《以撒的結合:重生》精彩劇情圖文分析攻略 (1) - 遊戲狂

《以撒的結合:重生》精彩劇情圖文分析攻略 (1)





  Introduction 引言

Binding of Isaac does not follow the normal format of a story. We are not given a clear narrative and the game has many endings which to the average player might seem completely random and confusing. However to get any sense of story, you have to put the pieces together yourself. Beware, there are spoilers in this analysis.



On the surface it may look like an average comedic indie game. Many of the elements in the game such as shooting poop for items, a Boss that urinates himself and shooting tears as weapons are indeed hilarious as they are intended to be. But Binding of Isaac does have a serious side to the story past its black humor.


Right from the name you can tell the main themes of the game is religion. The Binding of Isaac is a biblical story in which God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac as a test of faith. This ties into the game, as the narrator for the first portion of the game tells us how Isaac's mother hears a "voice from God" to sacrifice her son in the same way. However we are shown later on when we beat the game the first time, that Isaac's mother trying to kill him and being stopped by God is simply a story he made up in his drawings because in the next scene we see his mother still alive through his door.

從名字你可以看出,這遊戲的主題是宗教。【以撒的結合】是一個聖經故事。故事裡上帝命令亞伯拉罕犧牲自己的兒子以表忠心。這跟遊戲劇情也有關聯。遊戲開局的旁白給我們講述了以撒的媽媽如何聽到 “上帝的聲音” ,讓她以同樣的方式獻上自己的兒子。不過不久後,當我們第一次打敗媽腿的時候,我們卻發現, “以撒的媽媽想殺他,卻被上帝阻止” 的情節是以撒在畫中虛擬的。因為下一個場景我們就看到門的那邊,他的媽媽仍然活著。


So we are left on a cliffhanger, not knowing whether Isaac's mom is actually going to kill him or not. But the story for the first part of the game shows that Isaac has a very low opinion of her. He dislikes, possibly even hates his mother and fears her.


So is this all there is to it? A game where you play as isaac and fight his mom in his imaginary world? Well we will get to that ahead.


Depression and Abuse 壓抑與欺侮

Isaac in many scenes often has a cheerful expression and often behaves in whacky or comedic ways. But we are shown constantly through the game Isaac curled up into a ball remembering traumatic moments from his life. Even one of his main weapons in the game is tears of sadness.


The image below shows isaac being rejected by a girl he likes:



The next image shows Isaac being Isaac excidedly opening a present only to find poop inside. Which might explain why in his imaginary world, Isaac uses his tears to destroy every poop he finds:



Lastly, the following image shows isaac being given a wig with girls hair by his mom, another reason why Isaac might dislike his mother and possibly hints that mom wanted isaac to be a girl when she gave birth to him, not a boy. This might explain why isaac is mistreated:








以撒的結合:重生 (The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth)

類別: 射擊
平台: PC, PS4, PS5, Switch
開發: Nicalis, Inc.,Edmund McMillen
發行: Nicalis, Inc.
上市: 2014年11月5日

《以撒的結合:重生(The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth)》是一款動作角色扮演遊戲。該作以全新高效的遊戲引擎打造,畫面幀數可達到60fps,全新的手工繪製的像素風格的遊戲畫面,高度拋光的視覺效果,再加上全新的配樂和音訊設計,這款新作帶給玩家的體驗將直接提升多個檔次。遊戲對原作進行了完全重製,內容翻倍,支持雙玩家本地合作過關,遊戲流程時間超過400小時。

