等待是煎熬的,最近一部系列正傳《邊緣禁地前傳》也是4年前的事情了,現世代平台上還沒有一款真正意義上的《邊緣禁地》遊戲(2015年發售的《邊緣禁地:帥哥傑克合集》也只是冷飯),因此大家都把對《邊緣禁地3(Borderlands 3)》的期望寄託在即將於下月開幕的E3 2018遊戲大展上。
但是這次可能又要讓大家失望了,據外媒Shacknews報導,一位來自《邊緣禁地》系列開發商Gearbox Software的發言人日前向一屋子記者宣佈,不管怎麼樣,《邊緣禁地3》都不會出現在今年的E3展台上,Gearbox將會在E3上為大家展示其他遊戲。
此外,Gearbox Software的聯合創始人兼CEO Randy Pitchford似乎也在Twitter上暗示《邊緣禁地3》將不會在E3 2018遊戲展上出現。
1/ Todd Robbins is an awesome performer who is a master of the side-show. He does stuff like hammer a nail into his face or eat a light bulb whole, which is real. He also does some magic, which is fake. I'm going somewhere with this…
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic)
1/ Todd Robbins是一位串場表演的大師,他經常會進行一些諸如在臉上釘釘子和將一顆燈泡整個吞下的表演,這些都是實打實的;他還會表演一些魔術,這些呢都是假的。我會從這些說起…
2/ He once said (paraphrased), “When I make something vanish (which is a magic trick, and fake), people will swear that it is real. But when I eat a light bulb (which is not magic, and is real) people will swear that it is fake – a trick.”
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic)
2/ 他曾經說(改述):當我把一件物品變沒了(這其實是假的),人們都會以為是真的;但是當我吃掉一個燈泡(這其實是真的),人們則會認為這是假的,是在變魔術。
3/ The point is that it is kind of a part of our species that we tend to hold on to what we *want* to believe while discounting the truth if it contradicts that – no matter the evidence. It takes a disciplined mind to see reality for what it is.
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic)
3/ 重點是這似乎是人類的天性,我們傾向於相信我們我「想要」相信的,不管是否與真相衝突。這就需要我們用一種成熟的心智來看待事實。
4/ For example, I could write it out now precisely and specifically that “Borderlands 3” will not be at E3 and many of you will choose not to believe it. Many of you will find a way to interpret the intent to suit what you want to believe regardless of what is true.
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic)
4/ 舉個例子,我現在就可以明確地寫出《邊緣禁地3》將不會參加E3展,但是許多人肯定會選擇不相信,許多人一定會解釋我這麼做的意圖來符合他們所願意相信的,而不管真相到底如何。
5/ In fact, this aspect of human nature is so powerful that it is more likely this thread will increase the volume of the debate rather than diminish it. It feels as if “Borderlands 3” may be destined to be the next Half-Life 3 in that regard.
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic)
5/ 實際上,人類這部分天性實在太強大,可以預見這個帖子會引起更多的討論。感覺在這一點上《邊緣禁地3》可能會成為另一部《戰慄時空3》。
6/ I *love* how important Borderlands is to so many of you. The developers of Gearbox Software are working harder than we have ever worked in order to create new and exciting things in hopes of entertaining you. Your passion fuels us. Thank you! I love you!
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic)
6/ 我知道對於很多人來說《邊緣禁地》多麼重要,Gearbox Software的開發者們正以前所未有的努力來創造全新的令人激動的作品,以饗大家,你們的熱情給予我們動力,非常感謝!我愛你們!