1. 來自西方的亡命之徒 Outlaws from the West
2. 進入,被記憶追逐 Enter, Pursued by a Memory
3. 老朋友 Old Friends
4. 創世紀的後果 The Aftermath of Genesis
5. 利未記康沃爾到底是誰? Who the Hell Is Leviticus Cornwall?
6. 東界 Eastward Bound
1. 禮貌社團,情人節的風格 Polite Saciety,Valentine Style
2. 美國人在休息 Americans at Rest
3. 誰不是沒有罪的呢 Who is Not without Sin
4. 第一個應該是最後一個 The First Shall be Last
5. 打電話 Paying a Social Call
6. 貨幣借貸和其他罪惡1-3 Money Lending and Other Sins 1-3
7. 一個安靜的時間 A Quiet Time
8. 被挫傷的自尊所追趕的退出 Exit Pursued by a Bruised Ego
9. 溫順的人有福了? Blessed are the Meek?
10.我們愛過一次,也愛過一次 We Loved Once and True 1-3
11.好,誠實的,蛇油 Good,Honest,Snake Oil
12.美國的脊椎 The Spines of America
13.倒出油 1-4 Pouring Forth Oil 1-4
14.美國田園風光 An American Pastoral Scene
15.漁民 A Fisher of Men
16.綿羊和山羊 The Sheep and the Goats
17.一個奇怪的善良 A Strange Kindness
1. 新南方 The New South
2. 關於女性投票權的進一步問題 Further Questions of Female Suffrage
3. 美國蒸餾 American Distillation
4. 真愛之路1-3 The Course of True Love 1-3
5. 廣告,新美國藝術1-2 Advertising,the New American Art 1-2
6. 晚餐用馬肉 Horse Flesh for Dinner
7. 煙草的美好樂趣 The Fine Joys of Tobacco
8. 魔術師的運動 Magicians for Sport
9. 朋友在很低的地方 Friends in Very Low Places
10.一個誠實的錯誤 An Honest Mistake
11.他一邊走一邊布道寬恕 Preaching Forgiveness as He went
12.所多瑪嗎?回到蛾摩拉 Sodom? Back to Gomorrah
13.和平締造者有福了 Blessed are the Peacemakers
14.在一個美麗的小鎮上散步 A Short Walk in a Pretty Town
15.古代和現代的血仇 Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern
16.沙迪貝爾之戰 The Battle of Shady Belle