更多 以撒的結合:重生 攻略|新聞

  Introduction 引言 https://gamemad.com/guide/264482 Binding of Isaac does not follow the normal format of a story. We are not given a clear narrative and the game has many endings which to the average player might seem completely random and confusing. However to get any sense of story, you have to put the pieces together yourself. Beware, there are spoilers in this analysis. 【以撒的結合】並不遵循一般故事的敘事方法。它並沒給我們一個清晰的解釋,遊戲的多個結局在多數玩家看來也幾乎是隨機而莫名的。為了理解故事,你必須自己拚湊線索。因此,這篇分析也可能存在謬誤。 On the surface it may look like an average comedic indie game. Many of the elements in the game such as shooting poop for items, a Boss that urinates himself and shooting tears as weapons are indeed hilarious as they are intended to be. But Binding of Isaac does have a serious side to the story past its black humor. 從表面上看,它可能像是個普通的搞笑獨立遊戲。遊戲裡的許多元素著實如作者所設計的一般荒謬至極,比如射爛大便來獲取道具;尿自己一臉的Boss;射出眼淚來攻擊。不過【以撒的結合】在這黑色幽默之下,也有它嚴肅的一面。 Right from the name you can tell the main themes of the game is religion. The Binding of Isaac is a biblical story in which God commands Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac as a test of faith. This ties into the game, as the narrator for the first portion of the game tells us how Isaac's mother hears a "voice from God" to sacrifice her son in the same way. However we are shown later on when we beat the game the first time, that Isaac's mother trying to kill him and being stopped by God is simply a story he made up in his drawings because in the next scene we see his mother still alive through his door. 從名字你可以看出,這遊戲的主題是宗教。【以撒的結合】是一個聖經故事。故事裡上帝命令亞伯拉罕犧牲自己的兒子以表忠心。這跟遊戲劇情也有關聯。遊戲開局的旁白給我們講述了以撒的媽媽如何聽到 “上帝的聲音” ,讓她以同樣的方式獻上自己的兒子。不過不久後,當我們第一次打敗媽腿的時候,我們卻發現, “以撒的媽媽想殺他,卻被上帝阻止” 的情節是以撒在畫中虛擬的。因為下一個場景我們就看到門的那邊,他的媽媽仍然活著。 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/08/25/pG8u5vVC.jpg So we are left on a cliffhanger, not knowing whether Isaac's mom is actually going to kill him or not. But the story for the first part of the game shows that Isaac has a very low opinion of her. He dislikes, possibly even hates his mother and fears her. 所以故事又有了新的懸念,我們並不知道以撒的媽媽是不是真的要殺了他。但是故事的第一部分顯示,以撒一點都不喜歡他媽媽。他討厭,甚至說是恨並害怕她。 So is this all there is to it? A game where you play as isaac and fight his mom in his imaginary world? Well we will get to that ahead. 於是這就是全部了嗎?這是個玩家扮演以撒,在他想像的世界裡與他媽媽戰鬥的遊戲?我們在下文繼續分析。 Depression and Abuse 壓抑與欺侮 Isaac in many scenes often has a cheerful expression and often behaves in whacky or comedic ways. But we are shown constantly through the game Isaac curled up into a ball remembering traumatic moments from his life. Even one of his main weapons in the game is tears of sadness. 許多場景裡的以撒經常帶著笑臉,舉止怪誕而搞笑。不過我們在遊戲一直看到以撒縮成一團,回憶他人生中的一些悲劇時刻的樣子。就連他的主要武器之一也是傷心的淚水。 The image below shows isaac being rejected by a girl he likes: 下面的圖片是以撒被他喜歡的姑娘拒絕 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/08/25/qD8AHVXU.jpg The next image shows Isaac being Isaac excidedly opening a present only to find poop inside. Which might explain why in his imaginary world, Isaac uses his tears to destroy every poop he finds: 下一張是以撒興奮地打開禮物盒卻發現裡面是一坨大便。這大概解釋了為什麽在他的假想世界裡,以撒用眼淚來摧毀任何一坨他能找到的便便。 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/08/25/2SspFHaM.jpg Lastly, the following image shows isaac being given a wig with girls hair by his mom, another reason why Isaac might dislike his mother and possibly hints that mom wanted isaac to be a girl when she gave birth to him, not a boy. This might explain why isaac is mistreated: 最後一張是以撒的媽媽送了他一頂女式假發,又一個以撒可能討厭他媽媽的理由。這也很可能暗示他媽媽想生的是個女兒,而不是以撒,一個男孩兒。這也是以撒被虐待的可能原因。 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/08/25/8uMrFTsV.jpg 更多相關資訊請關注:專題 來源:遊俠網