《異塵餘生76》已知Perk卡片作用效果一覽 - 遊戲狂











等級一:未知 Unknown.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:傳統槍械彈藥重量減輕90%。Ballistic weapon ammo weighs 90% less.

・內含電池(Batteries Included)


等級一:能量武器彈藥重量減輕30%。Energy weapon ammo weighs 30% less.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

・熊掌(Bear Arms)


等級一:重型槍械重量減輕20%。Heavy guns weigh 20% less.

等級二:重型槍械重量減輕40%。Heavy guns weigh 40% less.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

等級四:未知 Unknown.

・子彈護盾(Bullet Shield)


等級一:太模糊,看不清楚,未知 Unknown.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

等級四:未知 Unknown.

・重槍專家(Expert Heavy Gunner)


等級一:非爆破重型槍械傷害增加10%。Your non-explosive heavy guns now do +10% damage.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

・專業強打者(Expert Slugger)


等級一:雙手近戰武器傷害增加10%。Your two-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.



等級一:單手近戰武器傷害增加10%。Your one-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage.

等級二:單手近戰武器傷害增加20%。Your one-handed melee weapons now do +20% damage.

等級三:單手近戰武器傷害增加30%。Your one-handed melee weapons now do +30% damage.

・精實體魄(Sturdy Frame)


等級一:降低裝甲重量25%。Armor weighs 25% than normal.

等級二:未知 Unknown.



等級一:食物和飲水的重量減輕30%。Food and drink weights are reduced by 30%.

等級二:食物和飲水的重量減輕60%。Food and drink weights are reduced by 60%.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

・綠拇指(Green Thumb)


等級一:採收植物時有25%的機率能獲得雙倍收穫。You have a 25% chance to reap twice as much when harvesting flora.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

・夜貓子(Night Person)


等級一:晚上6點到早上6點的感知和智力增加1。Gain +1 INT and +1 PER between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.



等級一:鄰近雜誌時會聽到他們的呼喚聲。You hear directional audio when in range of a Magazine.



等級一:鄰近搖頭娃娃時會聽到他們的呼喚聲。You hear directional audio when in range of a Bobblehead.



等級一:能量抗性+5。Gain +5 energy resistance.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

等級四:未知 Unknown.






等級一:遊泳時不會受到水的輻射傷害並可以水下呼吸。You no longer take Rad damage from swimming and can breathe underwater.



等級一:所有飲品延長額外15%止渴效果。All drinks quench thirst by an additional 15%.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

・專業品酒員(Professional Drinker)


等級一:你不再對酒精上癮了。There's no chance you'll get addicted to alocohol.



等級一:被其他玩家復活後兩分鐘內獲得增加25%傷害增益。Gain +25% damage bonus for 2 minutes when a player revives you.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

・慢速代謝(Slow Metabolizer)


等級一:所有食物延長額外15%止餓效果 All food satisfies hunger by an additional 15%.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.



等級一:未知 Unknown.

等級二:降低60%從動物上患病的機率。Chance of cating a diesease from creatures in reuced by 60%.

等級三:未知 Unknown.



等級一:血包現在可以止渴,不再帶有輻射,還有額外50%的回覆量喔。Bloodpaks now satisfy thirst, no longer irraditate, and heal 50% more.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.



等級一:從每一位隊友獲得+6的傷害和能量抵抗(上限為18)。Gain 6 Damage and Energy Resist (max 18) for each teammate excluding you.

等級二:從每一位隊友獲得+8的傷害和能量抵抗(上限為24)。Gain 8 Damage and Energy Resist (max 24) for each teammate excluding you.



・開心營地(Happy Camper)


等級一:在團隊營地中飢餓和口渴的速率降低40%。Hunger and thirst grow 40% more slowly when in camp or in a team workshop.

等級二:在團隊營地中飢餓和口渴的速率降低80%。Hunger and thirst grow 80% more slowly when in camp or in a team workshop.



等級一:喝酒讓你更加順遂,在酒精作用下運氣+2。Your luck is increased by 2 while under the influence of alcohol.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

・精打細算(Hard Bargain)


等級一:商家賣價更低 ,收購價更高了。Buying and selling prices at vendors are better.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.



等級一:當你組隊時,增加5%額外經驗值。When you are on a team, gain 5% more XP.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

・獨行俠( Lone Wanderer)


等級一:獨自探險時降低10%傷害和增加10% AP復原速度。When adventuring alone, take 10% less damage and gain 10% AP regen.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

・派對女孩(Party Girl)


等級一:酒精效能加倍。The effects of alcohol are doubled.

