極樂迪斯科 (Disco Elysium) 埃弗拉特·克雷爾人物介紹 - 遊戲狂

極樂迪斯科 (Disco Elysium) 埃弗拉特·克雷爾人物介紹







	極樂迪斯科 (Disco Elysium) 埃弗拉特·克雷爾人物介紹



If ever there was a cat who got the cream,it's Evrart Claire, foreman of the Dockworkers' Union of Martinaise. Knownlocally as “the Union boss,” he wields power that far exceeds the powersgranted by his office.


This should come as no surprise inRevachol, a city provisionally governed by a coalition of nations lessinterested in governing than in casual exploitation, where even law enforcement– and that includes you! – has little authority. People like Evrart who knowhow to be something for everyone flourish in such circumstances. You'll findthat the citizens of Martinaise either love him or hate him, but all of themare forced to reckon with him — and with the members of the Dockworkers' Union,who think of themselves as the real police in Martinaise.


Upon meeting him, you'll quickly realizethat Evrart is a man of great ambition and few scruples. But he'll alwayswelcome you with a smile and insist on talking “man to man.” You may findyourself thinking he's just a mob boss putting up a congenial front, but, then,who and what is there apart from organized crime and corporations (arguablyinterchangeable terms) to keep the peace and attempt steps toward progress inthe region? Surrounded by apartment buildings still bearing the marks of thefailed Revolution of half a century ago, you may be tempted to hope that a fatcat whose primary motivations are to increase his power and line his ownpockets is an appropriate leader.

	極樂迪斯科 (Disco Elysium) 埃弗拉特·克雷爾人物介紹


And while you may not trust him, you'llhave to reckon with him, just like everybody else. He knows things. He haspeople.


Oh, and Evrart also has an identical twinbrother, Edgar, who is up to pretty much the same things. They've taken turnsrunning the Union. Which is to say: the Claires have been an institution untothemselves.


Let's not forget that Evrart's also just aman, though. He likes his black coffee. He likes fishing. And he'll work withyou, whatever your political leanings, however odd your behaviour – and he'lldo it with his signature smile.

	極樂迪斯科 (Disco Elysium) 埃弗拉特·克雷爾人物介紹




極樂迪斯科 (Disco Elysium)

類別: 角色扮演
平台: PC
開發: ZA/UM
發行: ZA/UM
上市: 2019-10-16
《極樂迪斯科(Disco Elysium)》是一個極具開創性的硬漢風偵探類等距視角RPG遊戲。在奇幻都市的設定下破解一宗謎團重重,擁有開放性結局的案件。追查線索,審訊疑犯,或探索這片廣袤迷人的雷瓦科城。只有你能決定成為怎樣的警探。

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作者:AloSchuyler https://gamemad.com/guide/40453 來源:steam吧 https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/20/607e849903fce.jpg 碼頭工人工會的領班,埃弗拉特·克雷爾,大概是世界上自我感覺最為良好的人。這位在當地被尊稱為“工會老大”的人手中所掌握的權力遠遠大過他的職權。 If ever there was a cat who got the cream,it's Evrart Claire, foreman of the Dockworkers' Union of Martinaise. Knownlocally as “the Union boss,” he wields power that far exceeds the powersgranted by his office. 這種情況在瑞瓦肖並非個例。畢竟,這座城市處於一支國際聯軍的“臨時”佔領之下,而比起精耕細作,佔領者們更喜歡進行粗放的剝削。就連當地的執法人員——其中就包括你!——手中的權力也十分有限。這種環境最適合埃弗拉特這樣懂得如何左右逢源的人野蠻生長。瑪緹奈斯的居民們或敬愛他或痛恨他,但沒有人敢忽視他——和他手下的工會成員(這些人自認為是瑪緹奈斯真正的執法力量)。 This should come as no surprise inRevachol, a city provisionally governed by a coalition of nations lessinterested in governing than in casual exploitation, where even law enforcement– and that includes you! – has little authority. People like Evrart who knowhow to be something for everyone flourish in such circumstances. You'll findthat the citizens of Martinaise either love him or hate him, but all of themare forced to reckon with him — and with the members of the Dockworkers' Union,who think of themselves as the real police in Martinaise. 甫一見面,你就會意識到埃弗拉特是一個野心勃勃、為達目的不擇手段的人物。但他永遠都會微笑著歡迎你的到來,堅稱要和你進行“開誠佈公”的交流。你一開始也許會認為他只是一個臉上笑意盈盈背後暗藏殺機的黑幫老大。但轉念一想,在瑞瓦肖這種地方,犯罪團夥和跨國公司都在維護當地治安、試圖發展經濟——它們之間的區別難道真的很大麼?環顧四周,五十年前那場失敗的革命所留下來的傷痕在瑪緹奈斯依舊隨處可見,此情此景不由得讓你在內心中默默希望眼前的這位貪圖權勢、熱衷於自肥的人真的是一位合適的領袖。 Upon meeting him, you'll quickly realizethat Evrart is a man of great ambition and few scruples. But he'll alwayswelcome you with a smile and insist on talking “man to man.” You may findyourself thinking he's just a mob boss putting up a congenial front, but, then,who and what is there apart from organized crime and corporations (arguablyinterchangeable terms) to keep the peace and attempt steps toward progress inthe region? Surrounded by apartment buildings still bearing the marks of thefailed Revolution of half a century ago, you may be tempted to hope that a fatcat whose primary motivations are to increase his power and line his ownpockets is an appropriate leader. https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/20/607e849b9fc91.jpg 你也許不信任他,但就像其他人一樣,你也不得不重視他。畢竟,他消息靈通、手下眾多。 And while you may not trust him, you'llhave to reckon with him, just like everybody else. He knows things. He haspeople. 順便一提,埃弗拉特還有一個孿生兄弟,愛德格。兩人所從事的工作幾乎相仿。比如說,工會實際上是由他們兩人輪流掌管的。克雷爾兄弟兩人自成一個組織。 Oh, and Evrart also has an identical twinbrother, Edgar, who is up to pretty much the same things. They've taken turnsrunning the Union. Which is to say: the Claires have been an institution untothemselves. 不過不要忘記,埃弗拉特歸根結底也只是一個人而已。他喜歡濃咖啡。他喜歡釣魚。他也會和你合作,無論你有著怎樣的政治傾向,也不管你的行為舉止有多麼的詭異。在和你合作的時候,他的臉上還會永遠掛著那標誌性的微笑。 Let's not forget that Evrart's also just aman, though. He likes his black coffee. He likes fishing. And he'll work withyou, whatever your political leanings, however odd your behaviour – and he'lldo it with his signature smile. https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/20/607e849e341e6.jpg