狩魔獵人除了是精通劍術和體術的戰鬥大師外,他們還會在與怪物的搏鬥中使用各種陷阱、炸彈等道具作為輔助,甚至連魔法也是他們的戰鬥手段之一。但一般情況下,受狩魔獵人本身資質和精力的限制,他們只能修習經過巫師們閹割後的簡單魔法,也就是遊戲中的 “法印” 技能。經過巫師們的改良後,法印去除了普通魔法那些繁瑣而複雜的施法過程,更適合用於快節奏和突發的戰鬥。比起普通魔法,法印擁有吟唱時間短、施法手勢簡單以及基本不需要施法材料的優點,讓狩魔獵人們在單手持劍的情況下,只要用另一隻手就能夠完成法印的施放手勢,幫助他們在戰鬥中使用更靈活多變的戰術和策略。
阿爾德法印 Aard アードの印
Aard is a telekinetic wave that can throw back, knock down or stun an opponent. This sign can also be used to destroy obstacles, for example crumbling walls or stacks of barrels. When an enemy is in front of a cliff, casting the sign can throw them beyond the edge. Aard has an area effect when properly enhanced.
アードの印 念力による衝撃波を起こす。
昆恩法印 Quen クエンの印
Quen is a protective shield that lasts for 40 seconds at the sign's basic level. It is a sign that Geralt uses on himself that absorbs all incoming damage, up to a certain point - at which time it disperses and needs to be recast.
クエンの印 敵から受けるダメージを軽減する障壁を張る。
伊格尼法印 Igni ィグニの印
Igni - in its basic form - releases a gush of flames that wounds opponents with fire. It can also be used to detonate flammable gases emitted by the Dragon's Dream bomb and dead rotfiends.
イグニの印 炎を放ち、敵を攻撃する。
亞克席法印 Axii アクスィーの印
Axii is a charm placed on an opponent. If the charm attempt is successful, the enemy will become your ally for a short while, fighting at your side.
アクスィーの印 敵の精神を操り、會話や戦闘を有利に運ばせる。
亞登法印 Yrden イャーデンの印
Yrden is a magical trap placed on the ground, which will wound and immobilize opponents. The sign's basic level allows you to place a single yrden sign on the ground.
イャーデンの印 地面に魔法の罠を張り、敵の動きを封じる。