等級二:未知 Unknown.



等級一:當你飲食時,你隊友的飢餓與口渴也跟著回覆。Restore some of your teammates hunger and thirst when you eat or drink.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

・快速急救(Quack Surgeon)


等級一:用烈酒來復活其他玩家吧 ! Revive other players with liquor!

・精神療法(Spiritual Healer)


等級一:當你復活其他玩家後,獲得回覆生命值5秒的效果。You regenerate health for 5 seconds after reviving another player.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

・結伴同行(Squad Manuevers)


等級一:組隊時跑速增加10%。Run 10% faster when part of a team

等級二:未知 Unknown.

・有輻同享(Strange in Numbers)


等級一:當隊友同是輻射變種時,正向輻射變異增強25%。Positive mutation effects are +25% stronger if teammates are mutated too.

・團隊醫療(Team Medic)


等級一:治療針可回覆鄰近隊友正常回覆值50%的量。Your Stimpaks now also heal nearby teammates for half the normal strength.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.




動物朋友(Animal Friend)

友軍炮火(Friendly Fire)




等級一:降低工坊材料消耗量25%。Crafting workshop items now costs 25% fewer materials.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

・獨特武裝(Exotic Weapons)


等級一:未知 Unknown.

等級二:你可以製作等級1的獨特武器模組(需要有設計圖)。You can now craft Rank 1 exotic weapon mods. (Plans required)

・醫護(First Aid)


等級一:治療針恢復額外10%生命值。Stimpaks restore 10% more lost Health.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

等級四:未知 Unknown.

・檢修工人( Grease Monkey)


等級一:工坊維修項目便宜30%。Workshop items are 30% cheaper to repair.

・駭客大師(Master Hacker)


等級一:獲得一點駭客技巧,並且降低終端機鎖定時間。Gain +1 hacking skill.Terminal lock-out time is reduced when things go wrong.



等級一:你可以打造能量武器了(需要設計圖)。You can now craft energy guns (plans required)

等級二:未知 Unknown.



等級一:消耗30點行動點數來避開10%個別敵人的炮火。Spend 30 Action Points to avoid 10% of each enemy attack.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

・跳如羊腳(Goat Legs)


等級一:未知 Unknown.

等級二:降低80%的掉落傷害。Take 80% less damage from falling.



等級一:衝刺所消耗的行動點數降低30%。Sprinting consumers 30% fewer action points.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.


睡魔(Mister Sandman)

功夫(Gun Fu)



・好運罐頭(Can Do!)


等級一:當你搜尋食物櫃時有50%的機會找到額外的罐頭食物。50% chance to find an extra canned food when your “Search” any food container.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

・幸運之舉(Luck of the Draw)


等級一:當擊中敵人時,你的武器有10%的機率回覆耐久。Your weapon has a 10% chance to regain condition when hitting an enemy.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

・神秘陌生人(Mysterious Stranger)


等級一:未知 Unknown.

等級二:使用V.A.T.S.時神秘陌生人出現的機率更高了。The Mysterious Stranger appears more often when using V.A.T.S.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

・神秘肉(Mystery Meat)


等級一:未知 Unknown.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:治療針產出可食用肉品,輻射量越高機會越大。Stimpaks generate excessive, edible meat. Higher Rads improve the chance.



等級一:額外50%的機會在彈藥箱裡可以找到更多彈藥50%。chance to find extra ammo when you “Search” an ammo container.

等級二:未知 Unknown.

等級三:未知 Unknown.

・基因定型(Starched Genes)


等級一:未知 Unknown.

等級二:你不再突變,且消輻寧不再治癒突變。You will never mutate from rads and Radaway will never cure mutations.


死神的衝刺(Grim Reaper's Sprint)

神秘救援人(Mysterious Savior)






異塵餘生76 (Fallout 76)

類別: 角色扮演
平台: PC, PS4, XboxONE
開發: Bethesda
發行: Bethesda
上市: 2020年4月15日

《異塵餘生76(Fallout 76)》是一款由Bethesda Softworks製作發行的角色扮演類遊戲,故事發生於76號避難所,該避難所的記錄存在於鋼鐵兄弟會總部Citadel的電腦中,是17個受控制的避難所之一。這裡可容納有500人,計劃在核戰20年後開放。此外,該避難所還有一起外星人綁架事件的記錄。

