《盜賊之海》全成就達成條件一覽 - 遊戲狂










Now Bring Me That Horizon [10G] “With the capstan raised and the sails unfurled, ‘Now bring me that horizon!' a pirate yelled.” 起錨,落帆

Full Billow [5G] “When the wind grabs the sails a pirate will hoot, ‘Full billow mateys, we are full speed en route!'” 三帆滿檔

Handbrake Turn [10G] “When you find yourself needing a new direction, turn hard and weigh anchor to plot a correction.” 左/右 滿舵+急停拋錨

I Wanna Be a Pirate! [10G] “Cashing in rewards is always a pleasure, made even better when a number's the measure.” 交個箱子

Shopping for a Promotion [5G] “Even a pirate wants job recognition, so buy a Promotion to show your position.” 隨意買一件商品/皮膚

I'll Drink to That [5G] “Nothing says being social, like crews drunk down the local.” 喝酒,沒觸發就多喝幾杯

What Shall We Do With a Drunken Sailor? [10G] “A tankard or two may make you blue, have a few more and you will surely spew.” 還是喝酒,要喝到吐

#BeMorePirate [5G] “A new peg leg, an eyepatch, a hat and a hook, maketh the pirate to complete the look.” 買齊 假腿,眼罩,帽子和手鉤皮膚。

Aye of Reach [5G] “Head to the Weaponsmith to extend your Reach, please excuse the pun, it was a figure of speech.” 去賣武器的NPC買把狙擊槍或者狙擊槍的皮膚

Blundarrrrbuss [5G] “Visit the Weaponsmith to empty your coffer, we hear there's some buckshot on special offer.” 去賣武器的NPC買把霰彈槍或者霰彈槍的皮膚

Colourful Sails [5G] “Many people claim pirates had black sails, visit the Shipwright and she'll prove they're folk tales.” 去賣船飾品的NPC買個船帆皮膚

You Fight Like a Merchant [10G] “Block an attack as you scream ‘parlay!', then strike them down to ruin their day.” 用刀格擋對方一次攻擊,然後(也許還要)殺死對方。

How Appropriate! You Fight Like a Chicken [10G] “When an attack is blocked then fret you may, as being counter-struck will ruin your day.” 被對方格擋一次。

But You Have Heard of Me? [10G] “Halfway to Mastery is an important occasion, mark it with a Promotion to display jubilation.” 發個cheer的動作(按z選擇)

Self-Entitled [10G] “Pirate Titles are earned in many ways, and owning ten will leave enemies agaze.” 觸發10個成就

In Good Company [5G] “A Trading Company item is great to behold, but upgrade it five times for a beauty untold.” 升級陣營NPC的專屬道具皮膚5次

Did Everyone See That? [10G] “Meeting a rival pirate stood on their ship, will become legend if you send them in for a dip.” 用炮把對方船隻上的玩家轟到海裡。

Ignoring the Rules of Engagement [15G] “To shoot from behind is a cowardly act, unless it's with a blunderbuss as matter of fact.” 從背後用霰彈槍殺死一人

Kraken Good Job [15G] “A number of tentacles appeared from the ocean, you quelled the beast without showing emotion.” 擊退/擊殺海怪

Perfect Dark [15G] “A lady once sailed through a storm at night, turned off her lights did she to show off her might.” 晚上關了船燈進暴風雨區域

Friends Not Foe [10G] “A pirate salute proves you follow the Code, then upon you a new friend was gratefully bestowed.” 按z對一個人發一個friend表情 (彩蛋:兩個人同時按可以直接默認互加好友)

A Titanic Ensemble [10G] “A pirate once said that when you are sinking, playing some music is more helpful than drinking.” 船【進水/沉了】的時候,按q拉一下琴

Bone-Cronch [10G] “Patiently wait for a skeleton to ‘cronch', then blow it away to ruin its ‘lonch'.” 在骷髏怪吃香蕉的時候,開槍打死他

