經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布 - 遊戲狂

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布





今天,我們為玩家公布一款期待已久的新品 —— AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic,玩家心心念的 Pocket MICRO「無搖桿」版本。這不僅僅是一款掌機,它代表了對經典遊戲體驗的 深情致敬,並在此基礎上做出了創新和突破。它是遊戲與美學的完美融合,以「原始」的無搖桿設計帶給玩家最「純粹」的復古遊戲體驗。

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布



你是否曾經夢想過回到那些不用複雜操作、只有簡單快樂的遊戲時光?Pocket MICRO Classic 正是這種懷舊情感的 Remake 新生。它摒棄了搖桿的束縛,回歸到最直觀、最純粹的操作方式。這不僅僅是設計上的創新,更是對“純粹遊戲”本質的探索。這並非「搖」不可及,而是與玩家一起重拾最純粹的遊戲樂趣,不被任何冗餘操作所干擾,讓每一次點擊都變得更簡單、更自然。

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布



經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布


經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

ABXY 鍵與十字鍵:更精準的觸感反饋

ABXY 鍵與十字鍵採用高品質導電膠,鍵程適中,觸感柔和且回彈迅速,每一次按壓都清晰明確,不拖泥帶水,手感反饋恰到好處。

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布


Pocket MICRO Classic 原汁原味的無搖桿設計支援拓展更多操控方式,獨具創意的方向鍵映射搖桿模式,讓你在沒有搖桿的情況下,依然能夠模擬搖桿操控手感,滿足不同遊戲需求。無搖桿,勝似有搖桿,賦予掌機更自由的操控方式,讓每位玩家都能找到屬於自己的最佳操作手感。

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布


L1/L2 與 R1/R2 肩鍵迎來全新分體式設計,有效避免誤觸問題,讓操作更穩定可靠。同時,肩鍵高度增加,鍵位更突出,不僅增強了按壓的手感層次,還優化了回彈力度,讓每一次觸發更加果斷、乾脆。

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

X 軸線性馬達:細膩震感,增強遊戲臨場感

X 軸線性馬達帶來了精準的振動反饋,我們依然為玩家帶來超乎想像的四模振動體驗,讓不同類型的遊戲都能獲得最契合的震感反饋,無論是細膩的微震,還是激烈的強震,都能精準匹配遊戲場景,讓遊戲震感更直接的傳遞到手中,復古遊戲體驗更加沉浸而純粹。

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

Master 全能手把:個性化操控,釋放無限可能

Master 全能手把迎來進一步升級,支援按鍵映射、連發模式、振感強度調節等個性化設定,讓你可以根據不同遊戲風格自由調整手把配置,讓掌機操控更加隨心所欲。

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布


我們在簡約的按鍵設計中,賦予了豐富的操控可能性。無論是硬核玩家,還是休閒玩家,都能在 AYANEO 掌機上找到屬於自己的最佳手感。

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布


Pocket MICRO Classic 的設計靈感來自於經典的復古遊戲機,但它的每一處細節都融入了現代技術與工藝的精髓。CNC 金屬中框的精湛工藝讓整機看起來更具高級感,同時也帶來了更強的耐用性。復古金、復古灰、曜影黑的經典配色,彰顯著它與眾不同的格調和無與倫比的優雅。每個細節都透露出 AYANEO 對品質的極致追求。

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布


Pocket MICRO Classic 搭載一塊 3.5 英寸 640P IPS 原彩屏,沉浸感十足,讓你享受 4X 高清復古遊戲。115% sRGB 色域容積,帶來更加細膩、飽滿的色彩表現,每個場景都精彩展現。3:2 黃金螢幕比例,告別黑邊,遊戲畫面完美呈現,保留原汁原味的復古風。Pocket MICRO Classic 讓經典復古遊戲視覺體驗煥然新生,引領玩家走進遊戲幻彩視界。

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布


不僅外觀迷人,Pocket MICRO Classic 性能同樣令人心動。搭載強勁的八核處理器,復古遊戲流暢運行,大尺寸主動散熱風扇,確保你在長時間遊戲時,設備依然保持最佳性能。無論你是喜歡長時間暢玩,還是短時間快速挑戰,Pocket MICRO Classic 都能輕鬆應對。強大的硬體配置與持久的電池續航,讓你隨時隨地都能進入遊戲狀態,暢享每一刻。