更多 異塵餘生76 攻略|新聞

目錄 https://gamemad.com/guide/49713 ・子彈背帶(Bandolier)・內含電池(Batteries Included)・熊掌(Bear Arms)・子彈護盾(Bullet Shield)・重槍專家(Expert Heavy Gunner)・專業強打者(Expert Slugger)・鬥劍士(Gladiator)・精實體魄(Sturdy Frame)・幹練健行家(Thru-hiker)・綠拇指(Green Thumb)・夜貓子(Night Person)・雜誌收藏家(Pannapictagraphist)・尋娃術(Percepti-bobble)・折射器(Refractor)・隻看到名稱的卡片・水女孩(Aquagirl)・單峰駱駝(Dromedary)・專業品酒員(Professional Drinker)・歸來浪人(Revenant)・慢速代謝(Slow Metabolizer)・接種疫苗(Vaccinated)・飲血止渴(Bloodsucker)・隨身保鏢(Bodyguards)・開心營地(Happy Camper)・歡飲好運到(Happy-Go-Lucky)・精打細算(Hard Bargain)・激勵人心(Inspirational)・獨行俠( Lone Wanderer)・派對女孩(Party Girl)・博愛主義(Philanthropist)・快速急救(Quack Surgeon)・精神療法(Spiritual Healer)・結伴同行(Squad Manuevers)・有輻同享(Strange in Numbers)・團隊醫療(Team Medic)・隻看到名稱的卡片法外之徒(Outlaw)動物朋友(Animal Friend)友軍炮火(Friendly Fire)・承包商(Contractor)・獨特武裝(Exotic Weapons)・醫護(First Aid)・檢修工人( Grease Monkey)・駭客大師(Master Hacker)・科學!(Science!)・閃避(Dodgy)・跳如羊腳(Goat Legs)・馬拉鬆選手(Marathoner)・隻看到名稱的卡片睡魔(Mister Sandman)功夫(Gun Fu)腎上腺素(Adrenaline)・好運罐頭(Can Do!)・幸運之舉(Luck of the Draw)・神秘陌生人(Mysterious Stranger)・神秘肉(Mystery Meat)・搜刮者(Scrounger)・基因定型(Starched Genes)・隻看到名稱的卡片死神的衝刺(Grim Reaper's Sprint)神秘救援人(Mysterious Savior)《異塵餘生76》中的Perk全部都以卡片的形式出現,那麼都有哪些類型的卡片呢?這些卡片分別都有什麼作用呢?以下為「functionj」介紹的《異塵餘生76》已知Perk卡片作用效果一覽。 ・子彈背帶(Bandolier) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086168f14b54.jpg 等級一:未知 Unknown. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:傳統槍械彈藥重量減輕90%。Ballistic weapon ammo weighs 90% less. ・內含電池(Batteries Included) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086169685202.jpg 等級一:能量武器彈藥重量減輕30%。Energy weapon ammo weighs 30% less. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・熊掌(Bear Arms) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086169d58344.jpg 等級一:重型槍械重量減輕20%。Heavy guns weigh 20% less. 等級二:重型槍械重量減輕40%。Heavy guns weigh 40% less. 等級三:未知 Unknown. 等級四:未知 Unknown. ・子彈護盾(Bullet Shield) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608616a466415.jpg 等級一:太模糊,看不清楚,未知 Unknown. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. 等級四:未知 Unknown. ・重槍專家(Expert Heavy Gunner) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608616ab41779.jpg 等級一:非爆破重型槍械傷害增加10%。Your non-explosive heavy guns now do +10% damage. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・專業強打者(Expert Slugger) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608616b2ba159.jpg 等級一:雙手近戰武器傷害增加10%。Your two-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・鬥劍士(Gladiator) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608616b979639.jpg 等級一:單手近戰武器傷害增加10%。Your one-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage. 等級二:單手近戰武器傷害增加20%。Your one-handed melee weapons now do +20% damage. 等級三:單手近戰武器傷害增加30%。Your one-handed melee weapons now do +30% damage. ・精實體魄(Sturdy Frame) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608616c08ef55.jpg 等級一:降低裝甲重量25%。Armor weighs 25% than normal. 等級二:未知 Unknown. ・幹練健行家(Thru-hiker) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608616c9e6a29.jpg 等級一:食物和飲水的重量減輕30%。Food and drink weights are reduced by 30%. 等級二:食物和飲水的重量減輕60%。Food and drink weights are reduced by 60%. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・綠拇指(Green Thumb) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608616d1e7f96.jpg 等級一:採收植物時有25%的機率能獲得雙倍收穫。You have a 25% chance to reap twice as much when harvesting flora. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・夜貓子(Night Person) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608616d8f0470.jpg 等級一:晚上6點到早上6點的感知和智力增加1。Gain +1 INT and +1 PER between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・雜誌收藏家(Pannapictagraphist) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608616dfab248.jpg 等級一:鄰近雜誌時會聽到他們的呼喚聲。You hear directional audio when in range of a Magazine. ・尋娃術(Percepti-bobble) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608616e65e968.jpg 等級一:鄰近搖頭娃娃時會聽到他們的呼喚聲。You hear directional audio when in range of a Bobblehead. ・折射器(Refractor) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608616ed4fa9a.jpg 等級一:能量抗性+5。