中的一個問題:末日情景 - 其他玩家看不見的結局。 解決Heist期間暫停目錄中的blips問題:資料泄露 - 伺服器場。 解決了Heist期間外部爆炸引發相機抖動的問題:資料泄露 - 死亡信使。 解決了Heist中的一個問題:資料泄露 - 伺服器場,玩家在收集硬碟時會卡在動畫中。 解決了海斯特的一個問題:資料泄露 - 伺服器農場,玩家在死後不會產生未被消滅的武器。 修正了Heist中的一個問題:資料泄露 - 壓制導致玩家錯誤地接收到想要的水準。 修正了海斯特的一個問題:波格丹問題 - 導致玩家無法裝備武器的壓軸。 修正了一個問題,導致監視者在海斯特結束時顯示接受獎牌。 修正了Heist:Prison Break - Station中的一個問題,那就是球員在交出Lampadati Casco時會被卡住。 解決了Heist:Prison Break - Station中的一個問題,那裡的球員無法進入Lampadati Casco。 修正了海斯特的一個問題:Fleeca Job - 壓軸導致玩家無法裝備面具。 解決了Heist:人文實驗室 - 關鍵程式碼中的問題,即在完成目標後作業不會完成。 修正了海斯特的一個問題:太平洋標準 - 信號導致玩家在地圖上下落。 解決Heist中的問題:波格丹問題 - ULP英特爾,你收集的人質不會跟隨你。 解決了敵手模式 - 硬目標中沒有選擇新目標的問題。 修正敵手模式中的排行榜問題 - 劍聖。 修正敵手模式中的排行榜問題 - 佔據。 解決了對手模式中的問題 - 導致玩家錯誤地接收想要的等級的空配額。 修正了對手模式中的問題 - 導致玩家錯誤地接收到想要的等級的截止日期。 修正了敵手模式下的團隊平衡問題 - 最難的目標。 解決了WVM中的一個問題 - 惡劣天氣模式導致第一個泰坦不起飛。 修復了WVM中的一個問題 - 惡劣天氣模式導致敵人出現浮動狀態。 修正了玩家在射擊場後失去Mk II彈藥的問題。 修復了重型左輪手槍Mk II在武器輪圖示上未顯示正確的彈藥類型圖形的問題。 修正了武器輪上Bullpup Rifle Mk II的彈藥類型指示器的位置問題。 修正了一個問題,導致玩家在Zancudo設施下產生後在附近舉行比賽,然後退出大廳。 修復了一個問題,如果他們暫停遊戲應用程式,導致玩家失去軌道炮的射門。 解決了猛獁復仇者在華士道高速快取和進站網站上顯示不正確的製造商標誌的問題。 修復了在地面上造成某些類型的葉子損壞直升機旋翼的問題。 修復了設施屬性blip在暫停目錄圖上無法正確顯示的問題。 修正了TM-02 Khanjali燈具修正的定價問題。 修復了Pfister Comet SR的頭罩相機的裁剪問題。 修復了奧爾巴尼愛馬仕不正確的保險杠修改名稱。 修正了在地下隧道中飛行Deluxo時碰撞的問題。 修正了一個問題,導致玩家在派出一個Strike Team並觀看他們之後發送的玩家之後通過地圖掉下來。 與罷工團隊修復問題沒有出現時請求。 修復了導致玩家在復仇者中坐錯位置的問題。 修復了導致玩家在進入/退出復仇者時陷入困境的問題。 修復了導致玩家在進入/退出Bunker時卡住的問題。 修復了導致玩家在進入/退出MOC時卡住的問題。 修復了導致玩家進入/退出設施時卡住的問題。 修復了輸入會員名稱後導致玩家喪失功能的問題。 修正了一個問題,導致玩家在註冊成為Bunker後註冊成為VIP後失去功能。 修正了導致玩家的船員顏色不能保留在其MOC上的問題。 修正了導致玩家無法將他們的個人車輛從他們的MOC中移出的問題。 修復了玩家在進入他們的設施時出現在地圖下的問題。 修復了使用“自殺”選項後導致玩家喪失功能的問題。 修復了一個問題,導致玩家的汽車進入設施後發生改變。 修復了導致Team GTA Races中隱身的問題。 修正了拉力賽中的一個問題,導致玩家被錯誤地視為無效。 修復了導致某些任務期間出現“退出”復仇者選項的問題。 修復了導致設備內部緩慢加載的問題。 修正了一個問題,這意味著軌道炮可以用於在Penned In觀眾直升機上的玩家造成浪費的拍攝。 修復了RCV的修改描述問題。 修復了導致玩家無法將Crew標誌應用於Overflod Autarch的問題。 修復了導致Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack網頁連結不起作用的問題。 修復了Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack中某些項目的問題,以免費顯示。 修復了導致某些respray選項被錯誤地鎖定在Race獲勝後面的問題。 解決了幾個比賽獎項的解鎖問題。 修正了軌道炮的自動定位問題。 修復了在設施中導致玩家在地圖上下落的問題。 修復了導致玩家無法在倉庫中進行交易的問題。 修復了車輛保險問題。 修復了導致復仇者目錄選項無法正確顯示的問題。 修復了一個問題,導致幫助文本建議玩家購買設施以堵塞螢幕。 修復了導致VIP Workdown倒數計時器在Freemode中錯誤啟動的問題。 修復了導致屬性退出選項錯誤消失的問題。 修復了在商店中滾動目錄時導致項目被跳過的問題。 修復了通過排行榜上的“購買彈藥”選項購買彈藥的問題。 一般/雜項 - 僅限PS4 修復了在Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack螢幕中按下PSN按鈕後導致玩家失去功能的問題。 一般/雜項 - 僅限PC 修正了以4:3解析度運行遊戲時軌道加農炮目錄的一些問題。 嘗試交付Business產品時修復了多個交易錯誤。 修正了導致玩家無法在其機庫中存儲超過19輛車輛的問題。 固定與Bombushka JATO mod的定價不一致。 修復了在使用滑鼠和鍵盤控制時,按鈕提示從設施中的座位站立不正確的問題。 修復了導致該選項跳過顯示為相同鍵的旅程的問題,儘管具有不同的按鈕提示。 原文 A new Race Series that consists of ten Races that feature the new Declasse Hotring Sabre has been added to GTA Online: Hotring Circuit (1-30 Players) It's the moment every stock car Racer lives for. You accelerate into the corner, the track banks up to a near vertical, and somehow you're held in place by a combination of pulverizing downforce and hysterical fear of death. Now throw in a few turbo strips and a wildly uneven surface, and you can really test that will to live. Five high-end vehicles have been added to GTA Online: Vapid GB200 Vulcar Fagaloa Declasse Hotring Sabre Overflod Entity XXR Cheval Taipan Seven Classic Racing Suit Outfits have been added to clothes shops in GTA Online. New Features / Updates – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only Multiple additions and changes have been made to the Creator: A checkpoint option to have aircraft spawn in VTOL or Hover mode has been added to the Race Creator. The Creator Prop limit has been increased from 150 props and 20 dynamic props to 200 props and 20 dynamic props. The ‘Weaponized Vehicle' class has been added to the Race Creator and contains multiple existing vehicles. Insurance premiums for Weaponized Vehicles are now capped at $10k instead of $20k. New item stars now no longer appear for various vehicle modifications. Changes have been made to the way that Kill/Death ratio is updated in response to deaths resulting from use of the ‘Kill Yourself' Interaction Menu option. The damage increase given by Hollow Point Rounds against unarmored targets has been reduced when used with the Heavy Revolver Mk II. Rockstar Creator Fixes – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only Fixed frame rate issues that occurred when using the ‘Take Flight Sign' Creator prop. Fixed an issue that resulted in saved Races to not appear in the My Jobs menu. Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Disable Catch-Up' option to be missing. Fixed an issue that caused the chosen default vehicle to become stuck when setting a custom starting vehicle. Fixed an issue that resulted in players' Transform Races to publish as normal Land Races. Fixed an issue that resulted in players' characters clipping upon spawning in various UGC. Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to place two checkpoints in a row. Fixed an issue that resulted in checkpoints to appear as two checkpoints clipping. Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to rotate checkpoints. Rockstar Editor Fixes – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only Fixed an issue with the Declasse Tornado Rat Rod rendering incorrectly when playing back previously recorded Rockstar Editor clips. General / Miscellaneous – PS4, Xbox One and PC Only Ongoing improvements have been made in GTA Online to prevent crashes, improve the quality of matchmaking, and reduce the number of network connection issues such as disconnections and split sessions. Fixed an incorrect image used on the Facility Heist Planning Board. Fixed an issue that reduced the power of the Hydra's VTOL thrusters, preventing the ability to perform a ‘quick land'. Fixed an issue that prevented the brakes on the Pegassi Oppressor from working when wings were deployed. Fixed several issues related to the weapons of the Ocelot Stromberg that may occur when entering and exiting the water. Fixed an issue that allowed the Deluxo to fly at high speed when flying in reverse. Fixed an issue that caused collision problems with several vehicles added with the Lowriders update. Fixed an issue that prevented several Missions from the Heists Update from launching correctly when running the game with a non-English language. Fixed an issue that resulted in players incorrectly receiving insufficient funds alerts. Fixed an issue that resulted in players not correctly receiving payouts after completing Import/Export Missions. Fixed an issue that resulted in players not being told they are failing the Criminal Mastermind Challenge. Fixed an issue that resulted in the wheels of the Vapid Retinue being narrower on one side of the vehicle. Fixed an issue in the Heist: Pacific Standard – Signal that resulted in players falling through the world after the mid-Mission cutscene. Fixed an issue that resulted in players being told they didn't have enough money to launch a Heist and that the Heist costs $-1. Fixed an issue that resulted in players to not spawn in the vehicle during Import/Export Sell Missions. Fixed an issue that caused the Orbital Cannon usage cooldown to not commence. Fixed an issue that resulted in players being charged an incorrect amount when attempting to use the Strike Team. Fixed an issue that resulted in players' planes to fall after the countdown at the beginning of an Air Race. Fixed an issue that resulted in players getting stuck launching several of the new Doomsday Heists. Fixed issues with The Doomsday Heist award tracking. Fixed camera issues with the Facility Heist Planning Board. Fixed several issues with text readability on the Facility Heist Planning Board. Fixed issues with medal distribution in The Doomsday Heists. Fixed intro cutscene issues in the Heist: The Bogdan Problem. Fixed dialogue issues in multiple Heists. Fixed an issue with Korean text being cut off on the results screen of some of The Doomsday Heists. Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Data Breaches – Deluxos where players would get stuck upon delivering a Deluxo to their Facility. Fixed text messages issues in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Finale. Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Finale where players would lose functionality after completing the first mini-game. Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Flight Path where players were unable to pick up the briefcase. Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Rescue Agent 14 that resulted in the lock-on bar to not fill up. Fixed cutscene audio issues in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Finale. Fixed dialogue issues in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Finale. Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Finale that resulted in players' helmets to be replaced with ear defenders. Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Doomsday Scenario – Finale where other players would appear invisible. Fixed issues with blips on the Pause Menu during Heist: The Data Breach – Server Farm. Fixed an issue with camera shake from outside explosions during Heist: The Data Breaches – Dead Courier. Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Data Breaches – Server Farm where players would get stuck in the animation when collecting the hard drives. Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Data Breaches – Server Farm where players would not spawn with unsilenced weapons after dying. Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Data Breaches – Finale that resulted in players incorrectly receiving a wanted level. Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Bogdan Problem – Finale that resulted in players being unable to equip weapons. Fixed an issue that resulted in spectating players being shown as receiving medals at the end of Heists. Fixed an issue in the Heist: Prison Break – Station where players would get stuck upon delivering the Lampadati Casco. Fixed an issue in the Heist: Prison Break – Station where players would not be able to access the Lampadati Casco. Fixed an issue in the Heist: Fleeca Job – Finale that resulted in players being unable to equip a mask. Fixed an issue in the Heist: Humane Labs – Key Codes where the Job would not complete after delivering the objective. Fixed an issue in the Heist: Pacific Standard – Signal that resulted in players falling through the map. Fixed an issue in the Heist: The Bogdan Problem – ULP Intel where the hostage you collect won't follow you. Fixed an issue in the Adversary Mode – Hard Target where no new target would be selected. Fixed Leaderboard issues in the Adversary Mode – Juggernaut. Fixed Leaderboard issues in the Adversary Mode – Occupy. Fixed issues in the Adversary Mode – Air Quota that resulted in players incorrectly receiving wanted levels. Fixed issues in the Adversary Mode – Deadline that resulted in players incorrectly receiving wanted levels. Fixed team balancing issues in the Adversary Mode – Hardest Target. Fixed an issue in the WVM – Severe Weather Patterns that caused the first Titan to not take off. Fixed an issue in the WVM – Severe Weather Patterns that resulted in enemies to appear like they were floating. Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing Mk II ammo after playing the Shooting Range. Fixed an issue where the Heavy Revolver Mk II did not show the correct ammo type graphic on the weapon wheel icon. Fixed an issue with the positioning of the ammo type indicator for the Bullpup Rifle Mk II on the weapon wheel. Fixed an issue that resulted in players spawning under the Zancudo Facility after hosting a Race nearby then quitting the lobby. Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing their Orbital Cannon shot if they suspended the game application. Fixed an issue with the Mammoth Avenger showing the incorrect manufacturer logo on the Warstock Cache & Carry website. Fixed an issue that caused certain types of foliage to damage helicopter rotors when on the ground. Fixed an issue with the Facility property blip not displaying correctly on the Pause Menu map. Fixed pricing issues for the lights modification on the TM-02 Khanjali. Fixed a clipping issue with the hood camera of the Pfister Comet SR. Fixed an incorrect bumper modification name on the Albany Hermes. Fixed an issue with collision when flying the Deluxo in underground tunnels. Fixed an issue that resulted in players falling through the map after sending a Strike Team and spectating the player they had been sent after. Fixed issues with the Strike Team not appearing when requested. Fixed an issue that caused players to sit in incorrect positions in the Avenger. Fixed issues that resulted in players getting stuck when entering/exiting the Avenger. Fixed issues that resulted in players getting stuck when entering/exiting the Bunker. Fixed issues that resulted in players getting stuck when entering/exiting the MOC. Fixed issues that resulted in players getting stuck when entering/exiting the Facility. Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after entering a Clubhouse name. Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after registering to be a VIP whilst driving into a Bunker. Fixed an issue that resulted in players' Crew color to not persist on their MOC. Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to take their personal vehicle out of their MOC. Fixed an issue where players would appear under the map upon entering their Facility. Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after using the ‘Kill Yourself' option. Fixed an issue that resulted in players' cars being changed after taking it into the Facility. Fixed an issue that resulted in cars turning invisible in Team GTA Races. Fixed an issue in Rally Races that caused players to incorrectly be counted as inactive. Fixed an issue that resulted in the ‘Exit Out' Avenger option to be present during some Missions. Fixed an issue that resulted in the Facility interior to load in slowly. Fixed an issue that meant the Orbital Cannon could be used on players who were in the Penned In spectator helicopter resulting in a wasted shot. Fixed modification description issues for the RCV. Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to apply Crew emblems to the Overflod Autarch. Fixed an issue that caused the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack web page links to not work. Fixed issues with certain items from the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack to not display as FREE. Fixed an issue that resulted in certain respray options to be incorrectly locked behind Race wins. Fixed issues with the unlocking of several Race awards. Fixed automatic targeting issues with the Orbital Cannon. Fixed an issue that resulted in players falling through the map when in the Facility. Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to trade in their Warehouse. Fixed issues with vehicle insurance. Fixed an issue that resulted in menu options for the Avenger to not appear correctly. Fixed an issue that resulted in the help text advising players to purchase a Facility to get stuck on screen. Fixed an issue that resulted in the VIP Work countdown timer to incorrectly start in Freemode. Fixed an issue that caused the exit options for properties to incorrectly disappear. Fixed issues that resulted in items being skipped when scrolling through menus in shops. Fixed issues with purchasing ammo via the 'Buy Ammo' option on Leaderboards. General / Miscellaneous – PS4 Only Fixed an issue that resulted in players losing functionality after pressing the PSN button whilst in the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack screen. General / Miscellaneous – PC Only Fixed some issues with the Orbital Cannon menu when running the game at 4:3 resolutions. Fixed multiple transaction errors when attempting to deliver Business product. Fixed an issue that resulted in players being unable to store more than 19 vehicles in their Hangar. Fixed pricing inconsistencies with the Bombushka JATO mod. Fixed an issue that resulted the button prompt to stand up from the seating in the Facility to be incorrect whilst using mouse and keyboard controls. Fixed an issue that caused the option to skip a journey to display as the same key despite having different button prompts.