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

軟體創新 觸手可及

精心調校的硬體配合直觀易用的軟體,讓你能自由調節和優化每一場遊戲體驗。自研 AYASpace & AYAHome 讓你輕鬆定製屬於自己的 Pocket MICRO Classic,即時監測性能,切換模式,設定按鍵,全面掌控。更支援豐富的遊戲性能模式,讓你根據不同遊戲需求,選擇省電、均衡或遊戲模式,更有火力全開模式讓遊戲體驗全程拉滿。

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布


Pocket MICRO Classic 不僅僅是一台遊戲機,更是你口袋裡的遊戲世界。輕巧便捷,設計精致,無論你走到哪裡,Pocket MICRO Classic 都能成為你隨時隨地的遊戲夥伴,輕鬆揣入口袋,融入遊戲生活,堪稱一款真正意義的 Mini 遊戲神器。

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

全新體驗 為你而來

AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic,不僅僅是一款遊戲機,它是對經典的回顧,是對純粹的追求,是我們對遊戲玩家期待的回應,更是對情懷的執著與堅持。AYANEO 邀請你與我們一起,重回那個最簡單、最快樂的遊戲時光。無搖桿設計,讓遊戲變得更純粹,經典美學與現代工藝的完美融合,讓它成為你值得擁有的掌機。重新定義“純粹遊戲”體驗,AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic,隨時隨地,陪伴你的遊戲冒險。

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 曜影黑版預售價約新台幣5408元起,復古灰限定版及復古金限定版 1649 元起。

預售現已正式開啟,歡迎玩家訪問 AYANEO 官方商城預訂。


Classic Joystick-Free Design, Pure Gaming Experience: AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic Officially Announced

Pure Classic, Reliving Childhood Dreams

Today, we are thrilled to unveil a long-awaited new product for gamers — the AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic, the "joystick-free" version of the Pocket MICRO that players have been eagerly anticipating. This is not just handheld; it represents a heartfelt tribute to the classic gaming experience, while also introducing innovation and breakthroughs. It is the perfect fusion of gaming and aesthetics, offering players the most "pure" retro gaming experience with its "original" joystick-free design.

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

Redefining "Pure"

Have you ever dreamed of returning to those simpler times when gaming was all about straightforward fun without complex controls? The Pocket MICRO Classic is the rebirth of that nostalgic sentiment. It breaks free from the constraints of joysticks, returning to the most intuitive and pure form of control. This is not just an innovation in design but also an exploration of the essence of "pure gaming." It's not about being "out of reach" but about rediscovering the pure joy of gaming with players, free from any redundant operations, making every click simpler and more natural.

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

An Adventure Without Joysticks

Imagine picking up this handheld console, where all operations and controls become simple and intuitive. Without joysticks, only meticulously designed buttons and smooth responses, every click immerses you deeper into the gaming world. No distractions, just pure, raw gaming pleasure, bringing back those childhood memories that once captivated us.

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

Precision Tuning, Evolving the Control Experience

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

ABXY Buttons and D-Pad: More Precise Tactile Feedback

The ABXY buttons and D-Pad use high-quality conductive rubber, with a moderate key travel, soft touch, and quick rebound. Every press is clear and precise, with no drag, offering just the right tactile feedback.

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

New Mapping Joystick Mode for Free Buttons: No Joystick, Yet Feels Like One

The Pocket MICRO Classic's authentic joystick-free design supports expanded control methods. The innovative directional button mapping joystick mode allows you to simulate the feel of a joystick even without one, catering to different gaming needs. No joystick, yet it feels like having one, offering a freer control method that lets every player find their optimal handling experience.

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

Upgraded Shoulder Buttons: Avoiding Misclicks, Smoother Control

The L1/L2 and R1/R2 shoulder buttons feature a new split design, effectively preventing misclicks and ensuring more stable and reliable operation. Additionally, the increased height and more prominent positioning of the shoulder buttons not only enhance the tactile feedback but also optimize the rebound strength, making every press more decisive and crisp.

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

X-Axis Linear Motor: Subtle Vibrations, Enhancing Game Immersion

The X-axis linear motor provides precise vibration feedback, offering players an unexpectedly versatile four-mode vibration experience. Whether it's subtle micro-vibrations or intense strong vibrations, they all accurately match the game scenariOS, making the gaming vibrations more directly transmitted to your hands, enhancing the immersion and purity of the retro gaming experience.

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

Master All-in-One Controller: Personalized control, unleashing infinite possibilities.

The Master All-in-One Controller has been further upgraded, supporting personalized settings such as button mapping, rapid-fire mode, and vibration intensity adjustment. This allows you to freely adjust the controller configuration according to different gaming styles, making handheld control more flexible.