Gain +5 energy resistance. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. 等級四:未知 Unknown. ・隻看到名稱的卡片 https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608616f47df9f.jpg 雖然只有一部分,但看的出來是狙擊手。 ・水女孩(Aquagirl) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608616fb311e2.jpg 等級一:遊泳時不會受到水的輻射傷害並可以水下呼吸。You no longer take Rad damage from swimming and can breathe underwater. ・單峰駱駝(Dromedary) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617020a3a6.jpg 等級一:所有飲品延長額外15%止渴效果。All drinks quench thirst by an additional 15%. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・專業品酒員(Professional Drinker) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/60861708bd859.jpg 等級一:你不再對酒精上癮了。There's no chance you'll get addicted to alocohol. ・歸來浪人(Revenant) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086170f6dc3b.jpg 等級一:被其他玩家復活後兩分鐘內獲得增加25%傷害增益。Gain +25% damage bonus for 2 minutes when a player revives you. 等級二:未知 Unknown. ・慢速代謝(Slow Metabolizer) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617167507c.jpg 等級一:所有食物延長額外15%止餓效果 All food satisfies hunger by an additional 15%. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・接種疫苗(Vaccinated) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/60861721c4112.jpg 等級一:未知 Unknown. 等級二:降低60%從動物上患病的機率。Chance of cating a diesease from creatures in reuced by 60%. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・飲血止渴(Bloodsucker) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086172933573.jpg 等級一:血包現在可以止渴,不再帶有輻射,還有額外50%的回覆量喔。Bloodpaks now satisfy thirst, no longer irraditate, and heal 50% more. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・隨身保鏢(Bodyguards) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086173056826.jpg 等級一:從每一位隊友獲得+6的傷害和能量抵抗(上限為18)。Gain 6 Damage and Energy Resist (max 18) for each teammate excluding you. 等級二:從每一位隊友獲得+8的傷害和能量抵抗(上限為24)。Gain 8 Damage and Energy Resist (max 24) for each teammate excluding you. 等級三:Unknown. 等級四:Unknown. ・開心營地(Happy Camper) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086173720cbc.jpg 等級一:在團隊營地中飢餓和口渴的速率降低40%。Hunger and thirst grow 40% more slowly when in camp or in a team workshop. 等級二:在團隊營地中飢餓和口渴的速率降低80%。Hunger and thirst grow 80% more slowly when in camp or in a team workshop. ・歡飲好運到(Happy-Go-Lucky) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086173dcabd8.jpg 等級一:喝酒讓你更加順遂,在酒精作用下運氣+2。Your luck is increased by 2 while under the influence of alcohol. 等級二:未知 Unknown. ・精打細算(Hard Bargain) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/60861744b6f58.jpg 等級一:商家賣價更低 ,收購價更高了。Buying and selling prices at vendors are better. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・激勵人心(Inspirational) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086174b79336.jpg 等級一:當你組隊時,增加5%額外經驗值。When you are on a team, gain 5% more XP. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・獨行俠( Lone Wanderer) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617522dafe.jpg 等級一:獨自探險時降低10%傷害和增加10% AP復原速度。When adventuring alone, take 10% less damage and gain 10% AP regen. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・派對女孩(Party Girl) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/60861758e6fe1.jpg 等級一:酒精效能加倍。The effects of alcohol are doubled. 等級二:未知 Unknown. ・博愛主義(Philanthropist) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086175fc6133.jpg 等級一:當你飲食時,你隊友的飢餓與口渴也跟著回覆。Restore some of your teammates hunger and thirst when you eat or drink. 等級二:未知 Unknown. ・快速急救(Quack Surgeon) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/60861766c8043.jpg 等級一:用烈酒來復活其他玩家吧 ! Revive other players with liquor! ・精神療法(Spiritual Healer) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086176d9a18e.jpg 等級一:當你復活其他玩家後,獲得回覆生命值5秒的效果。You regenerate health for 5 seconds after reviving another player. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・結伴同行(Squad Manuevers) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/60861774858b7.jpg 等級一:組隊時跑速增加10%。