《以撒的結合:重生》精彩劇情圖文分析攻略 (3) - 遊戲狂

《以撒的結合:重生》精彩劇情圖文分析攻略 (3)





As you damage Isaac, he goes from being curled up on the floor, to ascending into the light above. I believe this signifies two things. Firstly it signifies Believing himself to be incorrupt of sin and that he will ascend to heaven when he dies. but I also think it is a metaphor for Isaac Isaac ascending from the box to the outside world. When you beat Isaac he is leaving box, and going back up to the light of the world above. We are given a cutscene of Isaac studying the bible after leaving the box.




After reading through the Bible. Isaac comes to the realization that he he is indeed "corrupted with sin". The real world has hurt him deeply once again. He turns to the box once more to go back to escape reality and his own self whome he hates.

讀完聖經,以撒意識到,他的的確確是 “惡貫滿盈” 。真相再次深深地傷害了他。他又一次回到了逃避現實和他所厭惡的自己的狀態裡。


  The Blue Baby 小藍人

When you beat the cathedral 6 times you unlock the polaroid. A picture of a happy moment with Isaac, his mom and... Dad?



The polaroid depicts one moment in Isaac's life where he was not unahppy, where the outside world was not a horrible place for him. The polaroid shows the turning point in isaac's life and how his life took a turn for the worst. His dad abandoned Isaac and his mother in some way, leaving both of them strucken with grief. Isaac's mother became bitter and her entire life now revolves around religion. Isaac was then ignored and neglected and retreated to his world of games and toys. His depression caused him to become the victim of the bullying of the other kids. Which leads us back to the chest.







以撒的結合:重生 (The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth)

類別: 射擊
平台: PC, PS4, PS5, Switch
開發: Nicalis, Inc.,Edmund McMillen
發行: Nicalis, Inc.
上市: 2014年11月5日

《以撒的結合:重生(The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth)》是一款動作角色扮演遊戲。該作以全新高效的遊戲引擎打造,畫面幀數可達到60fps,全新的手工繪製的像素風格的遊戲畫面,高度拋光的視覺效果,再加上全新的配樂和音訊設計,這款新作帶給玩家的體驗將直接提升多個檔次。遊戲對原作進行了完全重製,內容翻倍,支持雙玩家本地合作過關,遊戲流程時間超過400小時。

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As you damage Isaac, he goes from being curled up on the floor, to ascending into the light above. I believe this signifies two things. Firstly it signifies Believing himself to be incorrupt of sin and that he will ascend to heaven when he dies. but I also think it is a metaphor for Isaac Isaac ascending from the box to the outside world. When you beat Isaac he is leaving box, and going back up to the light of the world above. We are given a cutscene of Isaac studying the bible after leaving the box. https://gamemad.com/guide/264484 在你傷害以撒的過程中,他從蜷縮在地板上,變成飛到上方照下的聖光的形態。我認為這表現了兩點。首先以撒認為他是純潔無罪的,他死後會升入天堂。我同時覺得這是一個隱喻,喻示以撒爬出箱子,回到現實。當你打敗以撒,他的確離開了箱子,回到光明中。我們接著看到以撒離開箱子後研讀聖經。 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/08/25/9zS8dzjY.jpg After reading through the Bible. Isaac comes to the realization that he he is indeed "corrupted with sin". The real world has hurt him deeply once again. He turns to the box once more to go back to escape reality and his own self whome he hates. 讀完聖經,以撒意識到,他的的確確是 “惡貫滿盈” 。真相再次深深地傷害了他。他又一次回到了逃避現實和他所厭惡的自己的狀態裡。 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/08/25/GKDWqpsu.jpg   The Blue Baby 小藍人 When you beat the cathedral 6 times you unlock the polaroid. A picture of a happy moment with Isaac, his mom and... Dad? 當你打通天堂6次,你會解鎖全家福。一張記錄幸福的照片,上面有以撒,他的媽媽和……爸爸? https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/08/25/Fxv9egc3.jpg The polaroid depicts one moment in Isaac's life where he was not unahppy, where the outside world was not a horrible place for him. The polaroid shows the turning point in isaac's life and how his life took a turn for the worst. His dad abandoned Isaac and his mother in some way, leaving both of them strucken with grief. Isaac's mother became bitter and her entire life now revolves around religion. Isaac was then ignored and neglected and retreated to his world of games and toys. His depression caused him to become the victim of the bullying of the other kids. Which leads us back to the chest. 全家福描繪了以撒生活中他開心的日子,那時候外面的世界還不是那麽糟糕。這張全家福展示了以撒人生中的轉折點,以及他的生活如何轉眼沉入地獄。他的爸爸以某種方式拋棄了以撒和他的媽媽,留下痛苦不堪的兩人。以撒的媽媽變得乖戾,她的全部生活都繞著宗教轉。以撒被忽視,並退縮到他遊戲和玩具的世界裡。他的壓抑情緒導致他被其他的孩子欺負。這樣就又回到了箱子的話題上。 https://img2.gamemad.com/2023/08/25/vpQUEVDc.jpg 來源:遊俠網