戰鬥狂熱 Battle Trance
戰鬥狂熱 | 作戰時擊中敵人能生成腎上腺素。每點腎上腺素增加10%武器傷害。 |
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Battle Trance | Blows landed during combat generate Adrenaline Points. Each Adrenaline Point increases weapon damage by 10%. |
心意已決 | 受到傷害時損失的腎上腺素減少20%。 腎上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等級 0/5 初始解鎖 | |
Resolve | Adrenaline Point loss upon taking damage is lowered by 20%. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
不死一族 | 生命力降至0時,若尚有腎上腺素點數,則可以使用腎上腺素恢復生命。回復量依使用的腎上腺素點數而定。 腎上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等級 0/5 解鎖所需點數 8 | |
Undying | When Vitality reaches 0, Adrenaline Points (if available) will be consumed to restore Vitality. The amount restored is based on the number of Adrenaline Points used. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
聚精會神 | 戰鬥一開始便馬上增加1點腎上腺素,使劍攻擊的腎上腺素再增加5%。 |
等級 0/5 解鎖所需點數 20 | |
Razor Focus | Instantly gain 1 Adrenaline Point when entering combat. The Adrenaline Points generated by Sword blows are increased by 5%. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |
憤怒洪流 | 施放法印時,若腎上腺素點數多於3,則使用3點腎上腺素將法印升級至最高等級(解開所有額外效果),且法印強度增加25%。 腎上腺素毒素增加:+1%。 |
等級 0/5 解鎖所需點數 30 | |
Flood of Anger | When casting a Sign, 3 Adrenaline Points (if available) will be consumed to upgrade the Sign to the highest level (unlocking all bonuses) and increases Sign intensity by 25%. Adrenaline Point gain: +1% |