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

Minimalist La yout, Ultimate Experience

In the simple button design, we've embedded rich control possibilities. Whether you're a hardcore gamer or a casual player, you can find your optimal handling experience on the AYANEO handheld console.

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

Classic Look, Modern Craftsmanship

The design of the Pocket MICRO Classic is inspired by classic retro gaming consoles, but every detail incorporates the essence of modern technology and craftsmanship. The exquisite CNC metal frame not only gives the device a more premium look but also enhances its durability. The classic color schemes of Retro Gold, Retro Gray, and Shadow Black highlight its unique style and unparalleled elegance. Every detail reflects AYANEO's relentless pursuit of quality.

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

Visual Experience, Beyond Imagination

The Pocket MICRO Classic is equipped with a 3.5-inch 640P IPS true-color screen, offering an immersive experience that lets you enjoy 4X HD retro gaming. With a 115% sRGB color gamut, it delivers more delicate and vibrant color performance, beautifully presenting every scene. The 3:2 golden screen ratio eliminates black borders, perfectly presenting game images while preserving the authentic retro style. The Pocket MICRO Classic revi talizes the visual experience of classic retro games, leading players into a colorful gaming world.

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

Powerful Performance, Enduring Play

Not only is the appearance captivating, but the performance of the Pocket MICRO Classic is equally impressive. Powered by a robust octa-core processor, it ensures smooth running of retro games. The large active cooling fan ensures the device maintains optimal performance even during long gaming sessions. Whether you prefer long gaming marathons or quick challenges, the Pocket MICRO Classic can handle it all. With powerful hardware and long-lasting battery life, you can enter the gaming state anytime, anywhere, enjoying every moment.

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

Software Innovation at Your Fingertips

The meticulously tuned hardware, combined with intuitive and user-friendly software, allows you to freely adjust and optimize every gaming experience. The self-developed AYASpace & AYAHome lets you easily customize your Pocket MICRO Classic, monitor performance in real-time, switch modes, set buttons, and have full control. It also supports a variety of gaming performance modes, allowing you to choose between power-saving, balanced, or gaming modes based on different game needs, with a full-throttle mode to maximize the gaming experience.

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

A true portable gaming artifact

Pocket MICRO Classic is not just a gaming console, but also the gaming world in your pocket. Lightweight and convenient, with exquisite design, Pocket MICRO Classic can become your gaming companion anytime and anywhere, easily put into your pocket, and integrate into gaming life. It can be called a true Mini gaming artifact.

經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

A New Experience, Just for You

The AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic is not just a gaming console; it's a look back at the classics, a pursuit of purity, our response to gamers' expectations, and a commitment to nostalgia. AYANEO invites you to join us in returning to those simplest, happiest gaming times. The joystick-free design makes gaming purer, and the perfect fusion of classic aesthetics and modern craftsmanship makes it a handheld console worth owning. Redefining the "pure gaming" experience, the AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic is ready to accompany you on your gaming adventures anytime, anywhere.

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經典無搖桿設計,純粹遊戲體驗:AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 正式公布

The AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic Shadow Black edition is available for pre-order starting at 179 Dollar, with the Retro Gray limited edition and Retro Gold limited edition starting at 239 Dollars.

Pre-orders are now officially open. Welcome players to visit the AYANEO official store to place your orders.