Dead Pirates DO Tell Tales [10G] “The Ferry of the Damned opened its gates, and a tale you did tell through the circle of eights.” 死一次進幽靈船

Hold My Grog! [50G] “To fire oneself and nail a deck landing, requires a good aim and much understanding.” 把隊友射到敵方船隻的甲板上(必須要準)

I Don't See Your Ship [20G] “One thing all pirates do share in common, is the first memory of watching a ship sink to the bottom.” 看著敵方船沉沒

Laden With Treasure [20G] “If you are of chests aplenty, this achievement unlocks at twenty.” 一次帶20個寶箱在船上

On a Whole New Adventure [10G] “To be a good crewmate is thinking of others, so vote on a voyage from your sisters or brothers.” 隊友插任務,你投票投下任務

Tactical Chunder [20G] “There is an old saying that to win a sword fight, a tactical chunder will ruin their sight.” 跟敵人打架的時候,喝醉吐他一臉(求互刷成就)

When You're a Professional Pirate [20G] “Being Commended is a pirate's delight, times it by ten and we'll celebrate all night.” 被對方按z發表情clap 十次。

You Can Always Trust the Untrustworthy [30G] “To plunder one's captain is a good ploy, but take it to port to experience the joy!” 把對方船上帶到你船上,(然後帶他回outpost港口)

Become Pirate Legend [50G] “Your dedication to piracy shall never be questioned, once you earn the hideout of Pirate Legend.” 達到傳奇船長,進入傳奇酒館





盜賊之海 (Sea of Thieves)

類別: 動作
平台: PC, XboxONE
開發: Rare
發行: 微軟
上市: 2018-03-20 (PC)
《盜賊之海(Sea of Thieves)》是一款由Rare製作微軟發行的一款融合了多人航海、海戰以及海上探險尋寶元素的遊戲,採用虛幻4引擎打造。玩家在遊戲中將扮演海賊和其他玩家一起駕船航海,尋找寶藏。如果遇到其他的海盜船,還將發生激烈的海戰。