Run 10% faster when part of a team 等級二:未知 Unknown. ・有輻同享(Strange in Numbers) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086177b3d85a.jpg 等級一:當隊友同是輻射變種時,正向輻射變異增強25%。Positive mutation effects are +25% stronger if teammates are mutated too. ・團隊醫療(Team Medic) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086178245fc6.jpg 等級一:治療針可回覆鄰近隊友正常回覆值50%的量。Your Stimpaks now also heal nearby teammates for half the normal strength. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・隻看到名稱的卡片法外之徒(Outlaw) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617891605d.jpg 動物朋友(Animal Friend)友軍炮火(Friendly Fire) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086178fbae0c.jpg ・承包商(Contractor) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617966b765.jpg 等級一:降低工坊材料消耗量25%。Crafting workshop items now costs 25% fewer materials. 等級二:未知 Unknown. ・獨特武裝(Exotic Weapons) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/6086179d23cd1.jpg 等級一:未知 Unknown. 等級二:你可以製作等級1的獨特武器模組(需要有設計圖)。You can now craft Rank 1 exotic weapon mods. (Plans required) ・醫護(First Aid) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617a457b6f.jpg 等級一:治療針恢復額外10%生命值。Stimpaks restore 10% more lost Health. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. 等級四:未知 Unknown. ・檢修工人( Grease Monkey) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617ab6933a.jpg 等級一:工坊維修項目便宜30%。Workshop items are 30% cheaper to repair. ・駭客大師(Master Hacker) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617b25f05c.jpg 等級一:獲得一點駭客技巧,並且降低終端機鎖定時間。Gain +1 hacking skill.Terminal lock-out time is reduced when things go wrong. ・科學!(Science!) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617b9d52f9.jpg 等級一:你可以打造能量武器了(需要設計圖)。You can now craft energy guns (plans required) 等級二:未知 Unknown. ・閃避(Dodgy) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617c08f57e.jpg 等級一:消耗30點行動點數來避開10%個別敵人的炮火。Spend 30 Action Points to avoid 10% of each enemy attack. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・跳如羊腳(Goat Legs) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617c744658.jpg 等級一:未知 Unknown. 等級二:降低80%的掉落傷害。Take 80% less damage from falling. ・馬拉鬆選手(Marathoner) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617ce1ca15.jpg 等級一:衝刺所消耗的行動點數降低30%。Sprinting consumers 30% fewer action points. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・隻看到名稱的卡片睡魔(Mister Sandman)功夫(Gun Fu)腎上腺素(Adrenaline) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617d4b8b7c.jpg ・好運罐頭(Can Do!) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617dbbef6b.jpg 等級一:當你搜尋食物櫃時有50%的機會找到額外的罐頭食物。50% chance to find an extra canned food when your “Search” any food container. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・幸運之舉(Luck of the Draw) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617e28e210.jpg 等級一:當擊中敵人時,你的武器有10%的機率回覆耐久。Your weapon has a 10% chance to regain condition when hitting an enemy. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・神秘陌生人(Mysterious Stranger) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617e93ab71.jpg 等級一:未知 Unknown. 等級二:使用V.A.T.S.時神秘陌生人出現的機率更高了。The Mysterious Stranger appears more often when using V.A.T.S. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・神秘肉(Mystery Meat) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617f032099.jpg 等級一:未知 Unknown. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:治療針產出可食用肉品,輻射量越高機會越大。Stimpaks generate excessive, edible meat. Higher Rads improve the chance. ・搜刮者(Scrounger) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617f77c669.jpg 等級一:額外50%的機會在彈藥箱裡可以找到更多彈藥50%。chance to find extra ammo when you “Search” an ammo container. 等級二:未知 Unknown. 等級三:未知 Unknown. ・基因定型(Starched Genes) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/608617fe292b1.jpg 等級一:未知 Unknown. 等級二:你不再突變,且消輻寧不再治癒突變。You will never mutate from rads and Radaway will never cure mutations. ・隻看到名稱的卡片死神的衝刺(Grim Reaper's Sprint)神秘救援人(Mysterious Savior) https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/04/26/60861804c6ff7.jpg 來源:遊民星空