純粹經典,夢回童年 https://gamemad.com/news/121387 今天,我們為玩家公布一款期待已久的新品 —— AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic,玩家心心念的 Pocket MICRO「無搖桿」版本。這不僅僅是一款掌機,它代表了對經典遊戲體驗的 深情致敬,並在此基礎上做出了創新和突破。它是遊戲與美學的完美融合,以「原始」的無搖桿設計帶給玩家最「純粹」的復古遊戲體驗。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/ZJxBcMMz.jpg 重新定義“純粹” 你是否曾經夢想過回到那些不用複雜操作、只有簡單快樂的遊戲時光?Pocket MICRO Classic 正是這種懷舊情感的 Remake 新生。它摒棄了搖桿的束縛,回歸到最直觀、最純粹的操作方式。這不僅僅是設計上的創新,更是對“純粹遊戲”本質的探索。這並非「搖」不可及,而是與玩家一起重拾最純粹的遊戲樂趣,不被任何冗餘操作所干擾,讓每一次點擊都變得更簡單、更自然。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/hpjCgVF6.jpg 一場不需要搖桿的冒險 想像一下,拿起這款掌機,所有的操作與控制都變得簡潔而直觀。沒有搖桿,只有精心設計的按鍵和流暢的響應,每一次點擊都能帶你進入沉浸式的遊戲世界。沒有任何的干擾,隨心所欲,只為最原始的遊戲快感,找回那種純粹的、曾經令我們一度著迷的童年記憶。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/TDXvKTPG.jpg 精準調校,操控體驗再進化 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/dvAkWVZP.jpg ABXY 鍵與十字鍵:更精準的觸感反饋 ABXY 鍵與十字鍵採用高品質導電膠,鍵程適中,觸感柔和且回彈迅速,每一次按壓都清晰明確,不拖泥帶水,手感反饋恰到好處。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/wnTms639.jpg 自由按鍵新增映射搖桿模式:無搖桿勝似有搖桿 Pocket MICRO Classic 原汁原味的無搖桿設計支援拓展更多操控方式,獨具創意的方向鍵映射搖桿模式,讓你在沒有搖桿的情況下,依然能夠模擬搖桿操控手感,滿足不同遊戲需求。無搖桿,勝似有搖桿,賦予掌機更自由的操控方式,讓每位玩家都能找到屬於自己的最佳操作手感。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/RxHk6ndS.jpg https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/ewKTeNvu.jpg 肩鍵升級:避免誤觸,操控更順手 L1/L2 與 R1/R2 肩鍵迎來全新分體式設計,有效避免誤觸問題,讓操作更穩定可靠。同時,肩鍵高度增加,鍵位更突出,不僅增強了按壓的手感層次,還優化了回彈力度,讓每一次觸發更加果斷、乾脆。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/87FRZTUc.jpg https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/NRUZhwag.jpg X 軸線性馬達:細膩震感,增強遊戲臨場感 X 軸線性馬達帶來了精準的振動反饋,我們依然為玩家帶來超乎想像的四模振動體驗,讓不同類型的遊戲都能獲得最契合的震感反饋,無論是細膩的微震,還是激烈的強震,都能精準匹配遊戲場景,讓遊戲震感更直接的傳遞到手中,復古遊戲體驗更加沉浸而純粹。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/uuKWPTeV.jpg Master 全能手把:個性化操控,釋放無限可能 Master 全能手把迎來進一步升級,支援按鍵映射、連發模式、振感強度調節等個性化設定,讓你可以根據不同遊戲風格自由調整手把配置,讓掌機操控更加隨心所欲。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/eVSygZRh.jpg 極簡布局,極致體驗 我們在簡約的按鍵設計中,賦予了豐富的操控可能性。無論是硬核玩家,還是休閒玩家,都能在 AYANEO 掌機上找到屬於自己的最佳手感。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/VhwGgGzd.jpg 經典外觀,現代工藝 Pocket MICRO Classic 的設計靈感來自於經典的復古遊戲機,但它的每一處細節都融入了現代技術與工藝的精髓。CNC 金屬中框的精湛工藝讓整機看起來更具高級感,同時也帶來了更強的耐用性。復古金、復古灰、曜影黑的經典配色,彰顯著它與眾不同的格調和無與倫比的優雅。每個細節都透露出 AYANEO 對品質的極致追求。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/VYYdbWbJ.jpg https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/VKfJG2Tg.jpg https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/zKmEmGsJ.jpg https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/5j8HKJJQ.jpg https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/ydHzQsnp.jpg 視覺體驗,超越想像 Pocket MICRO Classic 搭載一塊 3.5 英寸 640P IPS 原彩屏,沉浸感十足,讓你享受 4X 高清復古遊戲。115% sRGB 色域容積,帶來更加細膩、飽滿的色彩表現,每個場景都精彩展現。3:2 黃金螢幕比例,告別黑邊,遊戲畫面完美呈現,保留原汁原味的復古風。Pocket MICRO Classic 讓經典復古遊戲視覺體驗煥然新生,引領玩家走進遊戲幻彩視界。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/yDPEbE7X.jpg 強勁性能,持久暢玩 不僅外觀迷人,Pocket MICRO Classic 性能同樣令人心動。搭載強勁的八核處理器,復古遊戲流暢運行,大尺寸主動散熱風扇,確保你在長時間遊戲時,設備依然保持最佳性能。無論你是喜歡長時間暢玩,還是短時間快速挑戰,Pocket MICRO Classic 都能輕鬆應對。強大的硬體配置與持久的電池續航,讓你隨時隨地都能進入遊戲狀態,暢享每一刻。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/2a6TrQgx.jpg 軟體創新 觸手可及 精心調校的硬體配合直觀易用的軟體,讓你能自由調節和優化每一場遊戲體驗。自研 AYASpace & AYAHome 讓你輕鬆定製屬於自己的 Pocket MICRO Classic,即時監測性能,切換模式,設定按鍵,全面掌控。更支援豐富的遊戲性能模式,讓你根據不同遊戲需求,選擇省電、均衡或遊戲模式,更有火力全開模式讓遊戲體驗全程拉滿。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/UVUAvNwr.jpg 一款真正的隨身遊戲神器 Pocket MICRO Classic 不僅僅是一台遊戲機,更是你口袋裡的遊戲世界。輕巧便捷,設計精致,無論你走到哪裡,Pocket MICRO Classic 都能成為你隨時隨地的遊戲夥伴,輕鬆揣入口袋,融入遊戲生活,堪稱一款真正意義的 Mini 遊戲神器。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/eZkKNMCZ.jpg 全新體驗 為你而來 AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic,不僅僅是一款遊戲機,它是對經典的回顧,是對純粹的追求,是我們對遊戲玩家期待的回應,更是對情懷的執著與堅持。AYANEO 邀請你與我們一起,重回那個最簡單、最快樂的遊戲時光。無搖桿設計,讓遊戲變得更純粹,經典美學與現代工藝的完美融合,讓它成為你值得擁有的掌機。重新定義“純粹遊戲”體驗,AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic,隨時隨地,陪伴你的遊戲冒險。 https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/atujHpQw.jpg https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/KAxa2HNU.jpg AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic 曜影黑版預售價約新台幣5408元起,復古灰限定版及復古金限定版 1649 元起。 預售現已正式開啟,歡迎玩家訪問 AYANEO 官方商城預訂。 