戰神4矮人兄弟隱藏寶藏位置 隱藏斧柄獲得方法 - 遊戲狂

戰神4矮人兄弟隱藏寶藏位置 隱藏斧柄獲得方法






戰神4矮人兄弟隱藏寶藏位置 隱藏斧柄獲得方法



The brilliant huldra blacksmiths Brok and Sindri travelled all around the lands of Midgard to create this great map for the giantess Faye a mysterious trasure was found at the space between them at the conclusion of their journey unfortunately for the brothers the treasure's location was instantly forgotten Brok retraced his steps and blamed Sindri for losing the treasure Sindri retraced his own steps but clearly knew it was Brok's fault they could not find it the trasure was never found and neither brother has spoken to the other either since"

"To Reveal the great treasure stand inside the golden circle and look straight ahead to tyrs temple now look to the left brazier look back to tyrs temple look to the right brazier and back to left brazier"

"Having just looked to the left brazier now look back straight ahead to tyrs temple again now look down to the floor then look up to the right brazier and then back to the left brazier and finally look to tyrs temple to reveal the forgotten treasure"

Edit: its Floor not Door! I changed it Edit: the travel way of the dwarfs (see map):

broke: N N N N N E E E E E E N N N N E E E E E E E S S E S S S S S W W W W (W:西,E:東,N:北,S:南)

sindri: W W S S W S S S S S E E S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W N N E E S E E N N





戰神4矮人兄弟隱藏寶藏位置 隱藏斧柄獲得方法

戰神4矮人兄弟隱藏寶藏位置 隱藏斧柄獲得方法






戰神4矮人兄弟隱藏寶藏位置 隱藏斧柄獲得方法




戰神 4 (God of War)

類別: 動作
平台: PC, PS4
開發: 索尼聖莫妮卡
發行: 索尼
上市: 2018-04-20

《戰神4》(God of War )是由索尼工作室製作並發行的一款動作冒險遊戲。該作為《戰神3》的正統續作。打造全新原創劇情設定,遊戲依然為《戰神》系列宇宙,將遊戲玩法與場景重構,希臘神話換成北歐神話,相當為遊戲世界包括希臘神話與北歐神話。遊戲將把北歐大陸作為一個整體展現,更注重通過探索敘事設計。 遊戲戰鬥系統和前作一樣流暢,只是攝影機視角更聚焦,奎托斯的斧為主武器,兒子阿特柔斯的弓箭為輔助攻擊,玩家可以同時操控奎托斯父子,這種合作操控感成為新作的全新戰鬥玩法。

更多 戰神 4 攻略|新聞

石匠典藏版裡附帶的布質地圖上印了一段符文: https://gamemad.com/guide/75533 https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/04/60e1c90795d3b.jpg 經過破譯後內容如下: The brilliant huldra blacksmiths Brok and Sindri travelled all around the lands of Midgard to create this great map for the giantess Faye a mysterious trasure was found at the space between them at the conclusion of their journey unfortunately for the brothers the treasure's location was instantly forgotten Brok retraced his steps and blamed Sindri for losing the treasure Sindri retraced his own steps but clearly knew it was Brok's fault they could not find it the trasure was never found and neither brother has spoken to the other either since" "To Reveal the great treasure stand inside the golden circle and look straight ahead to tyrs temple now look to the left brazier look back to tyrs temple look to the right brazier and back to left brazier" "Having just looked to the left brazier now look back straight ahead to tyrs temple again now look down to the floor then look up to the right brazier and then back to the left brazier and finally look to tyrs temple to reveal the forgotten treasure" Edit: its Floor not Door! I changed it Edit: the travel way of the dwarfs (see map): broke: N N N N N E E E E E E N N N N E E E E E E E S S E S S S S S W W W W (W:西,E:東,N:北,S:南) sindri: W W S S W S S S S S E E S S S S S W W W W W W W W W W W W W N N E E S E E N N 和劇情有關,簡單來說就是矮人兄弟在米德加德的大地上旅行為菲製作了這個地圖,他們在彼此之間的位置發現了一個神秘的寶藏。結果他倆把寶藏的位置忘記了,布羅克回想了他的足跡然後責怪辛德裡是他弄丟了寶藏,辛德裡回想了他的足跡認為是布羅克的錯,倆兄弟從此誰也不搭理誰。 要找到這個寶藏必須站在金色的圈子裡,朝提爾的神殿看。現在看向左邊的火盆,再看回提爾的神殿,再看向右邊的火盆,再看回左邊的火盆。 看向左邊的火盆再看向提爾的神殿,再向你腳下的地板看,再看向右邊的火盆,再看向左邊的火盆,最後再看向提爾的神殿。 根據作者的尋找,這個寶藏的位置如下:也就是穆斯貝爾海姆塔 https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/04/60e1c94e629af.jpg https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/04/60e1c957e5253.jpg 這個金色的圈子在穆斯貝爾海姆塔(登上穆斯貝爾海姆塔教學:點擊查看) 站在圓圈裡,然後看:神殿,左火盆,神殿,右火盆,左火盆,神殿,地板,右火盆,左火盆,神殿。(動作要快) 你能聽到2聲鍾聲在操作過程中。 獎勵是一個斧柄 特效:提高奎爺基本屬性,給R1連擊結尾增加一個震蕩波 https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/04/60e1c95fda55a.jpg