《異塵餘生76》霰彈槍有哪些?重武器屬性介紹大全 (第11頁:胖子) - 遊戲狂

《異塵餘生76》霰彈槍有哪些?重武器屬性介紹大全 (第11頁:胖子)









胖子是在波士頓的Fort Strong軍械庫內構思,開發和測試的。軍營被夷為平地,並在堡壘周圍建造了幾個房屋,以提供一個測試區域,以更好地確定武器在城市環境中會造成多大的破壞。



The Fat Man was conceived, developed and tested inside the Fort Strong armory in Boston. The barracks were leveled and several houses were constructed around the fort to provide a testing area, to better ascertain how much damage the weapon would cause in an urban environment.

In June 2075, General Brock, the commanding officer at the fort, was placed in charge of developing the M-42 launcher and testing the newly-minted T-51b power armor, and dedicated half of his team to each project. The team in charge of the launcher first attempted to lower the weight of the warhead, and later tried to increase the power behind the firing mechanism, but both designs failed to produce satisfactory results. In both scenariOS, the explosions were far too close to the soldiers firing the launcher, either killing them in the blast or soaking them in lethal levels of radiation.

After almost two years, and the loss of a testing squad due to a misfiring weapon, the engineers behind the project built a fusion sub-charge into each warhead, greatly increasing the launcher's range, and the design proved successful. In September 2077, the launchers were shipped from the fort to a supply yard in Mississippi, and from there to the Chinese front.





異塵餘生76 (Fallout 76)

類別: 角色扮演
平台: PC, PS4, XboxONE
開發: Bethesda
發行: Bethesda
上市: 2020年4月15日

《異塵餘生76(Fallout 76)》是一款由Bethesda Softworks製作發行的角色扮演類遊戲,故事發生於76號避難所,該避難所的記錄存在於鋼鐵兄弟會總部Citadel的電腦中,是17個受控制的避難所之一。這裡可容納有500人,計劃在核戰20年後開放。此外,該避難所還有一起外星人綁架事件的記錄。

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  胖子 https://img3.gamemad.com/2024/04/23/WhV9tZz6.jpg https://gamemad.com/guide/324641 https://img3.gamemad.com/2024/04/23/CRReDzmj.jpg 胖子是在波士頓的Fort Strong軍械庫內構思,開發和測試的。軍營被夷為平地,並在堡壘周圍建造了幾個房屋,以提供一個測試區域,以更好地確定武器在城市環境中會造成多大的破壞。 2075年6月,堡壘的指揮官布羅克將軍負責開發M-42發射裝置並測試新建的T-51b動力裝甲,並將其團隊的一半專用於每個項目。負責發射器的團隊首先試圖降低彈頭的重量,後來試圖增加射擊機制的功率,但兩種設計都未能產生令人滿意的結果。在這兩種情況下,爆炸都太靠近發射發射器計程車兵,要麽在爆炸中殺死它們,要麽將它們浸入致命的輻射水平。 經過將近兩年的時間,以及由於失火的武器而失去了一個測試小組,該項目背後的工程師為每個彈頭建立了一個融合子裝藥,大大增加了發射器的射程,並且設計證明是成功的。2077年9月,發射器從堡壘運往密西西比州的一個供應場,並從那裡運往中國前線。 The Fat Man was conceived, developed and tested inside the Fort Strong armory in Boston. The barracks were leveled and several houses were constructed around the fort to provide a testing area, to better ascertain how much damage the weapon would cause in an urban environment. In June 2075, General Brock, the commanding officer at the fort, was placed in charge of developing the M-42 launcher and testing the newly-minted T-51b power armor, and dedicated half of his team to each project. The team in charge of the launcher first attempted to lower the weight of the warhead, and later tried to increase the power behind the firing mechanism, but both designs failed to produce satisfactory results. In both scenariOS, the explosions were far too close to the soldiers firing the launcher, either killing them in the blast or soaking them in lethal levels of radiation. After almost two years, and the loss of a testing squad due to a misfiring weapon, the engineers behind the project built a fusion sub-charge into each warhead, greatly increasing the launcher's range, and the design proved successful. In September 2077, the launchers were shipped from the fort to a supply yard in Mississippi, and from there to the Chinese front. 來源:遊俠網