英文版 Classic Joystick-Free Design, Pure Gaming Experience: AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic Officially Announced Pure Classic, Reliving Childhood Dreams Today, we are thrilled to unveil a long-awaited new product for gamers — the AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic, the "joystick-free" version of the Pocket MICRO that players have been eagerly anticipating. This is not just handheld; it represents a heartfelt tribute to the classic gaming experience, while also introducing innovation and breakthroughs. It is the perfect fusion of gaming and aesthetics, offering players the most "pure" retro gaming experience with its "original" joystick-free design. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/H3XvYNCa.jpg Redefining "Pure" Have you ever dreamed of returning to those simpler times when gaming was all about straightforward fun without complex controls? The Pocket MICRO Classic is the rebirth of that nostalgic sentiment. It breaks free from the constraints of joysticks, returning to the most intuitive and pure form of control. This is not just an innovation in design but also an exploration of the essence of "pure gaming." It's not about being "out of reach" but about rediscovering the pure joy of gaming with players, free from any redundant operations, making every click simpler and more natural. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/sb5kpZqt.jpg An Adventure Without Joysticks Imagine picking up this handheld console, where all operations and controls become simple and intuitive. Without joysticks, only meticulously designed buttons and smooth responses, every click immerses you deeper into the gaming world. No distractions, just pure, raw gaming pleasure, bringing back those childhood memories that once captivated us. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/8dfSKrtT.jpg Precision Tuning, Evolving the Control Experience https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/7pnCTGYC.jpg ABXY Buttons and D-Pad: More Precise Tactile Feedback The ABXY buttons and D-Pad use high-quality conductive rubber, with a moderate key travel, soft touch, and quick rebound. Every press is clear and precise, with no drag, offering just the right tactile feedback. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/gc3Nypuk.jpg New Mapping Joystick Mode for Free Buttons: No Joystick, Yet Feels Like One The Pocket MICRO Classic's authentic joystick-free design supports expanded control methods. The innovative directional button mapping joystick mode allows you to simulate the feel of a joystick even without one, catering to different gaming needs. No joystick, yet it feels like having one, offering a freer control method that lets every player find their optimal handling experience. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/J8kcpgx3.jpg https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/HyvZXuaz.jpg Upgraded Shoulder Buttons: Avoiding Misclicks, Smoother Control The L1/L2 and R1/R2 shoulder buttons feature a new split design, effectively preventing misclicks and ensuring more stable and reliable operation. Additionally, the increased height and more prominent positioning of the shoulder buttons not only enhance the tactile feedback but also optimize the rebound strength, making every press more decisive and crisp. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/Tb6kBHWr.jpg https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/WkHjKuRn.jpg X-Axis Linear Motor: Subtle Vibrations, Enhancing Game Immersion The X-axis linear motor provides precise vibration feedback, offering players an unexpectedly versatile four-mode vibration experience. Whether it's subtle micro-vibrations or intense strong vibrations, they all accurately match the game scenariOS, making the gaming vibrations more directly transmitted to your hands, enhancing the immersion and purity of the retro gaming experience. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/89eEPhQb.jpg Master All-in-One Controller: Personalized control, unleashing infinite possibilities. The Master All-in-One Controller has been further upgraded, supporting personalized settings such as button mapping, rapid-fire mode, and vibration intensity adjustment. This allows you to freely adjust the controller configuration according to different gaming styles, making handheld control more flexible. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/JSMSJdZh.jpg Minimalist La yout, Ultimate Experience In the simple button design, we've embedded rich control possibilities. Whether you're a hardcore gamer or a casual player, you can find your optimal handling experience on the AYANEO handheld console. