《沙石鎮時光》Steam首次打折 下周開啟多人連線測試 - 遊戲狂

《沙石鎮時光》Steam首次打折 下周開啟多人連線測試





《沙石鎮時光》Steam首次打折 下周開啟多人連線測試



《沙石鎮時光》Steam首次打折 下周開啟多人連線測試


《沙石鎮時光》Steam首次打折 下周開啟多人連線測試



Sandrock Roadmap 2.0

Howdy all,

What do you think of Logan Strikes Back!? Due to optimization, we havepostponed some things that were planned for early June. And we've received a lotof feedback from all of you since the new big update, which we've been readingand discussing. Then, we adjust and confirm the next Three updates, let's seewhat will happen soon.

End of Sep./Early Oct.

This regular update is mostly about the stables, which should be featured inLogan Strikes back! Please understand that it was pushed back due tooptimization.

-Add the stables and some hotfix;

Late Oct./Early Nov.

It doesn't include the main story but is all about features and systems(because voice acting takes time).

-Add pet system: We're trying to make the new pet system be different fromPortia's, more details coming later;

-Add Show House option to workshop customization (base version): If you don'twant to spend time customizing your home, you can choose from preset modelhomes. This is the basic version, more will be added later.

-Add the Reply feature, you can reply to whoever sends you emails;

-Add more interactions, e.g. hug and kiss

-Add more wall and roof appearances in the workshop cutomization

-Add some functional furniture

-Add Sand Running suits

-Add some new fishes

-Adjust the knowledge system, including the function and stats

Late Nov./Early Dec.

This updates the main story and includes some new features and systems

-Add new main stories

-Add 3 new main stories' dungeons

-Add 1 new mining dungeon

-Add Fang's story and unlock his romance feature once you've completed hisstory

-Add some NPCs' romance stories

-Add some new Sandfishing spots, as well as the advanced sandfish trap

-Add the face lifting function

-Add weathers: raining and snowing

-Add some relics, as well as the behavior of NPC visitingantiquities/relics

Roadmap 2.0 is our newly adjusted roadmap towards to the December. This isjust a preview of some important updates, so it doesn't include details. Afterthese features are previewable, we will announce more.

As much as we can, we will strive to meet these goals. But alterations mayhave to be made during development sometimes. When there is a change, we willnotify everyone as soon as possible.

Thanks to all builders. Your support and patience always give us confidenceand strength. Let's make Sandrock better together!

《沙石鎮時光》Steam首次打折 下周開啟多人連線測試


沙石鎮時光 (My Time at Sandrock)

類別: 角色扮演
平台: PC
開發: Pathea Games
發行: Pathea Games
上市: 2022年5月26日


更多 沙石鎮時光 攻略|新聞

由重慶帕斯亞科技公司開放的模擬經營RPG作品《沙石鎮時光》今日開啟了Steam特惠,這也是本款遊戲首次打折。與此同時,官方也公開了新的更新計劃以及多人連線測試計劃,讓我們一起來了解一下。 https://gamemad.com/news/71370 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/09/23/NxDpBGXU.jpg 自今年5月以“搶先體驗”形式發售以來,《沙石鎮時光》便獲得了玩家的一致好評,目前遊戲在Steam評價為“特別好評”、收獲了7700餘條玩家評測,其中好評率高達85%。今天本款遊戲也開啟了首次Steam特惠,折後定價66元。如果您想要前往沙漠小鎮經營工坊、墾田種地,順便再在小鎮談上一次甜甜的戀愛,那麽不妨抓住這次機會入手遊戲。 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/09/23/KKQnsjPf.jpg 根據開發者公布的消息,在9月19日《沙石鎮時光》也將面向所有已購入遊戲的玩家開啟為期一周一次多人連線測試。雖然只是一次限時刪檔測試,但是首次體驗到連線模式的玩法,還是讓人感到期待不已。本款遊戲支援最多四人連線合作,四位玩家可以一起完成訂單、組隊挖礦、挑戰副本,和朋友們共享小鎮的閒適生活。 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/09/23/hztVbUME.jpg 另一方面,在完成了9月初的主線劇情更新之後,《沙石鎮時光》項目組也公布了新的更新計劃:根據介紹,玩家們呼聲較高的馬廄功能將在本月月底加入,而在10月的更新中,《沙石鎮時光》也將加入樣板房、寵物系統、社互動動等大量功能性更新。除此之外,在11月時本作的主線也將加入全新的劇情主線和天氣系統。相信隨著遊戲的不斷更新,本款遊戲內容也將變得更加完善豐滿。 以下為開發者介紹的更新計劃: Sandrock Roadmap 2.0 Howdy all, What do you think of Logan Strikes Back!? Due to optimization, we havepostponed some things that were planned for early June. And we've received a lotof feedback from all of you since the new big update, which we've been readingand discussing. Then, we adjust and confirm the next Three updates, let's seewhat will happen soon. End of Sep./Early Oct. This regular update is mostly about the stables, which should be featured inLogan Strikes back! Please understand that it was pushed back due tooptimization. -Add the stables and some hotfix; Late Oct./Early Nov. It doesn't include the main story but is all about features and systems(because voice acting takes time). -Add pet system: We're trying to make the new pet system be different fromPortia's, more details coming later; -Add Show House option to workshop customization (base version): If you don'twant to spend time customizing your home, you can choose from preset modelhomes. This is the basic version, more will be added later. -Add the Reply feature, you can reply to whoever sends you emails; -Add more interactions, e.g. hug and kiss -Add more wall and roof appearances in the workshop cutomization -Add some functional furniture -Add Sand Running suits -Add some new fishes -Adjust the knowledge system, including the function and stats Late Nov./Early Dec. This updates the main story and includes some new features and systems -Add new main stories -Add 3 new main stories' dungeons -Add 1 new mining dungeon -Add Fang's story and unlock his romance feature once you've completed hisstory -Add some NPCs' romance stories -Add some new Sandfishing spots, as well as the advanced sandfish trap -Add the face lifting function -Add weathers: raining and snowing -Add some relics, as well as the behavior of NPC visitingantiquities/relics Roadmap 2.0 is our newly adjusted roadmap towards to the December. This isjust a preview of some important updates, so it doesn't include details. Afterthese features are previewable, we will announce more. As much as we can, we will strive to meet these goals. But alterations mayhave to be made during development sometimes. When there is a change, we willnotify everyone as soon as possible. Thanks to all builders. Your support and patience always give us confidenceand strength. Let's make Sandrock better together! https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/09/23/fe8JHwJu.jpg