《以撒的結合:重生》精彩劇情圖文分析攻略 (4) - 遊戲狂

《以撒的結合:重生》精彩劇情圖文分析攻略 (4)





When you bring Isaac the polaroid in the Cathedral. Isaac is reminded that the world is not the completely terrible place he percieves it to be. It forces him to face the truth of the situation. Isaac has locked himselfself within the chest and is dying of suffocation inside of it. You encounter the Blue Baby or ??? as he is called in the game. The blue baby is Isaac seeing himself dead or dying of suffocation. When you die in Binding of Isaac, Isaac really is dying of suffocation.





Isaac realizing that he is dying of suffocation battles himself within his own mind. Defeating ??? symbolizes Isaac overcoming himself and leaving the box before he becomes the blue baby and dies inside of the box. The box within his mind is a wondeful place for him to be. But in reality, in the real world he is constantly denying; His unhealthy habit is killing him. Seeing the polaroid is like a slap in the face for isaac. The game finally ends with a montage of photos throughout isaacs life in the real world. He has overcome The Chest, but at the back of his mind, he still has a urge to go back.


Here is a picture of the hidden message at the end:



Hopefully my analysis has given you some ideas about the story of Binding of Isaac. For an indie game like this, it has a very in depth story. Finding and deciphering clues about the story of the game is all part of the fun of playing. Past the dark humour and funny moments in the game lies a very serious and sad story of an abused and depressed child trying to cope with the real world. Thanks for reading if you have gotten yourself this far and happy hunting.








以撒的結合:重生 (The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth)

類別: 射擊
平台: PC, PS4, PS5, Switch
開發: Nicalis, Inc.,Edmund McMillen
發行: Nicalis, Inc.
上市: 2014年11月5日

《以撒的結合:重生(The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth)》是一款動作角色扮演遊戲。該作以全新高效的遊戲引擎打造,畫面幀數可達到60fps,全新的手工繪製的像素風格的遊戲畫面,高度拋光的視覺效果,再加上全新的配樂和音訊設計,這款新作帶給玩家的體驗將直接提升多個檔次。遊戲對原作進行了完全重製,內容翻倍,支持雙玩家本地合作過關,遊戲流程時間超過400小時。

更多 以撒的結合:重生 攻略|新聞

When you bring Isaac the polaroid in the Cathedral. Isaac is reminded that the world is not the completely terrible place he percieves it to be. It forces him to face the truth of the situation. Isaac has locked himselfself within the chest and is dying of suffocation inside of it. You encounter the Blue Baby or ??? as he is called in the game. The blue baby is Isaac seeing himself dead or dying of suffocation. When you die in Binding of Isaac, Isaac really is dying of suffocation. https://gamemad.com/guide/264485 當你帶著全家福進天堂,以撒會被提醒,他的生活並不是他想的那麽糟。這又逼著他再一次面對現實:以撒正把自己鎖在箱子裡,在裡面快要窒息而死了。你接下來會遇見小藍人,遊戲裡被稱為???。小藍人是已經死亡,或者說即將缺氧而死的以撒。當你在【以撒的結合】裡死去,以撒在現實中真的是窒息而死了。 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/08/25/CJRdBrRy.jpg https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/08/25/yUKkMqkw.jpg Isaac realizing that he is dying of suffocation battles himself within his own mind. Defeating ??? symbolizes Isaac overcoming himself and leaving the box before he becomes the blue baby and dies inside of the box. The box within his mind is a wondeful place for him to be. But in reality, in the real world he is constantly denying; His unhealthy habit is killing him. Seeing the polaroid is like a slap in the face for isaac. The game finally ends with a montage of photos throughout isaacs life in the real world. He has overcome The Chest, but at the back of his mind, he still has a urge to go back. 以撒意識到他正因窒息而慢慢死去,所以他在腦中做著劇烈的思想鬥爭。打敗???意味著以撒克服自身,在他真的變成小藍人並死在箱子裡之前,離開了那裡。箱子在他腦海中是他的絕佳處所。但現實中,在那個他不斷否認的現實世界裡,他不健康的習慣快要了他的命。全家福就像是打醒以撒的一個大耳光。遊戲終於以一組以撒真實世界中生活照的蒙太奇結束。他戰勝了金箱子,但是在他的內心深處,他仍然有回去的衝動。 Here is a picture of the hidden message at the end: 這是結尾處的一個隱藏的訊息【圖中意思:到箱子裡去!】 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/08/25/KRq9hA85.jpg Hopefully my analysis has given you some ideas about the story of Binding of Isaac. For an indie game like this, it has a very in depth story. Finding and deciphering clues about the story of the game is all part of the fun of playing. Past the dark humour and funny moments in the game lies a very serious and sad story of an abused and depressed child trying to cope with the real world. Thanks for reading if you have gotten yourself this far and happy hunting. 希望我的分析能讓大家了解以撒故事的概貌。作為一個獨立遊戲,它的故事實在是很有深意。尋找並破譯劇情線索,是整個遊戲的樂趣所在。這個遊戲在黑色幽默和搞笑時分背後,講述了一個心情壓抑、被欺負的小孩掙紮著想活下去的悲傷而嚴肅的故事。 謝謝閱讀(如果你真的看到這兒了)並祝遊戲愉快~ 更多相關資訊請關注:專題 來源:遊俠網