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/mXUzRck6.jpg Classic Look, Modern Craftsmanship The design of the Pocket MICRO Classic is inspired by classic retro gaming consoles, but every detail incorporates the essence of modern technology and craftsmanship. The exquisite CNC metal frame not only gives the device a more premium look but also enhances its durability. The classic color schemes of Retro Gold, Retro Gray, and Shadow Black highlight its unique style and unparalleled elegance. Every detail reflects AYANEO's relentless pursuit of quality. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/8EAqwZQz.jpg https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/mVZ8wBAp.jpg https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/b2TEFJbV.jpg https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/C3Bdauj3.jpg https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/7n62Q3Q9.jpg Visual Experience, Beyond Imagination The Pocket MICRO Classic is equipped with a 3.5-inch 640P IPS true-color screen, offering an immersive experience that lets you enjoy 4X HD retro gaming. With a 115% sRGB color gamut, it delivers more delicate and vibrant color performance, beautifully presenting every scene. The 3:2 golden screen ratio eliminates black borders, perfectly presenting game images while preserving the authentic retro style. The Pocket MICRO Classic revi talizes the visual experience of classic retro games, leading players into a colorful gaming world. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/R8dgz2kF.jpg Powerful Performance, Enduring Play Not only is the appearance captivating, but the performance of the Pocket MICRO Classic is equally impressive. Powered by a robust octa-core processor, it ensures smooth running of retro games. The large active cooling fan ensures the device maintains optimal performance even during long gaming sessions. Whether you prefer long gaming marathons or quick challenges, the Pocket MICRO Classic can handle it all. With powerful hardware and long-lasting battery life, you can enter the gaming state anytime, anywhere, enjoying every moment. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/TubQphky.jpg Software Innovation at Your Fingertips The meticulously tuned hardware, combined with intuitive and user-friendly software, allows you to freely adjust and optimize every gaming experience. The self-developed AYASpace & AYAHome lets you easily customize your Pocket MICRO Classic, monitor performance in real-time, switch modes, set buttons, and have full control. It also supports a variety of gaming performance modes, allowing you to choose between power-saving, balanced, or gaming modes based on different game needs, with a full-throttle mode to maximize the gaming experience. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/SjnVsQr9.jpg A true portable gaming artifact Pocket MICRO Classic is not just a gaming console, but also the gaming world in your pocket. Lightweight and convenient, with exquisite design, Pocket MICRO Classic can become your gaming companion anytime and anywhere, easily put into your pocket, and integrate into gaming life. It can be called a true Mini gaming artifact. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/kUjzwmsS.jpg A New Experience, Just for You The AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic is not just a gaming console; it's a look back at the classics, a pursuit of purity, our response to gamers' expectations, and a commitment to nostalgia. AYANEO invites you to join us in returning to those simplest, happiest gaming times. The joystick-free design makes gaming purer, and the perfect fusion of classic aesthetics and modern craftsmanship makes it a handheld console worth owning. Redefining the "pure gaming" experience, the AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic is ready to accompany you on your gaming adventures anytime, anywhere. https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/pNAqtAay.jpg https://img3.gamemad.com/2025/03/06/kDt8beKX.jpg The AYANEO Pocket MICRO Classic Shadow Black edition is available for pre-order starting at 179 Dollar, with the Retro Gray limited edition and Retro Gold limited edition starting at 239 Dollars. Pre-orders are now officially open. Welcome players to visit the AYANEO official store to place your orders. 來源:遊俠網