《異塵餘生:新維加斯》維加斯電台新聞內容全翻譯 - 遊戲狂







"NCR officials at Camp McCarran were relieved when technical difficulties with its monorail line to the New Vegas Strip proved easy to fix. One anonymous official told us a serious mechanical failure would have been a disaster because of the age of the train and the scarcity of the replacement partѕ." -Before completion of I Put a Spell on You.


NCR的官員們可以鬆口氣了,因為檢查證明麥卡倫營地——新維加斯的單線列車的技術問題很容易被解決。一位不願透露姓名的官員像我們透露,由於列車年久失修導致的一系列的機械故障將最終引發一場大災難。(在玩家完成I put a spell on you任務之前)

     "A package courier found shot in the head near Goodsprings has reportedly regained consciousness, and has made a full recovery. Now that is a delivery service you can count on." -Triggered by start of game.


Citizens are flocking to the Strip in droves amid a wave of terror caused by a band of raiders known as theFiends. Those who can afford passports say that the added security is well worth the price of admission." -Before completion of Three-Card Bounty.


     "Troubling news from Primm, as merchants report a large presence of armed and savoring figrues patrolling the town. Residents are no where to be found." -Before completion of My Kind of Town.


     "The Helios One solar power plant remains dormant, despite NCR's effort to reactivate the facility. The chief scientist of the plant vowed to fix the problem, blaming it on an atmosphere of quote severe under-appreciation. -Before completion of That Lucky Old Sun.


     "Unconfirmed reports say NCR's general Lee Oliver may have uprooted from his post at Camp McCarran in order to be present at Hoover Dam. NCR sources have said that holding the dam against Caesar's Legion haѕ become their main strategic priority and this move would not be unexpected."


     "It's Mr. New Vegas letting you know, I've got a new Christmas compilation coming out soon, Nuclear Winter Wonderland. Look for it on holotape."


     "The influx of displaced residents to the refugee camp at Bitter Springs has caused a strain on rations there. NCR officials are asking for donationѕ." -Before completion of No, Not Much



異塵餘生:新維加斯 (Fallout: New Vegas)

類別: 動作
平台: PC
開發: Obsidian Entertainment
發行: Bethesda Softworks
上市: 2010.10.19
《異塵餘生:新維加斯》是歐美人氣RPG系列輻射新作,並非《輻射3》的續作,本作採用與《輻射3》相近的遊戲系統和角色扮演遊戲要素,是繼承系列世界觀的一款獨立作品。 遊戲設定在中美之間的Great War之後,即一場開始於2077年10月23日,持續不到兩個小時卻造成了巨大毀滅的全球熱核戰爭。在 Great War之前還爆發了能源戰爭,在此期間,聯合國解散,美國因瘟疫流行而局勢緊張,加拿大則被美國吞並。

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https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/05/30/60b367e49adc6.jpg https://gamemad.com/guide/61310 "NCR officials at Camp McCarran were relieved when technical difficulties with its monorail line to the New Vegas Strip proved easy to fix. One anonymous official told us a serious mechanical failure would have been a disaster because of the age of the train and the scarcity of the replacement partѕ." -Before completion of I Put a Spell on You. NCR的官員們可以鬆口氣了,因為檢查證明麥卡倫營地——新維加斯的單線列車的技術問題很容易被解決。一位不願透露姓名的官員像我們透露,由於列車年久失修導致的一系列的機械故障將最終引發一場大災難。(在玩家完成I put a spell on you任務之前)      "A package courier found shot in the head near Goodsprings has reportedly regained consciousness, and has made a full recovery. Now that is a delivery service you can count on." -Triggered by start of game. 報導稱,在清泉鎮附近被發現的,那個慘遭爆頭的快遞員,現在已經完全恢復健康啦!現在大家可以繼續仰仗他的郵遞服務啦~~~ Citizens are flocking to the Strip in droves amid a wave of terror caused by a band of raiders known as theFiends. Those who can afford passports say that the added security is well worth the price of admission." -Before completion of Three-Card Bounty. 一個自號“惡魔幫”的匪徒團夥製造了一輪恐慌的浪潮,現在民眾們都向都城區蜂擁而來。那些買得起賭城護照的人都說,賭城區裡強悍的安保措施是值這些錢的。      "Troubling news from Primm, as merchants report a large presence of armed and savoring figrues patrolling the town. Residents are no where to be found." -Before completion of My Kind of Town. 普瑞姆有麻煩了,商人們稱,那裡出現了一大幫正在巡邏“獵食”的匪徒,而居民們都不見了。      "The Helios One solar power plant remains dormant, despite NCR's effort to reactivate the facility. The chief scientist of the plant vowed to fix the problem, blaming it on an atmosphere of quote severe under-appreciation. -Before completion of That Lucky Old Sun. “太陽神一號”太陽能發電站現在依然處於休眠狀態,儘管NCR努力想要重啟它。主管科學家將問題歸咎於“嚴重缺乏支援”,並揚言要解決這個難題。      "Unconfirmed reports say NCR's general Lee Oliver may have uprooted from his post at Camp McCarran in order to be present at Hoover Dam. NCR sources have said that holding the dam against Caesar's Legion haѕ become their main strategic priority and this move would not be unexpected." 未證實的報導——NCR的李•奧利弗將軍似乎已經離開了麥卡倫營地並前往胡佛大壩。我們在NCR的知情人稱將軍的這次“搬家”沒什麽奇怪的,因為據守大壩抗擊軍團已經成為了他們的最高戰略。      "It's Mr. New Vegas letting you know, I've got a new Christmas compilation coming out soon, Nuclear Winter Wonderland. Look for it on holotape." 新維加斯先生要告訴你,我即將推出一個聖誕音樂精選集——核冬天裡的樂土。到時候你就會發現這個全息錄影帶。      "The influx of displaced residents to the refugee camp at Bitter Springs has caused a strain on rations there. NCR officials are asking for donationѕ." -Before completion of No, Not Much