《異塵餘生4》核子世界DLC全瓶蓋收集指南 - 遊戲狂








・美國核子小鎮/Nuka-Town USA



This is the closest one after accept the mission, the riddle says cappy is enjoy the view of the fountain near the bottom of fizztop mountain, so cappy is on the wall near restroom beside the fountain.



・銀河樂園/Galactic Zone

1. 第一個在羅伯科機器人戰鬥區附近的Spacewalk——一個弧形的斜坡上面旁邊的牆上,理由是「在星際間漫步」。

The first on of this region is on the wall near “Spacewalk” beside Roboco Battle Zone.



2. 第二個的關鍵詞是「星港」,在Starport 下面也就是Starcontrol 進門左邊的一面牆上。

The keyword of the second one is “Starport”, it's on the wall leftside entering Starcontrol.



這兩個真的很難找,一直以為在Vault-tec: Among the stars 和 Galaxy Advanture 裡面,花了很長時間。

These two are really hard to find, took me a long time (thought they are in “Vault-tec: Among the stars” and “Galaxy Advanture”).

・兒童王國/Kiddie Kingdom

1. 第一個在區域中央的一座高樓上,並不需要進城堡。

The first one in the top floor of a tower near the center of the region, don't need to enter the castle.



2. 第二個在奇妙屋中的轉轉屋的一個房間裡(見下圖),這個應該比較簡單。

The second one is in one of the rooms(see the graph below) of “spining room” in Fun House. This one is relatively easy to find.



・乾裂谷/Dry Rock Gulch

1. 第一個在酒吧附近墓地的一塊墓碑後面。

The first one is behind one of tombstones near the bar as the riddle says.



2. 第二個在礦井中一片水塘邊的房子的牆上,比較明顯。

The second one is inside “Mad Mulligan's Mine”, on the wall of a house near the water, easy to find.



・核子可樂灌裝工廠/Nuka-World Bottling Plant


According to “old west”, this one is on the wall of one of houses in the western part.



・狩獵冒險/Safari Adventure

1. 第一個在書屋腳下的樹籬中。

The first one is hide among the hedges under Cappy's Treehouse.



2. 第二個在靈長屋(西托家)門口的大猩猩雕像的後面,提示是說「在一個不是猴子的動物雕像的後面」。

According to “no monkey business”, we can find it's behind the gorilla statue in front of primate house.








異塵餘生4 (Fallout 4)

類別: 角色扮演
平台: PC, PS4, XboxONE
開發: Bethesda Game Studios
發行: Bethesda Softworks
上市: 2015年11月10日

終結人類文明的2077年核戰爭的210年之後,位於波士頓,馬薩諸塞及部分新英格蘭地區,統稱聯邦(the commonwealth)。幸存下來的人在這片土地上辛勤勞作,建立農場,市集,甚至城市,試圖恢複人類文明。然而凶殘的變種人和變異動物肆虐,四處土匪橫行,多方勢力交錯之下的波士頓依然很危險。遊戲採用了與現實世界不同的另一條歷史進程:生活方式、審美和時尚為美國1940至1950年代的潮流,設計風格和科技發展則延續了那個年代對未來的設想。最終的整個異塵餘生系列的世界觀都呈現了一種複古未來主義。在這個世界裏,科技發展到能製造雷射武器,操縱基因和能創造具有自主意識的人工智慧。

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目錄 https://gamemad.com/guide/78691 ・美國核子小鎮/Nuka-Town USA・銀河樂園/Galactic Zone・兒童王國/Kiddie Kingdom・乾裂谷/Dry Rock Gulch・核子可樂灌裝工廠/Nuka-World Bottling Plant・狩獵冒險/Safari Adventure《異塵餘生4》DLC核子世界中玩家只要收集到所有的瓶蓋即可解鎖「布蘭伯頓的故事」,今天為大家分享的就是「Asteroid_Z」介紹的《異塵餘生4》核子世界DLC全瓶蓋收集指南。 ・美國核子小鎮/Nuka-Town USA這是接到任務後最近的一個。 提示說到「小瓶蓋在泡泡山腳欣賞噴泉」,於是小瓶蓋就在噴泉旁洗手間附近的牆壁上。 This is the closest one after accept the mission, the riddle says cappy is enjoy the view of the fountain near the bottom of fizztop mountain, so cappy is on the wall near restroom beside the fountain. https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e93195590ea.jpg https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e9319f1381a.jpg ・銀河樂園/Galactic Zone1. 第一個在羅伯科機器人戰鬥區附近的Spacewalk——一個弧形的斜坡上面旁邊的牆上,理由是「在星際間漫步」。 The first on of this region is on the wall near “Spacewalk” beside Roboco Battle Zone. https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e931a6894ba.jpg https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e931af1f33b.jpg 2. 第二個的關鍵詞是「星港」,在Starport 下面也就是Starcontrol 進門左邊的一面牆上。 The keyword of the second one is “Starport”, it's on the wall leftside entering Starcontrol. https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e931b72bdaa.jpg https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e931bf0bb36.jpg 這兩個真的很難找,一直以為在Vault-tec: Among the stars 和 Galaxy Advanture 裡面,花了很長時間。 These two are really hard to find, took me a long time (thought they are in “Vault-tec: Among the stars” and “Galaxy Advanture”). ・兒童王國/Kiddie Kingdom1. 第一個在區域中央的一座高樓上,並不需要進城堡。 The first one in the top floor of a tower near the center of the region, don't need to enter the castle. https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e931c6930d5.jpg https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e931ce59fd4.jpg 2. 第二個在奇妙屋中的轉轉屋的一個房間裡(見下圖),這個應該比較簡單。 The second one is in one of the rooms(see the graph below) of “spining room” in Fun House. This one is relatively easy to find. https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e931d6a8c41.jpg https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e931de84e6e.jpg ・乾裂谷/Dry Rock Gulch1. 第一個在酒吧附近墓地的一塊墓碑後面。 The first one is behind one of tombstones near the bar as the riddle says. https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e931e6050da.jpg https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e931ed8834e.jpg 2. 第二個在礦井中一片水塘邊的房子的牆上,比較明顯。 The second one is inside “Mad Mulligan's Mine”, on the wall of a house near the water, easy to find. https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e931f517731.jpg https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e931fc96f82.jpg ・核子可樂灌裝工廠/Nuka-World Bottling Plant根據提示中的「舊西部」,這個在小河進去的西部區域的一棟房子上。 According to “old west”, this one is on the wall of one of houses in the western part. https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e93204190f3.jpg https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e9320bb266c.jpg ・狩獵冒險/Safari Adventure1. 第一個在書屋腳下的樹籬中。 The first one is hide among the hedges under Cappy's Treehouse. https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e9321349f1d.jpg https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e9321b190ab.jpg 2. 第二個在靈長屋(西托家)門口的大猩猩雕像的後面,提示是說「在一個不是猴子的動物雕像的後面」。 According to “no monkey business”, we can find it's behind the gorilla statue in front of primate house. https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e932236f463.jpg https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/10/60e9322b50bee.jpg 集齊10個小瓶蓋,揭開核子可樂傳奇的締造者——布蘭伯頓的故事! 來源:遊民星空