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《盜賊之海》中有很多成就,但是因為是英文內容,所以很多玩家並不了解每個成就的達成方法,以下為《盜賊之海》全成就達成條件一覽,感興趣的朋友來看一看吧。 https://gamemad.com/guide/80912 https://gamemad.com/upload/images/2021/07/12/60ec59778a421.jpg 遊戲操作成就(GAMEPLAY ACHIEVEMENTS) Now Bring Me That Horizon [10G] “With the capstan raised and the sails unfurled, ‘Now bring me that horizon!' a pirate yelled.” 起錨,落帆 Full Billow [5G] “When the wind grabs the sails a pirate will hoot, ‘Full billow mateys, we are full speed en route!'” 三帆滿檔 Handbrake Turn [10G] “When you find yourself needing a new direction, turn hard and weigh anchor to plot a correction.” 左/右 滿舵+急停拋錨 I Wanna Be a Pirate! [10G] “Cashing in rewards is always a pleasure, made even better when a number's the measure.” 交個箱子 Shopping for a Promotion [5G] “Even a pirate wants job recognition, so buy a Promotion to show your position.” 隨意買一件商品/皮膚 I'll Drink to That [5G] “Nothing says being social, like crews drunk down the local.” 喝酒,沒觸發就多喝幾杯 What Shall We Do With a Drunken Sailor? [10G] “A tankard or two may make you blue, have a few more and you will surely spew.” 還是喝酒,要喝到吐 #BeMorePirate [5G] “A new peg leg, an eyepatch, a hat and a hook, maketh the pirate to complete the look.” 買齊 假腿,眼罩,帽子和手鉤皮膚。 Aye of Reach [5G] “Head to the Weaponsmith to extend your Reach, please excuse the pun, it was a figure of speech.” 去賣武器的NPC買把狙擊槍或者狙擊槍的皮膚 Blundarrrrbuss [5G] “Visit the Weaponsmith to empty your coffer, we hear there's some buckshot on special offer.” 去賣武器的NPC買把霰彈槍或者霰彈槍的皮膚 Colourful Sails [5G] “Many people claim pirates had black sails, visit the Shipwright and she'll prove they're folk tales.” 去賣船飾品的NPC買個船帆皮膚 You Fight Like a Merchant [10G] “Block an attack as you scream ‘parlay!', then strike them down to ruin their day.” 用刀格擋對方一次攻擊,然後(也許還要)殺死對方。 How Appropriate! You Fight Like a Chicken [10G] “When an attack is blocked then fret you may, as being counter-struck will ruin your day.” 被對方格擋一次。 But You Have Heard of Me? [10G] “Halfway to Mastery is an important occasion, mark it with a Promotion to display jubilation.” 發個cheer的動作(按z選擇) Self-Entitled [10G] “Pirate Titles are earned in many ways, and owning ten will leave enemies agaze.” 觸發10個成就 In Good Company [5G] “A Trading Company item is great to behold, but upgrade it five times for a beauty untold.” 升級陣營NPC的專屬道具皮膚5次 Did Everyone See That? [10G] “Meeting a rival pirate stood on their ship, will become legend if you send them in for a dip.” 用炮把對方船隻上的玩家轟到海裡。 Ignoring the Rules of Engagement [15G] “To shoot from behind is a cowardly act, unless it's with a blunderbuss as matter of fact.” 從背後用霰彈槍殺死一人 Kraken Good Job [15G] “A number of tentacles appeared from the ocean, you quelled the beast without showing emotion.” 擊退/擊殺海怪 Perfect Dark [15G] “A lady once sailed through a storm at night, turned off her lights did she to show off her might.” 晚上關了船燈進暴風雨區域 Friends Not Foe [10G] “A pirate salute proves you follow the Code, then upon you a new friend was gratefully bestowed.” 按z對一個人發一個friend表情 (彩蛋:兩個人同時按可以直接默認互加好友) A Titanic Ensemble [10G] “A pirate once said that when you are sinking, playing some music is more helpful than drinking.” 船【進水/沉了】的時候,按q拉一下琴 Bone-Cronch [10G] “Patiently wait for a skeleton to ‘cronch', then blow it away to ruin its ‘lonch'.” 在骷髏怪吃香蕉的時候,開槍打死他 Dead Pirates DO Tell Tales [10G] “The Ferry of the Damned opened its gates, and a tale you did tell through the circle of eights.” 死一次進幽靈船 Hold My Grog! [50G] “To fire oneself and nail a deck landing, requires a good aim and much understanding.” 把隊友射到敵方船隻的甲板上(必須要準) I Don't See Your Ship [20G] “One thing all pirates do share in common, is the first memory of watching a ship sink to the bottom.” 看著敵方船沉沒 Laden With Treasure [20G] “If you are of chests aplenty, this achievement unlocks at twenty.” 一次帶20個寶箱在船上 On a Whole New Adventure [10G] “To be a good crewmate is thinking of others, so vote on a voyage from your sisters or brothers.” 隊友插任務,你投票投下任務 Tactical Chunder [20G] “There is an old saying that to win a sword fight, a tactical chunder will ruin their sight.” 跟敵人打架的時候,喝醉吐他一臉(求互刷成就) When You're a Professional Pirate [20G] “Being Commended is a pirate's delight, times it by ten and we'll celebrate all night.” 被對方按z發表情clap 十次。 You Can Always Trust the Untrustworthy [30G] “To plunder one's captain is a good ploy, but take it to port to experience the joy!” 把對方船上帶到你船上,(然後帶他回outpost港口) Become Pirate Legend [50G] “Your dedication to piracy shall never be questioned, once you earn the hideout of Pirate Legend.” 達到傳奇船長,進入傳奇酒館 來源:遊民星空